Star Ocean: Till the End of Time/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Fayt Leingod ===
==== Voiced by: [[Soichiro Hoshi]] (JP), [[Steve Staley]] (EN) ====
[[File:227px-Fayt8_1698Fayt8 1698.jpg|frame]]
The main character of the game. Fayt Leingod is a laid-back teen who enjoys his time with his family and friends, especially Sophia. All goes wrong once an alien invasion attacks the resort planet he, his family, and Sophia were staying at. From there, they are all separated when escaping to different places of the galaxy. Fayt now has to fend off for himself in hopes to find his family, {{spoiler|except that he finds out eventually that he carries one of the three powers to save the universe from a much bigger threat, his power being Destruction}}.
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* [[Awesome McCoolname]]
* {{spoiler|[[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: He possesses the power of Destruction, which allows the party to use their battle skills and magic in the 4D world. As a bonus, his power manifests in his ultimate battle skill "Ethereal Blast"...}}
** {{spoiler|[[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: ...that you get from the [[Bonus Dungeon]] to use in actual battles despite it shows up during a cutscene.}}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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=== Sophia Esteed ===
==== Voiced by: [[Atsuko Enomoto]] (JP), [[Michelle Ruff]] (EN) ====
[[File:207px-Sophia6_6806Sophia6 6806.jpg|frame]]
The main girl {{spoiler|though she joins the party late}}. Sophia has a stereotypical life as any other girl who likes to cook and have fun with his friend Fayt. All changes once she is forced to escape from an alien invasion to a colony in the space {{spoiler|and then gets kidnapped midway}}. Although she's a bit naive to the events around her, Sophia gives her all to help. {{spoiler|She has with her one of the three powers to save the universe: Connection}}.
* [[Black Magician Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: She has the power of Connection, which allows the party to "connect" to the 4D world by breaking through its barriers.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Awesome but Impractical]]: But then again, it barely works perfectly since it was developed in a short time unlike the other two}}.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Similarly to Mirage and Peppita, she has to be leveled up quite a bit to catch up with the rest once she joins the party for good. Once she does, though, she's the most versatile magic user in the game.
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=== Peppita Rossetti ===
==== Voiced by: [[Masayo Kurata]] (JP), [[Sherry Lynn]] (EN) ====
[[File:197px-Peppita5_1566Peppita5 1566.jpg|frame]]
The circus girl. Peppita travels around the universe with her circus family to entertain people to become a star dancer just like her deceased mother. When Fayt and Sophia meet her, she was about to put up her debut on the stage until the resort planet was invaded by aliens. She briefly assists the duo in two forced fights until they're all separated. Much later, she reunites and assists Fayt in liberating Moonbase and joins the party if the player chooses her. Otherwise, she will remain behind.
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* [[Dub Name Change]]: She was Souffle in the Japanese version.
* [[Dance Battler]]
* [[Dark -Skinned Blond]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Shoes and bangles.
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=== Cliff Fittir ===
==== Voiced by: [[Hiroki Tochi]] (JP), [[Dave Wittenberg]] (EN) ====
[[File:140px-Cliff7_4099Cliff7 4099.jpg|frame]]
The former leader of Quark until lending his place to Maria {{spoiler|because of her power of Alteration}} thinking that she is more fitting for the role. Cliff is the one who abducts Fayt in order to protect him and make sure he doesn't get killed or captured alive. Being a Klausian, Cliff has a big amount of stamina and strength, being able to achieve harder feats than Earthlings can. His partner in crime is Mirage whom Cliff has commented to be as strong as him, possibly because they grew up attending their homeworld's dojo. He acts like an advisor for both Fayt and Maria whenever they are facing trouble, eventually taking a supporting role.
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Power Fist]]
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: His Fists of Fury special attack.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His fourth costume makes him look like [[Final Fantasy VIII|Squall Leonhart]].
