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== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ==
* In an early episode, Garak is criticizing Shakespeare's Julius Caesar for being entirely too predictable and unrealistic, much to the annoyance of Bashir:
{{quote| '''Garak:''' "''I'' knew Brutus was going to kill Caesar ''in the first act!'' But Caesar didn't figure it out until the knife was in his back."<br />
'''Bashir:''' "But that's what makes it a tragedy. Caesar couldn't conceive that his best friend would plot to kill him."<br />
'''Garak:''' "Tragedy is not the word I'd use. "Farce" would be more appropriate. Supposedly, this man is supposed to be a leader of a great empire, a brilliant military tactician and yet he can't see what's going on ''under his own nose!''" }}
** Then, ''many'' episodes later, {{spoiler|Gul Dukat's daughter, Ziyal, helps free [[La Résistance]], who then disable the station's weapons array which allows Sisko to retake the station. Her betrayal of her father had been a long time coming and Dukat had been warned repeatedly in the episodes before then, but he refused to believe it until it was far too late and the damage had already been done.}} It should be noted that Garak and Dukat are sworn enemies.