Star Trek Novel Verse/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Nanietta Bacco ===
As of the conclusion to ''[[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...]]'', Bacco serves as President of the United Federation of Planets. She holds that office through the events of ''[[Star Trek Articles of the Federation]]'', ''[[Star Trek Destiny]]'' and ''[[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]]''. An elderly human woman, she is charged with guiding [[the Federation]] through a period of great instability. She's a bit of an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: from her introduction as part of a novel's C-plot, she was quickly promoted to a character carrying [[Star Trek Articles of the Federation|her own book]]. Since then, her role has only expanded further.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Politically, Bacco and Tholian Ambassador Tezrene are almost certainly Arch Enemies. Their first real political tussle occurs in ''[[A Singular Destiny]]'', in which Tezrene came out on top. Bacco won the next round in ''[[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]]: Zero Sum Game'', before Tezrene once again triumphed in ''Paths of Disharmony'', when her people succeeded in causing further political chaos in the Federation. As of late, Bacco refers to "that bitch Tezrene."
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: In the [[Star Trek Destiny]] trilogy, Bacco calls for aid from all other major powers in the Alpha and Beta quadrants, but their response is tepid and the combined fleet is annihilated within minutes anyway. All that her efforts really accomplish is to [[Sequel Hook|antagonize the Tholians]].
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* [[I Say What I Say]]: When Bacco is temporarily duplicated in [[Star Trek Department of Temporal Investigations]] (long story), the two presidents respond to a compliment with a simultaneous (somewhat sarcastic) "oh, please!" Amusingly, they also snark at each other for making the exact sort of grumpy, sarcastic comments that Bacco always makes.
* [[Must Have Caffeine]]
* [[Not So Different]]: There have been a few scenes that compare (and contrast) her with the previous president, Min Zife. A few of them can [[Your Mileage May Vary|potentially be read]] as warnings of how easy it might be for someone of Bacco's integrity to slip nonetheless into less-than-moral conduct. A scene in [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact|''Zero Sum Game'']], in which Bacco is confronted by Federation Council members wary of her potentially questionable decisions, announcing their intention to veto a bill only to be outmaneuvered, recalls a scene in [[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...|''A Time to Heal'']], where President Zife faced a similar confrontation. Where Zife deflected criticism by appealing to humanitarian arguments, while actually up to his neck in illegal activities, Bacco attacks with information on the support she has from other councillors, seemingly convinced that she's on the right side of the moral line. As both novels were written by the same author, the similarities (and contrasts) between the two scenes are likely entirely deliberate.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
* [[Serious Business]]: Baseball
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=== T'Ryssa Chen ===
A half-human/half-Vulcan Starfleet officer who tries to distance herself from her Vulcan heritage by acting as distinctly un-Vulcan as possible. Not exactly a ''model'' officer, but with lots of potential. Recently joined the crew of the [[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation Relaunch|''Enterprise'']]. Captain Picard is now guiding her, as a sort of [[Mentor]].
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: After her father finally makes contact after a ''long'' absence, looking for information on her mother (specifically, if she survived the [[Star Trek Destiny|Borg invasion]]):
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== Cervantes Quinn ==
A trader and independent soldier-of-fortune who becomes tangled up in Project Vanguard, the morally ambiguous Starfleet operation detailed in the [[Star Trek: Vanguard]] series. He tries several times to turn his life around, escaping from alcoholism and ties to criminal syndicates only to dip back in again when he suffers another emotional blow.
* [[Action Survivor]]: Although he becomes far more of a traditional action hero during the middle of the series, during his time as a asset of Starfleet Intelligence. Sadly, Quinn is very much in [[Butt Monkey]] territory...and not the humorous sort of [[Butt Monkey]], either.
