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** Unlike most examples of this trope, however, [[Doctor Who]]'s [[Legacy Implosion]] has (a) been reasonably popular and (b) stuck. As for (a), the new series is phenomenally popular, and while the [[Legacy Implosion]] isn't the main reason for that it obviously hasn't hurt. And as for (b), the only Time Lords seen in the new series were {{spoiler|the Master, and a [[Shadow Archetype]] seems like a reasonable exception to a "last of the..." rule}}, and some others brought back briefly and temporarily by [[Time Travel]]. At some point Gallifrey might be brought back, who knows, but six seasons and counting is a longer duration of this implosion than most.
* Batman's [[True Companions]] were imploded piece-by-piece, with the exceptions of marketable stalwarts Robin and Nightwing. Orpheus dead, Spoiler dead [[Stuffed Into the Fridge|for dubious reasons]], long-time confidant Leslie Thompkins implicated in killing the latter "to teach Batman a lesson", current Batgirl realizing a [[Face Heel Turn]], former Batgirl Oracle bombed out of her headquarters and sent away from Gotham City along with her Birds of Prey team, Onyx inexplicably vanished from the books. Some of these got [[Author's Saving Throw|undone]]: Steph [[Back From the Dead|wasn't really dead]], and became the new Batgirl, Cassie turned out to be under mind-control and joined Batman Incorporated as Black Bat, and Babs returned to the Bat-fold as Batman Inc's computer specialist. As of the [[New 52]], Babs is Batgirl again, however the fate (or existence) of the others is currently unknown.
* [[Aquaman (Comic Book)|Aquaman]]'s supporting cast were killed off one by one to add drama to the book and boost sales.
* ''[[The Flash]]'' suffered this in the [[New 52]]. Wally West is who knows where, Jay Garrick is on another Earth, Max Mercury and the Quicks could be either. Bart Allen still exists, but doesn't currently have a real connection to Barry.
* This was the major criticism of ''[[Blackest Night]]'' (generally well-received otherwise) and ''[[Brightest Day]]''. In the former, the number of non-legacy characters who died and ''stayed'' dead was exactly one, [[Aquaman (Comic Book)|Tempest]], with other casualties including [[Hawkman|Hawkgirl II]], [[Hawk And Dove|Hawk II]], Damage (one of the numerous inheritors of the original [[The Atom|Atom]]'s mantle), Gehenna Hewett (half of [[Firestorm]] II), and Doctor Polaris II, the last of these only receiving an offhand mention and never actually being shown. Seeing a pattern here? ''[[Brightest Day]]'' killed off yet another Atom legacy and [[Martian Manhunter|Miss Martian]] was presumed dead for a couple issues, too. The fans didn't take any of this particularly well, and it added more fuel to the [[Epileptic Trees]] that the DC suits want the [[Silver Age]] back.
* As you might notice above, this happens to ''[[Hawkman]]'' with some regularity, in varying degrees. It never sticks, and only ever makes the [[Mind Screw]] of a [[Continuity Snarl]] that is Hawkpersons even more [[Tangled Family Tree|tangled]].