Star Trek/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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== Series ==
* [[Star Trek: theThe Original Series (TV)/YMMV|The Original Series]]
* [[Star Trek: theThe Animated Series (Animation)/YMMV|The Animated Series]]
* [[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation (TV)/YMMV|The Next Generation]]
* [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV)/YMMV|Deep Space Nine]]
* [[Star Trek: Voyager (TV)/YMMV|Voyager]]
* [[Star Trek: Enterprise (TV)/YMMV|Enterprise]]
== Movies ==
* [[Star Trek V: theThe Final Frontier (Film)/YMMV|The Final Frontier]]
* [[Star Trek Generations (Film)/YMMV|Generations]]
* [[Star Trek: First Contact (Film)/YMMV|First Contact]]
* [[Star Trek 2009/YMMV|The 2009 film]]
== [[Star Trek Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]] novels ==
* [[Star Trek: New Frontier (Literature)/YMMV|New Frontier]]
* [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunch/YMMV|Deep Space Nine Relaunch]]
** [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine a Stitch In Time/YMMV|A Stitch in Time]]
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== Video games ==
* [[Star Trek Online (Video Game)/YMMV|Online]]
== Franchise as a whole ==
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* [[Deconstruction Fic]]: All over the place.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Quite possibly Ye Originale Fan Dumb, at least in the sense we think of it today. Mercilessly skewered in the documentary ''Trekkies'', which featured the juror who wore her Star Fleet uniform to court and one fan who seriously thought about getting his ears surgically altered to look Vulcan.)
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: A [[Long Runner]] like ''Trek'' has spawned more than a few. "[[Catch Phrase|To boldly X where no one has Y'ed before]]", [[Resistance Is Futile]], [[Green-Skinned Space Babe|green chicks]], and '''[[Star Trek II: theThe Wrath of Khan (Film)|KHAAAAAAN!]]''' are some of the more memorable.
* [[Ho Yay]]: ''Every'' series has at least one hugely popular slash pairing, and sometimes more than one. Slash fans will ''insist'' these characters want nothing more than to do each other, no matter how heavily contradicted by canon.
** Kirk/Spock (or [[Portmanteau Couple Name|Spirk]]) is the original [[Slash]] pairing.
** Spock/McCoy from ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series (TV)|The Original Series]]''.
** Picard/Q from ''[[The Next Generation]]''.
** Garak/Bashir and Bashir/O'Brien from ''[[Deep Space Nine]]''.
** Janeway/Seven from ''[[Star Trek: Voyager (TV)|Voyager]]''.
** Archer/Reed, Tucker/Reed and Reed/Hayes from ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise (TV)|Enterprise]]''.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]:: In the 30th anniversary special, there is a skit featuring the cast of ''[[Frasier]]'' sserving on the USS Voyager under Janeway. At one point, a Klingon beams aboard with the dog, which had been digging up azalea bushes on the Klingon homeworld. Janeway remarks, "Now you see why we shouldn't have [[Star Trek: Enterprise (TV)|pets on starships]]".
* [[Mary Suetopia]]: Roddenberry's vision for Trek, but especially the first season of ''Star Trek: The Next Generation''.
* [[The Problem Withwith Licensed Games]]: Star Trek has been notoriously variable with the quality of its forays into interactive entertainment - partially because distilling the essence of the best episodes of the series into a truly interactive format is goddamn hard. The "best" Trek games to date have been somewhat more combat-focused than many of the shows really were. Of course, the fact that the license keeps bouncing between hands and developers (unlike [[Lucas Arts]], who've been refining their Star Wars offerings for the better part of two decades now) has not helped matters in the slightest.
** The two genres which are widely considered to have been ''most'' adaptable are [[Real Time Strategy|strategy games]] (''[[Star Trek Bridge Commander]]'', ''[[Star Trek Armada]]'', et al) for the combat elements, and [[Point and Click|point and click adventures]] (''[[Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (video game)]]'', ''[[Judgment Rites]]'', ''[[A Final Unity]]'') for their episodic nature and ability to explore some of Trek's more ponderous aspects. ''25th Anniversary'' and ''A Final Unity'' in particular are often held up as being the closest you can get to actually playing interactive episodes of their respective television series, complete with the complete original casts providing the in-game voices of their characters ([[And the Fandom Rejoiced|which helps a '''lot''' with the atmosphere]]).
* [[Sequelitis]]: it began with the very first episode of ''Voyager'', but by the time ''Insurrection'' rolled around, even major critics were noting that the franchise was taking a fairly serious and noticeable dip in quality. ''Enterprise'' and ''Nemesis'' are "credited" with coming within a whisper of '''killing''' the franchise (''Nemesis'' being the only Trek film in history to ''not'' turn a profit); the reboot salvaged it, but the quality of sequels to it remain to be seen.
* [[Visual Effects of Awesome]]: Watching a later ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]'' episode is almost like watching a movie in television show form. The best examples would likely be "The Best of Both Worlds" (TNG), "The Way of the Warrior" (DS9), "Scorpion" (VOY) and "Twilight" (ENT). Of the movies the favorites are ''[[Star Trek II: theThe Wrath of Khan (Film)|Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan]]'', ''[[Star Trek: First Contact (Film)|Star Trek First Contact]]'' and ''[[Star Trek (Filmfilm)|Star Trek]].''