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=== Elias Vaughn ===
A Starfleet officer with a long history and a deceptively low rank, Vaughn was introduced in the ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch]]''. By this point, he was over a century old, with eighty years experience in Starfleet Intelligence, Special Operations and Tactical. Vaughn was a critical player in several crucial events in Federation history, among them the [[Star Trek: theThe Lost Era|Tomed Incident]], the [[Star Trek: theThe Lost Era|Betreka Nebula Incident]], and the [[Star Trek: theThe Battle of Betazed|liberation of Betazed from the Dominion]].
* [[The Atoner]]: For the death of his wife and his failures in raising their daughter.
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: An example from [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch|''Demons of Air and Darkness'']], after he handles a hostage situation by simply shooting the hostage taker, because he realizes his own phaser will fire with this level of radiation but the hostage-taker's won't:
{{quote| '''Julian Bashir''': Why didn't you say that's what you were planning in the first place? <br />
'''Vaughn''': Because, Doctor, when you become a commander, they take the bone out of your head that makes you explain orders. }}
* [[The Gump]]: That well-known but as-yet-unexplored historical event? Vaughn will probably have been involved. Some readers certainly feel this trope got over-used.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: He tries one in [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch|''Twilight'']], in order to save an extra-dimensional life-form from an eternity of loneliness.
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]: His childhood history on Berengaria VII; he was apparently mauled by a dragon at one point. It was established as early as the [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Original Series]] of ''[[Star Trek]]'' that Berengaria VII is home to dragons, and Vaughn had previously been said to originate there. Eventually, the two bits of trivia made an inevitable linkage. Since Vaughn is the sort of character with a highly adventurous background, it's no surprise he apparently had dragon bites where other children had bruised knees.
* [[It Never Gets Any Easier]]: Particularly notable at the conclusion to ''[[Star Trek: theThe Battle of Betazed]]''.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: In [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch|''Warpath'']], when he believes his adult daughter has been murdered by a rogue colleague.
== The Federation (non-humans) ==
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=== T'Lana ===
A Vulcan counselor assigned to [[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation Relaunch|Picard's ''Enterprise'']] for a time. She clashed with Picard over his particular command style and eventually left the ship.
* [[Aborted Arc]]: The end of her first novel, ''Resistance'', seemed to be setting T'Lana up as a romantic interest for Worf. Then ''Before Dishonour'' happened. Worf's with Jasminder Choudhury now, instead.
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== T'Prynn ==
A Vulcan agent of Starfleet Intelligence, whose morally ambiguous career covered [[Star Trek: Vanguard|Project Vanguard]] and a partnership with [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch|Elias Vaughn]].
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: T'Prynn's did not go well. The ritual combat that was invoked when she filed for divorce also didn't go well. To explain: T'Prynn rejected her appointed mate, Sten, whom she never loved, and decided instead to choose her own companions. Sten was unwilling to release T'Prynn from her betrothal and invoked ritual combat in an attempt to force her to submit. T'Prynn refused; she killed him in the combat that followed. But before he died, [[Mind Rape|Sten forced his katra into T'Prynn's mind]].
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: At times. Particularly notable when she asks if Starfleet personnel assigned to a super-freighter should be given first-class accomodations:
{{quote| "No of course not. Such generosity from Starfleet would be certain to draw suspicions. Steerage it is then".}}
* [[Insanity Defense]]: During the darkest period of her career, partway through the [[Star Trek: Vanguard]] series, she points out it's the only plausible defense she could give for her latest actions, though she doesn't pursue it.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: A homosexual relationship with Anna Sandesjo/Lurqal (a Klingon spy disguised as a human).
* [[Saved by Canon]]: In an interesting example of a character being Saved by Canon for the moment, but [[Doomed by Canon]] in the long run, T'Prynn can't die at any point in the [[Star Trek: Vanguard]] series, even when she's in a coma due to [[Mind Rape]], because she's going to die in a transporter accident eighty years later, as shown in [[Flash Back]] in the [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunchrelaunch]] novels.
