Squirrels in My Pants: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Rapper''': Now somebody, anybody, everybody, scream!<br />
'''Candace''': *screams* [[Trope Namer|There's squirrels in my pants!]]<br />
'''Rapper''': [[Unusual Euphemism|Wow! That girl's got some]] [[Male Gaze|serious squirrels]] [[That Came Out Wrong|in her pants]]!|''[[Phineas and Ferb]]''}}
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== Comic Strips ==
* The ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'' strip quoted below has a subversion in which Calvin simply has a hole in his pocket, causing some of his pennies to drop down his leg.
{{quote| '''Calvin:''' You never know when some crazed rodent with cold feet might be running loose in your pants.<br />
'''Hobbes:''' Another reason [[Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal|not to wear 'em.]] }}
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== Films -- Animation ==
* ''[[The Iron Giant]]'': Done with, indeed, a squirrel. (In fact, the character in question actually says the trope name while he's at it, perhaps making this film the actual [[Trope Namer]].)
{{quote| '''Dean McCoppin:''' Excuse me! I'd like to apologize to everyone in advance for this. ''(zips down his fly to let the squirrel out, which cause a loud commotion)'' [[Check, Please!]].}}
* The roach does this to robots in ''[[WALL-E]]''. Apparently, it tickles.
* Used early on in ''[[Ratatouille]]'', earning the victim some very funny looks. Though to be fair to the rodent in question, the victim ''did'' put him there on purpose.
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* Near the beginning of ''[[The Nutty Professor]]'' (the one with [[Eddie Murphy]]), a ''lot'' of hamsters escape their laboratory custody, wreaking havoc on a university campus. For a short scene, perviness ensues when... well, let's just say that [[Biggus Dickus|what it looks like]] is played for laughs.
* All right, the puppets in ''[[Hobgoblins]]'' never actually make it ''into'' the pants of the teens they're attacking, but they do dance and writhe to try and make it look like they're being attacked. It's probably better than the awful 80's dancing they were doing before.
{{quote| "That looks like a new dance! ''Kinky!''}}
* No one was dancing, but in the movie of ''[[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire|Harry Potter]]'', when Draco gets turned into a ferret he gets put in Crabbe's pants. There is a song about this by the wizard rock group "Draco and the Malfoys" called "Goyle's Pants". (The song gets it wrong about whose pants ferret!Draco went into.)
* Several ''[[The Three Stooges]]'' shorts make use of this.
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* ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?|Whose Line Is It Anyway]]''
** We give you one of the Greatest Hits from the "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuZhOWMsqSg Songs of the Safari]" collection, the Jamaican Rap "Ants, Ants, Ants In My Pants".
{{quote| ''Now everytime I get busy,<br />
Now everytime I want get down and dance,<br />
Because everytime I start moving like this,<br />
What that mean, got ants in me pants.'' }}
** In one game of Crazy Newscasters, Ryan was the weather man who had rats in his pants. At first he howls in pain and fright, but then [[Fetish Fuel|his vocalizations start to change...]]
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* In ''[[Community]]'' episode [[Community/Recap/S1 E10 Environmental Science|Environmental Science]] Troy has a lab rat climb up his leg and proceeds to freak out.
* Although he doesn't notice it, Zack from ''[[The Suite Life On Deck]]'' had a snake crawl up his pants and bite him, knocking him unconscious.
{{quote| '''Zack:''' Ow! Yeah, something definitely just bit me.}}
* In one of the early episodes of ''[[Drake and Josh]]'', a girl Josh liked left a snake for him in his jacket that he left behind at a restaurant, which leads to a "trouser snake" situation.
* In ''[[That's So Raven]]'', a bloopers sequence is shown on the season 1 finale, with a goofup of Cory accidentally letting his rat Lionel climb down his shirt
{{quote| '''Cory:''' He's in my shirt!!! ''(Offstage & Eddie laughing)''}}
* Also occurs in the spin-off ''[[Cory in The House]]'', when Lionel is shipped to the White House and Sophie lets him escape, leading to Lionel climbing up the president's pant leg during an important press conference. [[Hilarity Ensues]]
* Although not an animal, this trope was invoked in ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]'' when a trophyman was charmed with the Murrieta Animata spell uses this trope to escape from Max
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== Music ==
* Music example: The song "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" by [[Ray Stevens]]:
{{quote| ''The day the squirrel went berserk<br />
In the First Self-Righteous Church<br />
In that sleepy little town of Pascagoula ''(Pascagoula!)''<br />
It was a fight for survival<br />
That broke out in revival<br />
They were jumpin' pews and shoutin' Hallelujah!'' }}
* The Chenille Sisters, a contemporary folk band with no actual familial relations, has the "Ants-in-Your-Pants Dance", which is [[Ear Worm|much more annoying]] once you outgrow it.
* On his album "Late Last Night", which is full of songs designed for children to dance along to, Joe Scruggs has a song called "Ants In My Pants" about various dances brought on by difficult or dangerous situations (such as the "I-Can't-Move Boogaloo" and the "Up-To-Your-Chin Save-Yourself-Swim"), including, of course, the "I Got Ants in My Pants Dance".
* [["Weird Al" Yankovic|Weird Al Yankovic]]'s "Everything You Know Is Wrong" has this lovely bit:
{{quote| ''One day I was driving in the fast lane<br />
With a rabid wolverine in my underwear'' }}
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== Puppet Shows ==
* In ''[[Muppet Treasure Island]]'', Gonzo observes at one point that his pants are filled with starfish. This later becomes helpful when he whips out the starfish during a fight scene and uses them as ''shuriken'', but at the time of the comment, it only serves to weird out Rizzo.
{{quote| '''Rizzo:''' You and your hobbies!}}
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== Web Original ==
* In the origin story of Fey in the ''[[Whateley Universe]]'', ordinary high school frosh Nick Reilly is slowly [[Gender Bender|turning against his will]] into a hot redheaded babe who also happens to be a powerful mage. He gets confronted by a school bully who rips Nick's shirt off, stressing out Nick so much that he accidentally unleashes dozens of hobgoblins who happen to appear as psychedelic-colored squirrels. Two of them go straight up the bully's pants legs. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
{{quote| "Ohhh nuts!"}}
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{{quote| ''Wow, she had actual squirrels in her pants!''<br />
''We just got served!'' }}