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A [[Our Centaurs Are Different|centaur-esque]] creature that has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a [[Giant Spider|spider]], sometimes referred to as [[Dungeons and Dragons|Driders]]. Most of the time they are seen as females since female spiders are bigger and more dangerous than males (also serves as a form of [[Fetish Fuel]]). They're usually shown as [[Chaotic Evil|evil]] [[Spiders Are Scary|beings]] but occasionally fall into the [[Cute Monster Girl]] category.
Not to be confused with [[Spider-Man]] or [[Spider-Woman (Comic Book)|Spider-Woman]]. See also the [[Youkai]] Tsuchigumo and Jurogumo, which are spiders that can turn into people and often have mix-and-match shapes similar to this trope. Naturally, tend to have an [[Arachnid Appearance and Attire]].
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* The Tarantula Mistresses from ''[[City of Heroes]]''.
* Drachnids in both ''[[Ever Quest]]'' games. Upper body of a Dark Elf, lower half of a spider. Made as an experiment / wedding gift by an especially crazy sorceress toward an exceptionally powerful vampire. He didn't care for them, so he released them on Kunark where they quickly populated.
* Spider-Human hybrids were meant to be the next step up from the first [[Resident Evil|Resident Evil's]] Chimera monsters, which were humanoid flies. Unfortunately, the concept was created during [[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)|Resident Evil 2's]] ''1.5'' phase -famously abandoned during a late build by the creators, and the creature went along with it.
* The dark elf unit Spider Queen, in [[Age of Wonders|Age of Wonders 2]].
* Two appear in ''[[Dark Souls]].'' The first is a boss fight; Quelaag is half-naked-woman, half-'''MAGMA'''-spider, so you spend quite a lot of time dodging flame bursts and lava flows. The other is her unnamed sickly albino sister. "The White Lady" is friendly enough (because she's so ill she thinks you're her sister) and acts as a fire keeper.