* [[The Atoner]]: By the end of [[Star Trek: Vanguard]]:
{{quote| ''It is likely I will never balance the scales of my own guilt and virtue. But that does not absolve me of my responsibility to try''.}}
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=== Torvig Bu-kar-nguv ===
A young crewman aboard the starship [[Star Trek: Titan|''Titan'']]. An eager and somewhat exasperating fellow (though also very endearing). He's a Choblik, a race of cyborg [[Uplifted Animal|Uplifted Animals]] whose religion is based on respect for technology and the scientific method. He's the [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] of the ''[[Star Trek: Titan]]'' series.
* [[Adorkable]]
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* [[Alien Arts Are Appreciated]]: A Bolian, he greatly admired ''Monet's Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies''. He left the painting in a prominent position in the Presidental wardroom, considering it a symbol of all the art and culture of the Federation, which he was intent on preserving.
* [[Flanderization]]: Some accuse later portrayals (such as in the ''[[Star Trek: Vulcans Soul]]'' books) of flanderizing the relationship between Zife and Koll Azernal, with Zife being an ineffective president relying on scheming Azernal to run the government for him. It is certainly more obvious in ''Vulcan's Soul'' than in ''[[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...]]''.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]
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* [[Finders Rulers]]: Unofficially, the Sword of Kahless. Whatever the law says, anyone holding the sword will more or less find themselves ruler of the Klingon Empire. Fortunately, rightful leader Martok has it.
* [[King Arthur]]: ''The Left Hand of Destiny'' turned the ongoing Klingon saga into this, in part. Martok is Arthur. Worf is Lancelot, Emperor Kahless is Merlin, Alexander is Percival, Ezri Dax is the Lady in the Lake, Morjod is (obviously, Meaningful Name) Mordred, Gothmara is Morgan Le Fay. Martok's father, Urthog, is another obvious Arthurian homage. And the Sword of Kahless is of course Excalibur.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: The Klingons often demonstrate this trope in the novels; their enthusiastic bluster, casual violence and fondness for drink disguise the fact that they're every bit as capable of cunning manipulation as any other race; indeed, they're actually extremely political, for all their talk of "warrior's honour". Grodak in [[Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins]] is a perfect example. Toqel, a Romulan politician, severely underestimates him and the Klingons in general, with troubling results for the Romulans and fatal ones for Toqel. Another Klingon character who illustrates the trope perfectly is General Khegh from [[Star Trek: Titan]].
* [[Prophecy Twist]]: According to the novels, the Second Coming of Kahless, long predicted in Klingon religious tradition, was intended as metaphorical, not literal. Thus, the clone of Kahless (created in an episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'') is not in fact the "true" second coming, despite Lady Lukara assuring Martok he is a genuine reincarnation. The actual second Kahless is {{spoiler|Martok himself}}.
=== B'Oraq ===
A Klingon doctor, and the love interest of [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire|Captain Klag]]. B'Oraq trained in the Federation, and thus has unusual ideas about medicine.
* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: In [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire|''A Burning House'']], B'Oraq wins a death-duel within seconds by simply stabbing her opponent through one of the weakest parts of his armor, penetrating his third aorta. Killed him right in the middle of his monologue, too.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Of all Klingon doctors, she's more or less the only one who remembers the "medic" part is supposed to take priority.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]
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== K'mtok ==
Klingon Ambassador to the Federation as of [[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...]] onward. Holds the position through [[Star Trek Articles of the Federation]], [[Star Trek Destiny]] and [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]].
* [[Ambadassador]]: He is, like all Klingon nobles, a warrior.
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* [[Ambadassador]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He has one of these moments in the novel [[Star Trek: Forged in Fire|''Forged in Fire'']]. He defends Sulu's [[Military Maverick]] actions at a Starfleet hearing, probably helping save Sulu's career.
