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== [[Star Trek: Voyager]] ==
== Janeway was [[Kicked Upstairs]] prior to [[Star Trek: Nemesis]] ==
#While the [[Alternate Timeline]] in "Endgame" forced Janeway to endure the things that earned her the title of [[Four-Star Badass|Admiral Badass]] upon returning home, she never did get that chance in the main timeline. With a record of questionable decisions, now without years of strife to make amends, Starfleet made Janeway an Admiral to keep her away from the front lines where she'd screw up the worst.
** [[Fridge Brilliance|Now we know how there got to be so many]] [[Insane Admiral|Insane Admirals]] in Starfleet.
* Considering she crippled (or destroyed) the Borg, Saved and bolstered relations with the Q, and the Federation was captivated by Voyagers story I always thought it was more of a publicity stunt.
* To fans who are annoyed that Janeway got a promotion "over" Picard, keep this in mind: Picard was *offered* promotions before, but rejected them, because he *wants* to continue to captain the Enterprise and stay with his crew. Janeway, though she undoubtedly loves her ship and crew just as much, has spent seven years lost in space, with no connections to Earth or her family. She probably accepted a promotion gladly, because she was tired and needed to be back on Earth at home. (This does not discredit the hilarious "Kicked Upstairs" theory however. Merely suggesting that Janeway was well aware that she was being "kicked upstairs," and more than fine with it, because *she* didn't want herself on a starship anymore either!)
== ''Voyager'' is responsible for the Obama presidency ==
# Jeri Ryan wanted to move to Los Angeles after she got the job as Seven of Nine, but her husband at the time, Illinois politician Jack Ryan, objected.
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== Tom Paris and Harry Kim are [[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager's]] [[One True Pairing]] ==
C'mon, it's practically [[Word of God]] anyway!
* In the very least,
== Fear's first victim died of a natural heart attack ==
In the Voyager episode "The Thaw", aliens inside a holodeck/cryogenic suspension machine are menaced by a creation created from their minds, a Joker [[Expy]] named "Fear". It's just a simulation that shouldn't be able to hurt them, but Fear has discovered he can terrify them into having heart attacks. Since all his power comes from [[Your Mind Makes It Real]], he shouldn't be able to hurt them: They know the system is harmless.
But what if Fear discovered the heart attack "exploit" by accident? Perhaps one of the people inside the simulation had a weak heart and happened to die of natural causes while Fear was trying to scare him? Before this, Fear would have been just be a minor annoyance, a character created from their fears about the future with no real power. Once one of them dies, they'd be a lot more afraid of him, giving him more power (since he is a creation of their fears) and making his threats real: The people think he can give them heart attacks; therefore, ''he can''.
== Voyager's Deuterium Shortage Was A Cover-Up. ==
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** Could be a group of Shadows and Vorlons that were stuck in Thirdspace after they closed the gate and eventually crossbred.
*** That would require Shadows and Vorlons to be able to stand each other.
**** Well, they do work together against the Third Space Aliens according to the movie. Maybe the group that got stuck there decided to keep at it, as they were trapped in hostile territory.
*** You get lonely, centuries pass. You can't get intimate with your blood relatives after all. And after a few beers your hated Neighbor down the road starts looking mighty fine...
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== Seska from ''Voyager'' is the lost daughter of Legate Ghemor from ''Deep Space Nine'' ==
Her Obsidian Order deep-cover programming had an allowance for situations not listed in its parameters, thus enabling Ileana Ghemor/"Seska" to awaken once she was in the Delta Quadrant. Evidence:
# Even after she knew about Cardassian infiltration techniques and what to look for, Kira never found Ileana among Bajorans.
# Seska could not have been the spy's Cardassian name. It would have been recognized in a heartbeat by angry Bajorans.
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== Kes went insane after leaving Voyager because she learned something she didn't want to know. ==
When Kes left in “The Gift”, her psychic powers had caused her to evolve into a higher life form (thanks to her experience with Species 8472). When she returned years later in “Fury”, we never learned what happened after she left that made her so bitter and so crazy. She blames Janeway for “filling her head with ideas of exploration.” Since Kes was always so eager to explore, she probably continued to do so after leaving Voyager. In her higher plane of existence, she must’ve learned something upsetting about life, the universe, and everything that drove her insane. Being reminded of who she used to be probably had the effect of reminding this now higher being that, "It's the simple joys of life that matter, not the big picture", or something cheesey like that.
* Maybe Kes' power allowed her to perceive disruptions in time. Considering how Voyager messed up the timeline every few episodes that could have caused her a great deal of frustration or possible harm as the timestream kept altering back and forth.
** Very plausible; as seen in "Time and Again", Kes really can sense changes in the timeline, at least sometimes. She could also sense the deaths of strangers lightyears away. Having both these abilities increased dramatically could easily have driven her over the edge.
* Maybe her "transcendence" did not include her life span, and she got bitter that even though she was all-powerful, she was still so very mortal.
