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{{quote|''"You are the Captain. You have the Conn."''}}
Developed By Totally Games, who years prior gave us ''[[XStar Wars: X-Wing]]'' and ''[[TIE Fighter]]'' from [[Star Wars|that other franchise]], Star Trek: Bridge Commander is a [[Simulation Game|space sim]] set in the [[Star Trek]] [[The Verse|universe]]. The plot revolves around an inexperienced captain (read: YOU), trying to prevent an interstellar war, shortly after the end of [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|another]].
Bridge Commander was an ambitious attempt to replicate the feel of the various series, with generally positive results. It's the first game in the franchise to nail the feeling of flying around in one of the huge capital ships, and still has a very active fan community. Not bad at all for a barely advertised game from 2002.
* [[AFGNCAAP]] (The player character is never seen or heard. The only information about the character comes in the intro while your doomed Captain is dictating his log, and identifies the player character in an offhand remark as a [[Always Male|male]].)
* [[Alternate Continuity]] (Bridge Commander forms part of a strange sort of alternate universe, having links to the [[Star Trek Armada|Armada]] games, [[Star Trek Elite Force|Elite Force/II]], and [[Star Trek Starfleet Command|Star Trek: Starfleet Command III]]. All these games were published by Activision.)
* [[All There in the Manual]] (Bridge Commander's ''tenuous'' link to [[Star Trek Starfleet Command|SFC 3]] is shown in the description of the Sovereign-class in SFC 3's instuction manual.)
* [[Apocalypse How]] (A class X-2 Example.)
* [[Big Damn Heroes]] You in several missions, {{spoiler|the Enterprise}} about three times.
* [[Canon Immigrant]]: Several races, and many ships for the existing canon races.
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* [[Crew of One]] (Subverted, while you can take control of systems manually, the ship is normally run by your AI crewmates, who will actually do a pretty good job keeping it in one piece.)
** This mainly extends to maneuvering the starship and targeting/firing its weapons though, although you can also personally set power allocations and repair priorities.
* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]] (The main plot of the game revolves around what caused a star to suddenly go nova in the games intro, and after trying to prevent it from happening again.)
* [[Field Promotion]] (A particularly glaring example: It's established in the introduction cutscene that the player character has just been transferred to the Dauntless, after having spent some time as a first officer, then the captain gets fried in a supernova, and the player character is immediately promoted to ship's captain. {{spoiler|And soon after, given one of the most powerful ships in Starfleet. Though it is initially something of a fixer-upper.}})
* [[Five-Man Band]] Commander Larsen (The Leader, though also the Scrappy), Chief Brex (The Lancer; third in command and is a bit of a comedian in contrast to Saffi's snobby, by-the-book nature), Lt. Savali (The Big Guy), Miguel (The Smart Guy, though Brex also counts for this), Kiska (The Chick).
** Alternatively, you're the Hero with Saffi as your Lancer and both Brex and Miguel splitting Smart Guy duties depending on the situation.
** Finally, the Federation ships in the game form a [[Five-Man Band]] of their own with the [[Lightning Bruiser|Sovereign-class]] as [[The Hero]], [[Glass Cannon|Akira-class]] as [[The Lancer]], [[Mighty Glacier|Galaxy-class]] as [[The Big Guy]], [[Squishy Wizard|Nebula-class]] as [[The Smart Guy]] and [[Joke Character|Ambassador-class]] as [[The Chick]].
* [[Game Mod]] (Dozens. A notable example is Kobayashi Maru, which combines many of them, dramatically altering the game and refining the gameplay.)
* [[Heroic Mime]] (The player character never speaks.)
* [[Hitbox Dissonance]] Found in poorly-made player mods. One Cardassian ship featured a hit box that was twice the size of the model. This made flying against it with collisions on frustrating
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] To a degree: You can NOT destroy Matan's ship. You can cripple it, but the hull won't break. Even your chief engineer is impressed. Incidentally, it is still possible to lose the game once you've done this. There are also a few situations in the game where you're encouraged to run, not fight (You know how [[Unwinnable Training Simulation|The Kobayashi Maru]] was 1 on 3? Try 1 on 12!)
* [[Justified Tutorial]] (The first episode of the game. You're more or less allowed free rein with little prompting, but are accompanied by [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Captain Picard]], in case you need a little extra guidance.)
* [[Rookie Red Ranger]]
* [[Simulation Game]] (Spaceflight)
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*** It can [[It Gets Worse|get worse]], since you can only have three subsystems at a time on the repair queue and it's SO slow.
* [[The Bridge]] (Obvious.)
* [[The Captain]] (Played with. Your Captain gets pasted before the ''credits even roll'', but was by all accounts from his peers, a pretty damned [[Cool Old Guy|cool guy]]. Also used in your interactions with fellow starfleet captains during the game.)
* [[We Come in Peace, Shoot to Kill]] ''You''... maybe. {{spoiler|After several hostile run ins with the mysterious Kessok, you find one, with its shields down, in front of an object you're after, with no life signs aboard. Adrenaline pumping, your first instinct is to take advantage and blow the farker up (ok, YMMV)... ''However'', you can also try ''hailing'' the vessel, which results in a peaceful dialog Gene Rodenberry would be proud of.}}