== Klag ==
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* [[Good Is Old-Fashioned]]: Kopek had no time for the teachings of Kahless and the honour codes Martok is trying to re-establish in Klingon society. Kahless condemned him for it:
{{quote| "You will fall, Kopek, because you live only to hold on to your power and to accumulate more. Martok works daily to restore the empire to the path of honour, and there is no place for you on that path. You will learn the true way, or you will reap the seeds of self-destruction you have so carefully sown”. }}
* [[Implausible Deniability]]: Worf knows it was Kopek who was ultimately behind the terrorist siege at the Federation embassy in [[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...]], but Kopek knows he can't prove anything.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: One of his most appalling crimes was murdering his firstborn son (which he fathered with a common woman) in order to conceal his disgrace in having fathered the boy.
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* [[The Alcoholic]]: At one point, she refused to believe that she has alcohol poisoning, because as far as she's concerned alcohol is only a poison to "weak" races such as humans. Usually Klingons are resistant to alcohol, but she'd drunk that much it had overcome even Klingon biology.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Thankfully, Leskit serves as her [[Morality Pet]] and by the fourth book in the [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]] series, has mellowed her out quite a bit.
* [[Hates Everyone Equally]]: One of the reasons it took her so long to actually show loyalty to Klag rather than the ''Gorkon's'' mutineers; though equally, she had no interest in a mutiny because her disdain for Klag was part of her general disdain for all aspects of the Klingon military.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Up until towards the end of [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]] book three, when she starts to mellow out a little.
* [[Serious Business]]: Wind-boat racing. She's infuriated when her team loses a contest on San-Tarah, insisting that they've [[Ruined FOREVER|ruined the sport]] for her.
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Her favourite complaint.
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== Lugok ==
A diplomat, involved in the tangled political nightmare that is [[Star Trek: Vanguard|Project Vanguard]]. He eventually joins his Federation counterpart in establishing "back-door" diplomatic channels aimed at creating an eventual peace between the Klingons, Federation and Romulans.
* [[Ass in Ambassador]]: Like most Klingon ambassadors. Federation Ambassador Jetanien often acts this way in return, mostly to throw it back in Lugok's face. Funnily enough, Lugok and Jetanien end up in [[Vitriolic Best Buds]] territory. And Lugok is genuinely open to a lasting peace.
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A soldier of the empire assigned to the ''Gorkon'', Wol serves as the viewpoint of non-officer, commoner Klingons in many Klingon-centric novels. Despite this, she's actually of noble birth, but was cast from her house and now embraces a new life as a soldier.
* [[Lower Deck Episode]]: Scenes and subplots centred on Wol and her Fifteenth Squad serve as this in the [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]] series.
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: Wol's previous identity was Eral, a noble woman. When she came of age, her parents had Eral betrothed in order to forge an alliance with another house. Eral, however, became pregnant with the child of a servant, whom she loved. She was banished from her house, as her father could not bring himself to kill her (as honour would have dictated). Her lover, however, was executed, and her child taken away. She became Wol, a common soldier, and embraced the new life. Eral is pretty much dead and gone.
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* [[Proud Scholar Race]]: Interestingly, they're shown in several novels to be more like the Vulcans than might be expected. Scholarship is valued highly in their culture. Despite or perhaps because of this, only those of higher class can pursue academic careers.
* [[Proud Warrior Race]]: Along with their scholar tendencies (above), it's a bit of an [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]; while the TV series ([[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]] onward, at least) focused on their sneaky, politically manipulative [[Chessmaster]] tendencies, the novels portray the hot-blooded warrior aspect of their culture far more prominantly. They certainly don't lose their [[Chessmaster]] traits, though.