** It adds to the little [[Shout -Out]] in the dictionary speaking about Squalls... Oh, never mind.
=== Nel Zelpher ===
==== Voiced by: [[Yuu Asakawa]] (JP), [[Wendee Lee]] (EN) ====
[[File:122px-Nel8_7873Nel8 7873.jpg|frame]]
Nel is one of the residents of the Kingdom of Aquaria of Elicoor II and leader of the Secret Legion, which is charged to gather intelligence to report to the queen. Even though she shows a serious side, her kind heart gets in the way to change the way she performs in her missions no matter how dangerous it is for her even at the cost of her life. She is one of the three residents of Elicoor II that can go with Fayt for the rest of his journey.
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=== Roger S. Huxley ===
==== Voiced by: Mari Maruta (JP), [[Mona Marshall]] (EN) ====
[[File:234px-Roger6_43Roger6 43.jpg|frame]]
A bratty kid Menodix who lives in the Sanmite Republic of Elicoor II. Roger is part of a small band of children band who cheers him on in "Real Men Contests" against the rival group of his hometown, said contests being very ridiculous like stealing a trophy from a dangerous bandit. Albeit really small, Roger doesn't let his size be a problem when facing enemies bigger than him. His biggest dream is to become a real man one day through the tests he is given by his peers. He is one of the three residents of Elicoor II that can join Fayt's journey {{spoiler|and in Roger's case, leave him behind without ever meeting him at all}}.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: The helmets are actually his main weapon of choice, though.
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]
* [[Cool Helmet]]: Also includes a shark helmet!
* [[Optional Party Member]]
* [[Petting Zoo People]]
{{quote| ''Cliff: What the- He's got a tail!''}}
* [[Puppy Dog Eyes]]: His method to convince the party to save him from the thief that put him in the cage. Naturally, he gets annoyed too early and drops off his sweet side for his true behavior. (I mean, look at his picture in the page! Don't be fooled by his cutesy look).
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?|What Happened To Roger?:]] {{spoiler|Subverted. If Fayt never gets to meet Roger in the story, after the credits, Roger will be given a scene where he is seen crying inside the cage with no hopes of being rescued.}}
* [[Wild Child]]: One of his costumes.
=== Maria Traydor ===
==== Voiced by: [[Michiko Neya]] (JP), [[Dorothy Elias Fahn]] (EN) ====
[[File:129px-Maria8_575Maria8 575.jpg|frame]]
The young enigmatic and beautiful leader of Quark as told by some. Maria Traydor is the one who commands the entire anti-Federation group {{spoiler|because of her power of Alteration; one of the three powers given through experimentation by scientists}}. Orphaned at a young age, Maria grew up thanks to Cliff and Mirage acting as her guardians. {{spoiler|During an incident while on a mission, her genetic powers allowed the crew to escape certain death}}. From that point onward, she developed an intelligent mind but a rather strong blunt personality while seeking out her origins.
* [[Action Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: She possesses the power of Alteration, which allows the party to exist in the 4D world. As a bonus, her power manifests in battle in that it allows her to use support magic for the party.}}
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: Most of her attacks involve lasers. The one that takes the cake is Energy Burst.
* [[Kick Chick]]: Averted. Not her main method of fighting but her second one taught to her by Mirage. It's more obvious since they share some of the attacks together.
* [[Lady of War]]
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=== Adray Lasbard ===
==== Voiced by: [[Unsho Ishizuka]] (JP), [[Beau Billingslea]] (EN) ====
[[File:252px-Adray1_7814Adray1 7814.jpg|frame]]
An extra character added to the final version of the game. Adray is Clair's father, a hot blooded Aquarian whom along with Nel's father helped in the growth and foundation of the kingdom. Other than that, he is an adept in Runology and an average fighter. Whenever he gets the chance, he asks any young man he finds to marry his daughter, much for her dismay. He is always sent away to dangerous missions from the kingdom to avoid having him around during diplomatic matters.
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* [[Badass Grandpa]] (in appearance if not reality, [[I Want Grandkids|so far]])
* [[Embarrassing Tattoo]]: Subverted. Sure, Adray is proud and loves Clair so much, but we know for sure how she would react if she saw herself as a chibi version surrounded by roses...on her father's back, no less.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]
* [[Magic Knight]]: He is basically this since he can make symbology in to battle skills yet he also learns physical battle skills. Too bad he doesn't excel in either.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His samurai outfit vaguely resembles the [[Final Fantasy|White Mage class]].
