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'''Star Stealing Prince''' is a freeware fantasy RPG created with RPGMakerVX by Ronove (or known as Black Birds of Rye on the [ official site]). The prince of the title is Snowe, who has inherited the snowy kingdom of Sabine after the deaths of his mysterious parents, King Edgar and Queen Lina.
One night, Snowe has a bizarre dream in which a shadowy demon boasts of its intent to murder Astra, a young woman in a nearby tower. His innocent quest to rescue her sets in motion a series of revelations that will reveal the truth about the powerful, complex magic that sustains his kingdom. However, he won't be alone in his quest for the truth. His allies are Astra, her loyal undead guardian Hiante, her loyal demon Erio, and later, a bitter (though good-natured) sentry named Relenia.
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** Erio: [[Glass Cannon]]
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Numismatist may qualify. Being a ghost and all.
** She gets bonus points for appearing next to Snowe's bed at one point, though it can be [[Fridge Horror]] if you remember the conditions for her to manifest.
* [[Dem Bones]]: Hiante is a friendly version. The various other skeletal phantoms you see in the game? Less friendly.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: {{spoiler|Snowe}} is an interesting take on this.
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* [[Rescue Romance]]: {{spoiler|Averted. In the [[Bonus Dungeon]], Snowe admits that his affection for Astra is purely platonic.}}
* [[The Reveal]]: Happens several times, and most of the important cutscenes are conveyed through a series of striking pictures created by Ronove.
* [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can]]: {{spoiler|The demon in Snowe is of the [[Sealed Evil in a Can]] variety. In the bad ending it gets unsealed, and in the good one it remains sealed and is now more pissed off than ever.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]}}: {{spoiler|The [[Bad Ending]], though subverted on one account -- everyone ''except'' Snow dies, [[And I Must Scream|which just makes it worse.]]}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: There are many hidden references to other RPG Maker games. In particular, Ronove has said that the character of Hiante was inspired in part by Stoic from [[Master of the Wind]].
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** One that borders on [[Homage]]: The IP system is practically identical to that of the ''[[Lufia]]'' series.
** The "Scary Mask" item is from ''[[Mother 3]]''.
** In the non-gaming category, one of the snowmen seems to be fond of singing [[Pat Benatar|"Love is a Battlefield"]].
* [[Sour Supporter]]: Erio for most of the game.
* [[Sword and Sorcerer]]: {{spoiler|Edgar and Lina, to an extent, though this is also subverted, as both of them have aspects from each archetype.}}
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* [[Useless Useful Spell]]: Heavily averted. ''Nothing'' is immune to status effects, even the [[Final Boss]], and they are often crucial to victory. The Child's Cornet and the Scary Mask (which inflict stat debuffs) are two of the most useful items in the game.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|The Dream goes absolutely berserk after Astra figures out how to weaken it, even letting loose a [[Precision F-Strike]].}}
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: Lorel will force players to adapt to the more intricate elements of the battle system or perish...and is a wimp compared to some of the bosses who follow.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** Snowe: [[Carry a Big Stick]] / [[Simple Staff]]
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