SpongeBob SquarePants/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]:
** Plenty. For example, the Davy Jones and Nosferatu cameos.
** The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX5HONI2ZKc old folk from a soda commercial gag.] Done in a similar style to a ''[[Family Guy (Animation)|Family Guy]]'' [[Cutaway Gag]].
** The werewolf scene from "The Great Patty Caper". Came out of nowhere? Check! Added nothing to the plot? Check! Was never mentioned again? Check!
* [[Broken Base]]: Over whether post-movie episodes are even worth watching.
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** In "Graveyard Shift" (Season 2), Squidward tells SpongeBob a (false) story about a fry-cook who accidentally cuts his hand off while cutting patties:
{{quote| '''Squidward:''' And then, he got hit by a bus! [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|And then, at his funeral, they FIRED him!]]}}
* [[Awesome Moments]]: See [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Awesome|this page]] for examples.
* [[Funny Moments]]: [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Funny|Enough to warrant a page devoted to the topic.]]
* [[Heartwarming Moments]]: The scene in "Have You Seen This Snail?", where Gary finds out SpongeBob misses him after all, and decides to return home.
* [[Awesome Music]]: See the trope above.
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** "Chocolate with Nuts". Patrick put it best: "Hooray for lying!"
* [[Fountain of Memes]]:
** As seen [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Memes|here]].
** As for individual characters, [[The Ditz|Patrick]] is the best example here.
* [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]]: One episode, SpongeBob shouts 'Holy Oil Spill!' as Mermaid Man's rivals appear.
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{{quote| '''Patrick''': "We're not talking about some dumb mail fraud scheme or a hijacking! WE STOLE A BALLOON!"<br />
(A few months after the episode aired, 9/11, the anthrax letters and hijacking of Flight 793 occurred. Coincidence or foreshadowing?) }}
* [[Ho Yay]]: Take a look at [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Ho Yay|this page.]]
* [[Genius Bonus]]:
** In "Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost", when Squidward is deciding where he wants his "throne" to be laid down, he complains that some spots are "too hot", "too wet", and [[wikipedia:Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec|"Toulouse-Lautrec"]], and then cuts to a painting of his re-done with fish.
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* [[Idiot Plot]]: "The Nasty Patty" It is even lampshaded at the end of the episode.
{{quote| '''Narrator''': Welp, that's our story. Yes, they are all idiots aren't they?}}
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Enough to warrant [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Memes|a page all of its own.]]
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]:
** Mr. Krabs is always a miserable cheapskate, but throughout the series he became much worse and has done many cruel actions to point where fans consider him a [[Complete Monster]]. For Mr. Krabs these actions are the potential candidates for his [[Moral Event Horizon]]:
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** The fandom consider Squidward getting his toenail ripped off in "House Fancy" and the ''entire episode'' of "The Splinter" the biggest examples.
* [[Never Live It Down]]: Mr. Krabs driving Plankton to suicide and poisoning people are this amongst the fandom.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Nightmare Fuel|A pageful!]]
* [[No Problem With Licensed Games]]:
** Battle For Bikini Bottom
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* [[Painful Rhyme]]: From "Party Pooper Pants"'s [[Framing Device]]: "Down, down, down to the bottom of the sea/Where we wait for SpongeBob and his snail Gary..."
* [[Periphery Demographic]]: College students, even more so in recent years due to the teens/adults who grew up watching the show as kids. This led to [[SpongeBob]] and friends becoming prime [[Memetic Mutation|memetic]] material.
* [[The Problem Withwith Licensed Games]]: With a couple exceptions; see [[No Problem With Licensed Games]] above.
* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]: Sandy.
* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: SpongeBob himself, especially with Squidward fans. Yes, SpongeBob was Flanderized. No, he doesn't make Squidward suffer on purpose.
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*** Kind of [[Just for Pun|averages]] out. Some episodes, like "Mystery With a Twist-ery" and "Spongebob's Last Stand" are the best received episodes since at least Season 4. Some episodes, such as "Greasy Buffoons", "One Coarse Meal", and "A Pal for Gary" are considered the ''worst'' episodes of the series, [[Seasonal Rot|even worse than]] [[Dork Age|Season 5 or 6]].
** Season 1 (before [[Growing the Beard]]) due to a lot of [[Early Installment Weirdness]].
* [[Tainted Byby the Preview]]: The preview commercials before the show came out made it look INCREDIBLY stupid. [[Never Trust a Trailer|Thankfully, that turned out not to be the case.]]
* [[Tear Jerker]]: [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)/Tear Jerker|Got its own page]].
* [[That One Level]]: That goddamn ball puzzle in the Mermalair in ''Battle for Bikini Bottom''. It requires ludicrous amounts of speed, precision and near-pinpoint accuracy with one of the most awkward techniques in the game.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: Some fans of the earlier seasons claim that seasons 4 and onwards are downright awful because the mood of the show changed considerably due to changes in the staff.