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=== The following tropes apply to Spellbinding Radiance: ===
* [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]]: Ike and Mist both get one after the events of the Serenes Forest.
** Ilyana also gets a chapter to herself.
** Rhys gets one as well.
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* [[Badass Princess]]: Elincia.
* [[Bag of Spilling]]: By the time the Radiant Dawn story arc has come around, John is quite rusty and far less proficient than he was during the final battle with Ashnard. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that he's been sitting around studying magic and learning to play instruments than practicing his magic and swordplay.
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: Elincia, Mist, and Jill respectively. The author has commented on many occasions that he jokingly called them John's version of [[CharliesCharlie's Angels]].
* [[Better Asas Friends]]: John and pretty much every girl in the story he becomes close to.
** [[Platonic Life Partners]]: It started with Elincia and John, now Micaiah and John are moving in that direction.
** [[Just Friends]]: John and Karla seemed to be this for a while.
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* [[Blah Blah Blah]]: John does this in the one time Soren's tactical meetings has been shown in story (Chapter 47). The situation results in John coming back to attention at the wrong time.
* [[BLAM Episode]]: The April Fool's Day chapter.
* [[Brick Joke]]: See [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]] below.
* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]]: Ashnard's general reaction to just about every atrocity he's responsible for save for {{spoiler|killing Elincia's father.}}
* [[Butterfly of Doom]]: Okay, so technically John isn't time travelling, but he DOES know what's going to happen in the future thanks to [[Genre Savvy|playing the game god knows how many times]]. Sadly, his very presence in Tellius is enough to make sure that a LOT of stuff is changed.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: A lot of the cast of Blazing Sword somehow manages to end up on Tellius, as well as a few cast members from Sacred Stones. The entire Black Fang even shows up in Crimea as an honest mercenary company in Begnion. And then there's Carin, {{spoiler|A.K.A. Cassandra from [[Soul Calibur]].}} Ashley has also been confirmed to be one, with [[Mythology Gag|many hints]] dropped to the observant that she's from {{spoiler|[[Mass Effect]]; more specifically, her iteration from the self-insert fanfic [[Mass Vexations (Fanfic)|Mass Vexations]] by Foxwolf's friend Herr Wozzeck.}}
** {{spoiler|Confirmed, as of chapter 44 of Mass Vexations 2.}}
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: {{spoiler|Patrick}} breaks out of capture so quickly and easily AND manages to get his hands on so much stuff that one has to wonder whether or not he had inside help. [[The Guards Must Be Crazy|However...]]
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Jay, oh so very much...
* [[Demonic Possession]]: {{spoiler|Karel. Also Karla to a small extent.}}
* [[Denied Food Asas Punishment]]: Oscar seems to love leaving Tanith in charge of food when he was gone. One has to wonder what happened that Oscar would leave a punishment that even [http://www.literature.org/authors/poe-edgar-allan/amontillado.html Montressor] would shudder at.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Guess who defeats Ashnard after he's [[One-Winged Angel|revived though the power of the medallion a la Hard Mode]]. No, it's not Ike. No, it's not one of the Laguz. Nope, not John. Given up yet? {{spoiler|It's PATRICK.}} He's about as surprised as the reader.
* [[Disguised in Drag]]: {{spoiler|John has to dress up as a female whom he arbitrarily names Sophia Domivere. This is one of the uncommon cases where, overall, it isn't [[Played for Laughs]]}}
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'''John''': That waitress is pretty good looking.<br />
'''Ash''': *slap* }}
* [[Dragon Withwith an Agenda]]: {{spoiler|Patrick as of the Radiant Dawn arc.}}
* [[Dramatic Ellipsis]]: The author of this fanfiction loves this about as much as Poe loves dashes.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Micaiah appears in Crimea looking for Sothe during the Path of Radiance arc.
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* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Lute. Just... Lute.
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: John and Jill. You know it's pretty bad when someone like Petrine made note of it.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]: Thankfully subverted in this portrayal. Although Princess Elincia fits this trope in the original game, the author has managed to essentially restructure her character into something less sue-ish and more useful and developed.
* [[Evil Overlord]]: {{spoiler|Ashnard}} in the first part of the fic.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Patrick!}} And ''HOW!''
* [[Fauxlosophic Narration]]: Beginning of Chapter 13 seems to fall into this category.