== Kes went insane after leaving Voyager because she learned that the Borg had assimilated her world. ==
The Ocampa were a race that was completely defenseless and possessed massive psychic power, definitely something the Borg would want to add to themselves. They would have learned of the Ocampa through Voyager's many contacts with them (Tuvok was assimilated in full, Seven's memories were downloaded, they had a Collective in their cargo bay for several days which would have been ample time to learn of them). This would explain:
-Kes' irrational rage.
-her aiming that rage at her forme friends
-wating to send herself home, likely out of a deluded desire to protect her people
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First, Neelix is dating Kes, who is less than two years old when the shows starts. After breaking up, he starts spending much of his time "taking care" of Naomi Wildman after she's born. He also spends quite a bit of time with the Borg children (along with Seven, whom he doesn't even seem to look twice at). Coincidence? Not on [[Wild Mass Guessing]]!
** What persuaded him to leave Voyager? Meeting a Talaxian widow and her young son. Favourite target acquiring method of earth paedophiles? Date a mother who has no contact with the father of her children. Stardate 54868.6, Moral Officer's Log: [[Family Guy|Jackpot]]!
* Kes is age 2 and lives 9 years, so at first, we assumed it was kosher. But then episode ''Eulogium'' stated that Kes did not expect to become sexually mature so soon.
** Though for the Ocompa sexual maturity is different than physical maturity and doubles as menopause as well. We don't even have any evidence that Kes did or even could have sex with Neelix. Her reproductive organs are on her hands and she gives birth from a sack on her back, she probably doesn't even have a vagina.
*** Who says Neelix needs . . . I'm done speculating about their anatomy.
== The Doctor's portable holographic emitter is the most powerful technology ever created. ==
Look, Holograms can do stupidly powerful things in Star Trek canon. Now we have portable ones that can be ''carried by holograms''. All you'd need to do is make a portable emitter, and then have it project a much larger and more powerful holographic portable holographic projector. And behold a self-perpetuating series of mobile holograms. Even if you couldn't do that, you could easily have a holographic space ship crewed by holograms.
* This was discussed in a ''Strange New Worlds'' story, where a mega-''Enterprise'' is exploring outside the galaxy, {{spoiler|Crewed by holographic [[A Is]] based on the TOS, TNG, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager crews. They came back to discover that the inhabitants of the Milky Way [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence]].}}
* This wouldn't work under the given reasoning. A holographic portable holoemitter would still only be capable of emitting a hologram within the range of the original holoemitter, much as how a hologram that attempts to walk off the holodeck into the rest of the ship will disappear as it leaves the range of the holodeck's holoemitters. The holographic portable holoemitter would only be a projection, and thus any hologram created by the holographic portable holoemitter would actually be created by the original holoemitter, and subject to its limits. Remember, holograms aren't actually physical, they're pure simulation.
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== During "The Killing Game," Naomi Wildman was... ==
* the WWII program, hiding in the attic of Neelix's house, singing "I Have A Little Dreidel..."
* ...outside the holodeck with Harry Kim and the other slaves, serving the Hirogen lemonade and biscuits.
** I'm going with this one, since the Hirogen were shown to be hunters with a rudimentary code of honor, and hunters usually do not consider immature offspring to be fair sport.
* ...hiding in a Jeffries Tube, singing "I Have A Little Dreidel..."
* the Klingon simulation, sitting in a cave in full mock-Klingon makeup, singing "I Have A Little Bat'leth..."
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== Janeway is/was a member of Section 31 ==
...and her real mission (after the failure of the Maquis pursuit) was to acquire technology, information and possible allies that could be used to defeat the Dominion and the Borg. That's why she destroyed the Array and stranded the crew in the Delta Quadrant in the first place, and why she either resisted or outright sabotaged any attempts to bring ''Voyager'' home and using any means necessary to keep the true nature of her mission secret (including murdering Tuvix who was slowly but surely figuring out her plans, reprogramming the Doctor whenever necessary and mind-frelling with Seven of Nine in ''The Voyager Conspiracy'' when she stumbled onto the truth). But when she was given the order to terminate Seven of Nine (after extracting all useful information from her), she refused because she had grown attatched to her emotionally to the point of obsession. Section 31 had the technology to bring ''Voyager'' back at any time, but when Janeway disobeyed orders, they cut off contact completely and left her well and truly stranded.
Shortly before ''Voyager'' returned in the original timeline, Section 31 planned to have her secretly executed but realized that she had taken measures to ensure that certain information would find its way into the "wrong" hands in the event of her untimely death, so they murdered Seven of Nine instead, using Pathfinder to send a code to disrupt her nanotechnology. In order to protect the rest of her crew, Janeway kept quiet, but ultimately decided to go back in time and "set things right" by not destroying the Array and allowing ''Voyager'' to return without incident. However, she realized that the information and technology she brought back was indeed crucial to the protection of the Federation, so she opted to go with "Plan B" instead and destroy the Borg in the process. Her promotion to Admiral in both timelines came about when she blackmailed certain top Starfleet brass (many of whom wanted to court-martial her after examining the mission logs and grilling her crew about certain questionable command decisions), and is now using her new position to destroy Section 31 from within.
