Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Difference between revisions

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* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]: The costumes from the original, plus Alex Ross's famous ideas for the costume from the movies, Spider-[[X-Men|Phoenix]], a version of the ''[[Earth X]]'' Venom costume, the black and white Negative Zone costume Spider-Man wore, and an insulated costume worn to fight Electro once.
* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: Sandman and {{spoiler|Hyper Electro}} both stage their respective boss fights in locations peppered with sources of the only thing each one is vulnerable to ([[Kill It with Water|water pumps]] and {{spoiler|[[Hoist by His Own Petard|power generators]]}}, respectively). This is lampshaded in the latter thusly:
{{quote| '''Spidey:''' You'd think a guy would... ''get wise'' to this trick.}}
** Justified with the Lizard. He would be unbeatable were it not for the fact that the serum used to turn him back into Dr Connors was being produced in the lab where you fight him.
* [[The Cameo]]: The villains of the first game appear in the ending, and Doc Ock is ''still'' beating his head against the bars.