Spellbinding Radiance: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Princess]]: Elincia.
* [[Bag of Spilling]]: By the time the Radiant Dawn story arc has come around, John is quite rusty and far less proficient than he was during the final battle with Ashnard. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that he's been sitting around studying magic and learning to play instruments than practicing his magic and swordplay.
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: Elincia, Mist, and Jill respectively. The author has commented on many occasions that he jokingly called them John's version of [[Charlies Angels]].
* [[Better As Friends]]: John and pretty much every girl in the story he becomes close to.
** [[Platonic Life Partners]]: It started with Elincia and John, now Micaiah and John are moving in that direction.
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* [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: {{spoiler|Patrick as of the Radiant Dawn arc.}}
* [[Dramatic Ellipsis]]: The author of this fanfiction loves this about as much as Poe loves dashes.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Micaiah appears in Crimea looking for Sothe during the Path of Radiance arc.
* [[Easy Communication]]: Happens all the time in the story. Lampshaded by John when he is temporary leader of the Crimean Revolutionary Army and he has no idea how to issue commands to the entire army like Ike.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Lute. Just... Lute.
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* [[Giving Radio to The Romans]]: John comes into Tellius with a pocket watch (which is never explained what happened to it), a wallet, a trumpet mouthpiece for some reason, and his cell phone. Subverted when he throws the cell phone into the water instead of using it to improve life for the citizens of Tellius.
** [[Word of God]] says that throwing the cell phone was supposed to be a symbolic action of letting go of the past.
* [[Go -Karting With Bowser]]: Chapter 33... the holiday celebration chapter.
* [[Groin Attack]]: John suffered a rather nasty one at the hands of Patrick. [[Ted Baxter|He considers it one of his many specialties.]]
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: It's a little known fact that [[Recurring Character|recurring]] [[Bit Character]] Patrick (that guy with a crush on Ilyana) is supposed to be one, with him being the main character of a [[Spin-Off]] fanfic created by one of Foxwolf Jackson's friends. Sadly, his story is currently [[Dead Fic]]. {{spoiler|Subverted in that Patrick has now become a recurring antagonist instead.}}
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* [[Magic A Is Magic A]]: Exposited on a lot when John is learning how to use magic. {{spoiler|Later results in a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] when John uses fire, lighting, and wind magics in one spell and gets reprimanded by the other mages in the army in a [[Training From Hell|'training' session]].}}
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: Happens at least once to poor [[Chaste Hero|John]]. Subverted, however, as the act was performed by Mia, and it was really more a result of the girl's [[Genki Girl|unbridled enthusiasm and obliviousness to John's pleas to let go]] rather than her chest size.
* [[Master of None]]: John is able to use Anima, Dark and Light magic, something that has only been seen a couple times in the Fire Emblem games. (Specifically Athos, a [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|very strong]] but [[Crutch Character|fully leveled]] [[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]] character from Fire Emblem 7 and [[Cute Shotaro Boy|Ewan]] from Fire Emblem 8 as a [[Fan Nickname|Super]][[Magikarp Power|Pupil]], a [[Bragging Rights Reward]] [[Prestige Class|promotion]] only unlocked during a [[New Game Plus+|third playthrough and onward]].) However, while he has great potential, John has a great deal of trouble applying it. This leaves him frequently overshadowed by more specialized spellcasters like Selena.
* [[Meta Guy|Meta Girl]]: Jay has evolved into one of these, snarking on things even John - with all his pop culture knowhow and genre savvy - doesn't pick up.
* [[Mind Fuck]]: Apparently, {{spoiler|Sophia Domivere is a ''real person'', seeing as how she and John are somehow able to be in two places at once.}}
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{{quote| '''Patrick''': [[TV Tropes]]. [[Unusual Euphemism]]. Look it up.}}
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Do what you will to John, but you do '''''NOT''''' mess with his friends if you know what's good for you.
* [[Pop -Cultured Badass]]: For those rare moments where John isn't [[You Suck|getting his ass royally handed to him]], he certainly qualifies. Patrick is perhaps even more of a contender, considering he was the one to {{spoiler|off Ashnard}}.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Selena is always portrayed as a calm character, always being a gentle, kind guide to the rash hero of the story. However, Chapter 88 has a gem that is very rarely seen in the form of a rare moment of despair.
{{quote| '''Selena''': Well, shit.}}
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* [[Ship Sinking]]: {{spoiler|Patrick pretty much took his relationship with Ilyana and [[Player Punch|shot a cannonball at it]].}} {{spoiler|John and Jill has also been thoroughly sunk thanks to [[The Reveal]] of Jay.}}
* [[Ship Tease]]: Happens rather frequently, often without the author's intent. However, given [[Heartbroken Badass|John's]] [[Celibate Hero|nature]], it'd take some doing to make something out of it.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Quite a few.
** As he becomes a more proficient mage, John names his custom-built spells after certain special attacks. Some of his spells? [[Naruto|Rasengan]], [[Pokémon|Tri Attack]], and [[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Indignation Judgement]].
** An entire chapter is also an homage to the first Christmas of World War 1, in which soldiers on both sides of the battlefield engaged in one big, happy Christmas.
*** And during that chapter, John finds out that Canas' last name is [[Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Video Game)|Lualdi]].
** John's first time {{spoiler|dying while in Tellius}} grants us some [[Exposition Beam|insight]] into some of the character's thoughts on the event. The whole thing is somber enough... until we get to {{spoiler|[[Hero of Another Story|Patrick's]] [[Mood Whiplash|thoughts]], which promptly go from mourning [[We Hardly Knew Ye|John's passing]] to accidentally making himself (and the readers) lose The Game and reciting [[Rick RollRickroll|a certain love ballad]] to himself in hopes of using it to win over Ilyana.}} [[A Mind Is a Terrible Thing To Read]], indeed.
** General Wallace's [[Continuity Nod|spring loaded chain axe]] has been constantly referred to as "chained axe [[God of War (Video Game)|God of War]] bull$#!@" by Patrick. {{spoiler|Upon stealing it, Patrick immediately flies into more references to the series, as well as breaking out the [[Memetic Mutation|infamous]] '''[[Dynasty Warriors|DO NOT PURSUE LU BU]]'''.}}
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: Princess Elincia is portrayed as a kind-hearted person toward John. Even if she isn't the Mary Sue that many fans consider her to be in the games, she is still relatively peaceful and calm. Just don't anger her or force her hand into combat. Therein lies a [[Badass Princess]] behind that veil of formality and peacefulness.
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** {{spoiler|Petrine}} does again later on in the story {{spoiler|but pays the price with her life.}}
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Boyd and John certainly qualify for the second version of this. There's rarely a moment when these two are together where Boyd isn't either [[Moment Killer|spoiling a nice]] [[Ship Tease]] or trading vocal jabs with our protagonist.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Chapter 82. {{spoiler|Patrick became an [[Ascended Extra]], pulled a [[Face Heel Turn]], won a [[Curb Stomp Battle]] and got his own [[Hatedom]]... all in one chapter!}}
** And then Chapter 102. [[Mind Fuck]] much?
* [[Wham! Line]]: ''Twice'' in the same chapter.
{{quote| '''Ashley''': {{spoiler|Who is Jay?}} [And then, much later on...] {{spoiler|Do the words 'Spellbinding Radiance' mean anything to you?}}}}
* [[Write Who You Know]]: John, obviously.