== Janeway = Sarah Palin ==
I always guessed that after conceiving of a female captain, the writers of ''Voyager'' leaned back and basked in their self-satisfaction, and never actually bothered with making her interesting in any way.
Sarah Palin, on the other hand...
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Among the massive death and destruction of World War 3, the few remaining Native Americans were killed and the records of their actual beliefs and practices were mostly destroyed, leaving behind only a vague legend tarnished by pop culture. Centuries later, a group that included Chakotay's parents or grandparents gathered those legends together and decided to re-create "Indian" culture. They ended up with a [[Future Imperfect|bastardized, historically inaccurate version of it]] that they follow as though it's an actual ancient tradition.
* So basically, it's Wicca all over again?
** Daaaaaaamn! This troper is Wiccan and just spit coffee all over his keyboard laughing.
* So the reason he's a Hollywood Indian is because he's from a group of Hollywood Indians? That explains so very much.
== Tuvok's line in part 2 of the pilot about how it would take hours to get the array back online was inserted after initial production. ==
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== Most of the non-human crew members work Night Shifts. ==
In most episodes, most if not all of the crew members showing in the background appear human. But in episodes that focus on the "lower decks," the crew is shown as being very diverse, with Bolians, Bajorans, Vulcans, and Betazoids. We know these non-human crew members are on-board. So why don't we usually see them? Granted, Betazoids and Bajorans could both look like humans from afar (if you're not close enough to see their eyes or noses). So maybe those crewmembers have the same shift schedules as the humans. But what about the Bolians and Vulcans, and any other species that would be more noticeable?
They work night shifts. Why? Various reasons. Perhaps crew members from the same planet were more comfortable around each other, and preferred to all work the same schedule (some indirect, unintended segregation if you will). Or perhaps they have sleep schedules that work out best for the Night Shift (somehow).
== Seska was mentally ill, and her only hope for a cure was in the Alpha Quadrant. ==
Up until "State of Flux," Seska, while shady, seemed a smart and mentally stable person. Come "State of Flux" however, and she begins to behave very irrationally. Yes, she is frustrated with Starfleet regulations limiting Voyager's return home; but surely a scientist and spy as brilliant as her would have realized that backwards space-cavemen like the Kazon would not be better help. Then there's "Manuvers," in which Seska either steals Chakotay's "DNA" to impregnate herself, or just lies and claims she did; either choice is quite odd, and never really explained on the show. After her death we learn (in "Worst Case Scenario") that, before leaving Voyager, Seska tampered with Tuvok's holonovel and made it deadly...why again?
Long story short, here's what we know about Seska: she is brilliant, with great problem-solving skills, as well as planning and scheming; she is DESPERATE to return to the Alpha Quadrant; and she makes bizarre, irrational decisions that are not in her own best interests.
Explanation: Seska was mentally ill. She was receiving regular treatment for her illness while spying on the Maquis, whenever she reported into her Cardassian authorities. But once lost in the Delta Quadrant, that treatment was gone. She struggled to keep a grip on herself and get home as fast as possible, but failed in both regards. (She certainly wouldn't be the first Cardassian Trekkies know to go crazy.)
== Tom's duplicate in "Course, Oblivion" died by suicide. ==
We do not see Tom's duplicate die; last we see him, he is on the bridge, expressing his cynicism and wondering out loud why he's still taking orders from Janeway's duplicate. Come the next staff meeting, Tom is already gone. That last time we saw Tom, the decay had not affected him nearly as badly as some other crewmembers. There may have been internal damage that killed him soon after, but it's not a given.
Tom's duplicate had completely given up hope, once finding out he was a duplicate. Harry asks if Tom wants to try to reach Earth, or "just wait to disintegrate." Tom stares at Harry a moment, as if thinking about that.
After losing Chakotay, Tom decided that no, he didn't want to wait to disintegrate, and he had nothing to live for anyway. So he returned to his quarters and phasered himself.
== Chakotay's recurring stiffness and monotone has an explanation. ==
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* Long ago, Chakotay had a Spirit Quest that went horribly wrong. Now, every once in a while, he gets possessed by the ghost of Nicholas Cadge.
* It's just one of his personal quirks. When he's under stress, he "freezes up," and becomes stiff and monotone. (Some people have this problem in real life.) For the most part he's gotten out of that habit, but it still shows up now and then.
* Chakotay had a Spirit Quest gone horribly wrong, and is now aware of the Fourth Wall. For the most part he tries to ignore it, and do his duty as First Officer. But sometimes, he can't help but groan and what the writers beyond the Fourth Wall are doing--and the fact that no one except himself and Q suspects that they are actually fictional characters in a TV series.
* Three words: Indian Peace Pipe.
== Chakotay's is Seven's beard. ==