* {{spoiler|[[First Law of Resurrection]]: John finds a way to come back to life twice. The first time, Gatrie takes the price. The second time, the other people in the camp are given a one-use staff that they use to bring John back to life.}}
* [[First-Person Smartass]]: John seems to be this a good deal of the time. Bonus points in that virtually no one gets his pop culture remarks when he does voice them. {{spoiler|Well... until [[Mass Vexations (Fanfic)|Ash]] comes along, anyway.}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: As part of an [[April Fools' Day]] prank, John and [[Mass Vexations (Fanfic)|Art]] found themselves in this situation.
* [[Free-Range Children]]: Nino, Linde, Mist... and a young man in charge of a massive revolutionary army.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: {{spoiler|The person who was responsible for the death of Gatrie as well as the cause of great amounts of torment for John early in the story just happened to be a time-travelling ex girlfriend who was also once a friend of Gatrie's and mourned his loss. She also happens to be the same person who killed John in the story. [[Ax Crazy]] much?}}
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{{quote| '''Soren''': As a tactician and an important person to Ike, I cannot die," Soren said. (Chapter 74)}}
** Patrick seems to want in on this, too, since the Radiant Dawn portion started.
* [[Giving Radio to Thethe Romans]]: John comes into Tellius with a pocket watch (which is never explained what happened to it), a wallet, a trumpet mouthpiece for some reason, and his cell phone. Subverted when he throws the cell phone into the water instead of using it to improve life for the citizens of Tellius.
** [[Word of God]] says that throwing the cell phone was supposed to be a symbolic action of letting go of the past.
* [[Go-Karting Withwith Bowser]]: Chapter 33... the holiday celebration chapter.
* [[Groin Attack]]: John suffered a rather nasty one at the hands of Patrick. [[Ted Baxter|He considers it one of his many specialties.]]
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: It's a little known fact that [[Recurring Character|recurring]] [[Bit Character]] Patrick (that guy with a crush on Ilyana) is supposed to be one, with him being the main character of a [[Spin-Off]] fanfic created by one of Foxwolf Jackson's friends. Sadly, his story is currently [[Dead Fic]]. {{spoiler|Subverted in that Patrick has now become a recurring antagonist instead.}}
** In an entirely different way, there is a Supporting Protagonist of Another Story with {{spoiler|Ash. It's not explicitly stated in Foxwolf's fic itself, but those who have read [[Mass Vexations (Fanfic)|Mass Vexations]] can immediately catch that Ash is from that fic. She even mentions Art, the hero of that story, at one point. And then there's Chapter 83, in which this is outright stated to be the case in an A/N, as well as in Ash's descriptions of the ME universe.}}
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: John apparently really wants Jill.
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: If Patrick wasn't one already, he certainly became one upon {{spoiler|stealing General Wallace's [[Running Gag|chained axe God of War bullshit]]}}.
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'''Jill''': A... light bulb?<br />
'''John''': Three! Two to fight over who's going to do it and one to bark orders! }}
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: This is Fire Emblem, after all. Not to mention that aside from the standard Path of Radiance cast, there's [[Canon Foreigner|other Fire Emblem characters]] such as [[Fire Emblem|Selena, Karla, Cormag, Linde, Nino...]] just to name a few as well as [[Soul Series|Carin {{spoiler|who is actually Cassandra Alexandra}}]] and [[Mass Vexations (Fanfic)|Ash]]. There are also some original characters, such as Gabriella, Phoenix Apollo Irving, Katrina... and so on. Many characters are introduced, given seeming importance, then [[Put Onon a Bus]] until convenient. That's just the story characters, too.
* [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]]: Exposited on a lot when John is learning how to use magic. {{spoiler|Later results in a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] when John uses fire, lighting, and wind magics in one spell and gets reprimanded by the other mages in the army in a [[Training From Hell|'training' session]].}}
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: Happens at least once to poor [[Chaste Hero|John]]. Subverted, however, as the act was performed by Mia, and it was really more a result of the girl's [[Genki Girl|unbridled enthusiasm and obliviousness to John's pleas to let go]] rather than her chest size.