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Compared to all the playable characters in general, Adray likes to talk a lot whenever he levels up. Thankfully, you can skip his long speeches.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: Looking pretty good for almost sixty, too.
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=== Albel Nox ===
==== Voiced by: [[Isshin Chiba]] (JP), [[Crispin Freeman]] (EN) ====
[[File:150px-Albel4_4479Albel4 4479.jpg|frame]]
Leader of the Black Brigade, one of the three brigades of the Kingdom of Airyglyph. Albel is known as "Albel the Wicked", deciding to take no prisoners or survivors from the battles he fights. He acts as an antagonist for the first part of the game until he is forced to join the group in exchange for his deeds. He heavily dislikes working alongside Nel for being an Aquarian. He is one of the three members of Elicoor II that can join Fayt's journey permanently {{spoiler|though he can be fought if he didn't show up to save the party in the training facility}}.
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** [[Demoted to Extra]]
* [[Pitiful Worms]]: ''Constantly.''
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Sarashi]]: One of his bonus costumes.
=== Mirage Koas ===
==== Voiced by: [[Emi Shinohara]] (JP), [[Kari Wahlgren]] (EN) ====
[[File:122px-Mirage8_7250Mirage8 7250.jpg|frame]]
An extra character for the final version of the game although she was already there. Mirage is the calm and collected partner of Cliff. It is said by Cliff that she is strong enough to hold her own since she is also a Klausian, wishing luck to any unlucky enemy who tries to do harm on her. She happens to be the daughter of a dojo-owner, the same dojo where she and Cliff trained their skills. She also taught Maria how to fight.
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The leader of the Crimson Blade, Adray Lasbard's daughter, and long-time friend of Nel. She always worries about Nel whenever she disobeys missions due to her kind heart. Clair dislikes a lot that her father asks young men to marry her soon against her wishes.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: What the fans might believe she is due to her interactions with Nel.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
=== Ameena ===
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One of the creators of the Eternal Sphere.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Aids the main characters against the wishes of her employers because she believes that they have a right to exist.
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: As far as the Eternal Sphere inhabitants are concerned, she couldn't be farther in opinion from her brother {{spoiler|Luther}}.
=== Robert Leingod ===
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=== Luther Lansfeld ===
[[File:Luther__934Luther 934.jpg|frame]]
The Owner, President and CEO of Sphere, the creator of the Eternal Sphere and the Main Antagonist. He isn't actually seen face to face until the very end, but the impact of his actions affect the entire game's events.
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* [[Dub Name Change]]: He was Lucifer in the Japanese version.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: To be fair, at first he thinks {{spoiler|the characters and their universe is just data.}} So he honestly thinks their grievances with him are justifiably nothing. But when he loses his first battle? He definitely goes a little crazy, if not batshit insane.
* [[This Cannot Be!]]:
{{quote| '''Luther Lansfeld:'''I-I don’t believe it! Data! They’re nothing but data! Why am I-I being<br />
deleted!? Destroyed! ''Why!?'' Ahhhhhh!!!" }}
* [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?]]: Again, he thinks the only reason {{spoiler|the Eternal Sphere denizens can think, act for themselves, etc. is because they were programmed to act like the 4D denizens}}. But ''then'' he goes on to say that {{spoiler|no matter how thoroughly they might evolve, dataforms have no right to be ''anything'' but the playthings of their creators}}. In case the terminology is distracting you, {{spoiler|it translates to "any mortal action other than obeying the whims of the gods is a capital offense"}}.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Before the first fight, Luther acts like a typical company president considering Fayt and co. like something similar to an insubordinate worker. Yet before the second fight, he degrades into maniacal laughter and comes off how "Righteousness Shall Prevail!!"
[[Category:Video Games/Characters]]
[[Category:Star Ocean: Till Thethe End Ofof Time]]