* [[Vestigial Empire]]: Back and forth in the novels, post [[Star Trek Nemesis]]. In the immediate aftermath, the Romulan Star Empire [[Balkanise Me|fragmented into factions]]. Praetor Tal'aura and Proconsul Tomalak were able to reunite most of them, as the Federation sought to maintain peace along the borders. Commander Donatra, however, declared the worlds and fleets loyal to her independent. Between losing territory to Donatra, uprisings on the outworlds, and the damage from the [[Star Trek Destiny|Borg Invasion]], the Empire was less than half its former size. It was explicitly stated in [[Star Trek Articles of the Federation]] that the Romulans were no longer a superpower. However, they bounced back thanks to membership in the [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact|Typhon Pact]]. That said, the empire will presumably collapse again when Romulus is destroyed (though we're still a few years short of that in the current timeframe...)
* [[Villain Team-Up]]: A leading member of the Typhon Pact, an alliance of six previously xenophobic and aggressive antagonist cultures, united for mutual protection as a sort of rival-Federation.
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== Gell Kamemor ==
A diplomat introduced in [[Star Trek: theThe Lost Era]], who is known both for her patriotism and her desire for stable relations with foreign powers. She eventually {{spoiler|becomes Praetor}}.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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== Ruanek ==
A lower-caste warrior who becomes an ally to Spock, eventually living on Vulcan, where he embraces a new role as a scholar. A man with a highly personal stake in the Federation/Romulan peace process. An [[Ensemble Darkhorse]], he first appeared in [[Star Trek: Vulcans Forge]] in a relatively minor role. He proved so popular with readers that he made a reappearance in [[Star Trek: Vulcans Heart]], his role greatly expanded. He would go to appear in several short stories and the [[Star Trek: Vulcans Soul]] trilogy as well.
* [[Blood Oath]]: He swore to avenge himself on the murderer of Shiarkiek (it led to a bit of [[Revenge Before Reason]]).
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* [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With McCoy, and with Spock.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: After helping Spock back across the Neutral Zone to safety, Ruanek is unable to return lest he be tried for treason. He's reluctantly forced to make a new life on Vulcan. In later books (the [[Star Trek: Vulcans Soul]] trilogy), he becomes an academic, and marries a Vulcan healer.
== Shiarkiek ==
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== Zett Nilric ==
An assassin (official title was "Business Manager") for the Orion crime lord Ganz. Appears in [[Star Trek: Vanguard]].
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!]]: He always dresses in a perfectly tailored suit, cleans his weapons carefully to maintain appearances, and generally has a certain ''flair''.
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A minor Federation member race, with a strong sense of duty and a physiological sensitivity to magnetic fields.
* [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp]]: An Arkenite character in [[Star Trek: Titan]] describes his dead pet, which is clearly a cat. Not literally - it's an fictional animal given a made up name - but it's obvious that what we're talking about is an Arkenite cat.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: The Arkenites take their debts very seriously. So much so, that when Klingons save an Arkenite outpost from a disaster in [[Star Trek: Vanguard]], in exchange for the outpost swearing allegiance to the Klingon Empire, the residents then refuse to back out. Even though they don't want to leave the Federation or help the Klingons, they all willingly keep to the promise even when Starfleet shows up trying to "liberate" them. To choose gratification over duty and refuse to repay their debt would, their leader explains, be unthinkable.
== The Betelgeusians ==
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== The Breen ==
The [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] series finally established some concrete facts about Breen culture. They're a multi-species organization who hide their true identity by wearing body-concealing suits (some are refridgerated, because one of the major Breen races lives in sub-zero environments).
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: The [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] novel ''Zero Sum Game''.
* [[The Alliance]]: Are themselves an example (a confederacy, specifically), and are also part of the Typhon Pact.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: The Breen salutation "Night and silence protect you", and its reply "may darkness bring you fortune". Breen like darkness - or anything that aids you in hiding - and are, at their best, a perfectly "decent" people. At their worst, they're an...
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== The Chelons ==
One of several races to call the Rigel system home, the Chelons are based on the green "sabre-toothed turtle" Rigellians of ''[[Star Trek: The Motion Picture|Star Trek the Motion Picture]]''. The most notable Chelon character is Jetanien of [[Star Trek: Vanguard]], a Federation diplomat.