* [[Master of None]]: John is able to use Anima, Dark and Light magic, something that has only been seen a couple times in the Fire Emblem games. (Specifically Athos, a [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower|very strong]] but [[Crutch Character|fully leveled]] [[Eleventh-Hour Ranger]] character from Fire Emblem 7 and [[Cute Shotaro Boy|Ewan]] from Fire Emblem 8 as a [[Fan Nickname|Super]][[Magikarp Power|Pupil]], a [[Bragging Rights Reward]] [[Prestige Class|promotion]] only unlocked during a [[New Game+|third playthrough and onward]].) However, while he has great potential, John has a great deal of trouble applying it. This leaves him frequently overshadowed by more specialized spellcasters like Selena.
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* [[Ship Tease]]: Happens rather frequently, often without the author's intent. However, given [[Heartbroken Badass|John's]] [[Celibate Hero|nature]], it'd take some doing to make something out of it.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Quite a few.
** As he becomes a more proficient mage, John names his custom-built spells after certain special attacks. Some of his spells? [[Naruto|Rasengan]], [[Pokémon|Tri Attack]], and [[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Indignation Judgement]].
** An entire chapter is also an homage to the first Christmas of World War 1, in which soldiers on both sides of the battlefield engaged in one big, happy Christmas.
*** And during that chapter, John finds out that Canas' last name is [[Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Video Game)|Lualdi]].
** John's first time {{spoiler|dying while in Tellius}} grants us some [[Exposition Beam|insight]] into some of the character's thoughts on the event. The whole thing is somber enough... until we get to {{spoiler|[[Hero of Another Story|Patrick's]] [[Mood Whiplash|thoughts]], which promptly go from mourning [[We Hardly Knew Ye|John's passing]] to accidentally making himself (and the readers) lose The Game and reciting [[Rickroll|a certain love ballad]] to himself in hopes of using it to win over Ilyana.}} [[A Mind Is a Terrible Thing Toto Read]], indeed.
** General Wallace's [[Continuity Nod|spring loaded chain axe]] has been constantly referred to as "chained axe [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|God of War]] bull$#!@" by Patrick. {{spoiler|Upon stealing it, Patrick immediately flies into more references to the series, as well as breaking out the [[Memetic Mutation|infamous]] '''[[Dynasty Warriors|DO NOT PURSUE LU BU]]'''.}}
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: Princess Elincia is portrayed as a kind-hearted person toward John. Even if she isn't the Mary Sue that many fans consider her to be in the games, she is still relatively peaceful and calm. Just don't anger her or force her hand into combat. Therein lies a [[Badass Princess]] behind that veil of formality and peacefulness.
* [[Smug Snake]]: {{spoiler|Patrick. Ignore the fact that he technically knows almost everything worth knowing about the Dawn Brigade. He fits this to a tee.}}
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: The staff that {{spoiler|Shinon}}uses.
* [[Synchronus Episodes]]: Chapters 39 (Do or Die) and 40 (Do or Die: Jill) start at roughly the same time and end roughly the same time, except Chapter 40 has a little {{spoiler|funeral blurb}} tacked on to the end. They even have some scenes that are the same in both chapters. One has to wonder if this is brilliance by the author to combine the two chapters or sheer laziness.
* [[Take That]]: There are quite a few in Chapter 74, although the ones to the new [[Clash of the Titans]] movie, the new [[War of the Worlds]] movie, and [[Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World]] are the most prominent. It seems like the author just MIGHT have something against sequels...
* [[Ted Baxter]]: Patrick has this quality in '''''SPADES'''''.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: "It was nice to be in a town where we weren't worried for our lives. I think we'll be safe in a secluded, out of the way desert town. It's finally a time of peace for us. What could go wrong?" (Chapter 87). Cue the spotting of a Begnion soldier in town.
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** John seems to have taken after Selena's pushiness and Shinon's tactics when apprenticing poor Leonardo.
* [[Trapped in Another World]]: John. {{spoiler|Patrick}}, to some extent.
* [[Trial Byby Combat]]: John and Jarod near the end of the Path of Radiance portion of the story.
** It seems Patrick and John are heading in this direction considering Patrick seems to be of a higher status in the Begnion army and John seems to be right-hand man to Micaiah in Sothe's place.
* [[Tsundere]]: Jill alternates between beating John up, admitting he's cool to talk to, insults him, becomes a good friend, {{spoiler|kills him}}, then {{spoiler|ends up dating him}}. All over the place, that one is.