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* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: During the rescue.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Madison
* [[Haven't You Seen X Before?]]:
{{quote| '''Freddie:''' What are you looking at? You never seen a guy who slept with a fish before? Get back to work!}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Dr. Kornbluth, upon learning that {{spoiler|his colleagues plan to dissect Madison.}}
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* [[Involuntary Shapeshifting]]: Madison + water = mermaid.
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: "No one here, just me and the moron twins." "We're not twins!"
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Freddie. He may be lecherous, rude, and insensitive, but he has a good core.
* [[Language of Love]]: Allen and Madison have a shag in an elevator before they even share a common language.
** And in the hallway. And in the kitchen. And on top of the fridge??
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* [[Nonhuman Lover Reveal]]: the first time she gets wet.
* [[Painful Transformation]]: [[Ron Howard]] wanted something like this for the bathtub sequence, but decided it would ruin the appeal of the character.
* [[Playing Withwith Syringes]]: When Allen goes to confront Kornbluth he is at the dentist. Expecting Allen to attack him, he grabs the syringe of anesthesia to defend himself.
* [[Please Put Some Clothes On]]: What nudity taboo?
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Madison
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* [[Underwater Kiss]]: Must be a mermaid thing.
* [[The Unpronounceable]]: Madison's real name.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Freddy was last seen about to be arrested by the feds. If he goes to prison, and Allen never comes back, who's going to run the company?
* [[Your Universe or Mine?]]: {{spoiler|When Madison must go back to the ocean, she tells Allen that he can go with her, but he will never be able to return to land. It is never explained why, perhaps it may have to do with the sea hag subplot. Still, he was reluctant at first but accepts readily after saving her from government frogmen.}}
** {{spoiler|Its somewhat a [[Bittersweet Ending]]. The bitter part is Allen will never see his brother, friends, or even Kornbluth again. The sweet part is being with Madison always.}}