Ridiculously Loud Commercial: Difference between revisions

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** '''"BILLY MAYS HERE!!"''' Cue the frantic scramble for the Mute button before your eardrums are blown in.
* Car commercials with rock music.
* There was a Rodeo Ford (a local car dealership) ad featuring a man in a cowboy suit who looks like a [[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation|Ferengi]] and [[Large Ham|ridiculously overacts the entire commercial.]] Certain gems include '''"MY GOSH! THAT'S TOO CHEAP!"''', all while the constant chant of "TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS" plays in the background.
** ''Every'' used car ad, ''ever''.
** That would be [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0319096/ Burton Gilliam], a minor character actor from the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[The ChasersChaser's War Onon Everything]]'' parodies this with the Surprise Spruiker and the Crazy Warehouse Guy.
* Dissected on ''[[The Gruen Transfer]]'', who did note that these can be quite effective and a dirt cheap to make.
** The panel actually like these ads.
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{{quote| '''Dan:''' These ads are the modern equivalent of the Cockney geezer who stands on street corners going '''GET A BARGAIN! GET A BARGAIN! GET IT BEFORE THE POLICE MOVE ME ON!'''}}
* An idea that [[Monty Python]] considered for ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus|Flying Circus]]'' was to have an episode that got gradually softer, so that people would keep turning up the volume, and at the end of the show this trope would take effect deafeningly.
** According to [[Man Onon the Moon]], Andy Kaufman also proposed the same thing.
* [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]] in one episode of ''[[Monk (TV)|Monk]]'', "Mr. Monk and the TV Star", in which {{spoiler|the murderer overdubbed his ex's yoga tape very softly so the added scream would be heard outside, thus allowing him to murder her while appearing to be helping}}. Randy turns off the VCR upon noticing that the yoga tape is still playing, and gets nuked with the sonic blast of an already earth-shaking car commercial. He barely gets the TV turned off in time.
== Music ==