Star Trek: The Animated Series/Funny

  • The "KIRK IS A JERK" moment from "The Practical Joker."
  • In the episode "The Jihad", from Spock no less.

Em/3/Green: We'll all die here!
Spock: A statistical probability.
Lara: You ever quote anything beside statistics, Vulcan?
Spock: Yes, but philosophy and poetry are not appropriate here.

  • "Sometimes, Spock, I wish I'd been a librarian."
  • "Bem". After being captured and caged by the local Lizard Folk:

Kirk: How come we always end up like this?

Spock: I assume that's a rhetorical question, Captain, not requiring an answer.

Kirk: I was just expressing my curiosity at our ability to get into these kinds of situations.

Spock: Fate, Captain, fate..

Kirk: Fate, Spock?

Spock: I believe that's the correct Earth term.

Kirk: Well, why don't you try your, uh, Vulcan Nerve Pinch?

Spock: Captain. I am only a Vulcan. There are limits.