* [[Descriptively Named Species]]
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== The Children of the Storm ==
Introduced as a [[Sequel Hook]] in the [[Star Trek Destiny]] trilogy, the Children starred in a follow-up novel from the [[Star Trek: Voyager Relaunch]]. They're a powerful non-corporeal race who defended their region of space against the Borg - one of the only races ever to do so.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]
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** Their conflict with the Carreon is partly this, though; Deltans are a flexible [[Ethical Slut]] culture, free with their emotions and desires (albeit also strongly disciplined), while Carreon are stoic and reserved, and rather intolerant of such openness. The Carreon also have a tendency to hypocritically show great interest in the Deltans' sexual nature while loudly condemning it.
* [[Ethical Slut]]: Sexuality is an important part of their lives, and they have few emotional hang-ups over it. Always their love of sex is portrayed as a healthy aspect of a mature culture, not as something dirty.
* [[Foil]]: The [[Star Trek: Titan]] book ''Sword of Damocles'' introduces the [[The Eeyore|gloomily pessimistic]] Thymerae as a foil for the Deltans, represented in that novel by Peya Fell. The Carreon also serve this role to some extent.
* [[Heroic Willpower]]
* [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: The Deltan armed forces draw from those Deltans who have a...more combative...element to their sexuality. This being Deltans, it's usually well-controlled and healthy, but, put simply, the Deltan armed forces equate controlled force with sexuality. As a Deltan character says, if their rivals the Carreon insist on wanting conflict, who are the Deltans to deny it, particularly if some of their own can find a healthy outlet for their desires in the process?
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A race new to spaceflight who made the mistake of antagonizing the Klingons. They were defeated, with the Klingons unsure if they even wanted to bother annexing the Elabrej homeworld.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: The Klingons are in their region of space on a mission of general conquest; Klingon Captain Klag and his crew are nonetheless the protagonists of the [[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]] novels. The Elabrej government is oppressive and they're close to societal collapse anyway, with their general [[Crapsack World]] status making it easier to get behind the Klingon attempts to stomp all over them.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: That said, in the scenes from their point of view they evaluate the humanoid Klingons along these terms. The Elabrej oligarchs are shocked to hear that Klingons can only see what is in front of them (or to the immediate side), due to having only two small organs on the front with which to experience vision.
* [[Extra Eyes]]: The Elabrej apparently have eyes, or equivalent, all over.
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== The Gnalish ==
Grumpy lizard people, who have been a part of the Federation for many decades and show up periodically all over the place. Only one is a major character, though; Phigus Simenon of [[Star Trek: Stargazer]]
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: The second novel of the [[Star Trek: Stargazer]] series visits their planet.
* [[Cross-Cultural Handshake]]: They greet others with a ritualistic movement of the hands; extending them outward, palms down.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: As a matter of course. Males have no role to play in rearing young.
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In the novels, the reptilian Gorn become a member of the Typhon Pact. Territorial and wary, they're probably one of the Pact's moderate members, but their various castes often have different outlooks and agendas.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: The [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] novel ''Seize the Fire''. Before that, the graphic novel ''The Gorn Crisis''.
* [[Fantastic Caste System]]: Including Political, Warrior and Technological castes. The castes were established so long ago, they're now practically distinct subspecies.
* [[Fantastic Rank System]]: Gorn ranks include the ''Ozuk'', and Warrior Caste units are led by a First Myrmidon.
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Their name and several other details taken in homage from earlier ''[[Star Trek]]'' works, the Kinshaya of the modern continuity are a race in near-continuous war with the Klingons. Their nation, the Holy Order, is a member of the newly formed [[Villain Team-Up|Typhon Pact]].
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: The [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] novella ''The Struggle Within''.
* [[Church Militant]]: Their nation is a militant theocracy, and their warships are commanded not by captains but by ''bishops''.
* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: With the Klingons.
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== The Pahkwa-thanh ==
A recent member of the Federation, the Pahkwa-thanh are a cross between a komodo dragon and a Dromaeosaur. They're known for being very, very polite...and very carnivorous. Dr. Ree in [[Star Trek: Titan]] is a Pahkwa-thanh.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]
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Members of the United Federation of Planets; a stoic race bred in various "batches" for different tasks.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: In their natural state, they are only semi-Humanoid at best, and rather ferocious-looking. The Selenean Pod Mothers, who have great control over their offspring's genetics, have bred certain broods designed specifically for off-world contact. These individuals, Y'Lira Modan of ''[[Star Trek: Titan]]'' among them, take a form more pleasing to humanoid eyes, but retain the ability to shift into their natural state if need be.
* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]: All Seleneans have solid green eyes.
* [[Oh My Gods]]: "Spines of the Mothers!"
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== The Shedai ==
An advanced race who once controlled a vast empire in the Taurus Reach region. They were roused from hibernation in ''[[Star Trek: Vanguard]]'', when the Federation stumbled across their technological relics. Finding younger races meddling on their worlds, the re-awakened Shedai lashed out in vengeance.
* [[Abusive Precursors]]: They left self-destruct systems embedded in the planets they once ruled before going into hibernation. Finding some of these planets overrun with younger species, the re-awakened Shedai Wanderer is quick to put a stop to it with an [[Earthshattering Kaboom]] or two.
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== The Tholians ==
From their relatively few appearances on-screen, the Tholians have become a major part of the novel continuity. Their racial [[Backstory]] is essential to the plot of ''[[Star Trek: Vanguard]]'', and they are now part of the [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact|Typhon Pact]].
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: A particular weapon established in ''[[Star Trek: theThe Lost Era]]'', later appearing in ''[[Star Trek: Vanguard]]''.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Of late, they seem to be this to the Federation.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]
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* [[Genetic Memory]]: Encoded in their crystalline molecules is every memory of their people, dating back to the first moment of sapience. Many are buried deep, of course, not generally available to a given individual unless they're brought to the fore by powerful emotional or psychic triggers. Due to the short lifespan of members of many Tholian castes, memories and experience are often "uploaded" to the next generation from the pool of ancestral memories. This is one reason why Tholians hold grudges for an uncomfortably long time - the memories are fresh in their minds for generations.
* [[Hive Mind]]: While they're all individuals (and indeed have just as many dreamers, dissenters, seditionists and individualists as any other Trek culture), Tholians have a version of this on the instinctive level. The Tholian lattice connects their minds, distributing basic race-knowledge to all and allowing individuals to commune with one another. The lattice is regulated carefully, with different castes having different degrees of access. On occasion, it can indeed cause the entirety of the Tholian race to share an experience, as was the case with the telepathic assaults of the Shedai.
* [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Several generations after the disaster that was [[Star Trek: Vanguard|Project Vanguard]], many Tholians still hold a grudge against the Federation.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: Tholians are six-legged, crystalline beings who can live comfortably in a 300-degree Centigrade environment.
* [[Uplifted Animal]]: They gained their sapience artificially, after being used as living batteries to boost Shedai communications.
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A reclusive race whose government joined the [[Villain Team-Up|Typhon Pact]]. They're morally opposed to the Federation's democratic ideals.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: The [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] novel ''Rough Beasts of Empire'', though they later play important roles in other books of that series.
* [[Artificial Gravity]]: They manipulate gravity on a local scale so they can use every surface of a room for work or recreation. They consider using only the floor to be a foolish waste of available space. Also, they're psychologically uncomfortable with open spaces and prefer the sense of enclosement that comes from having workstations on every wall, floor and ceiling. The effects are shown in the [[Terok Nor]] and [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]] series.
* [[Democracy Is Bad]]: This trope defines their cultural worldview, and determines Tzenkethi hostility to the United Federation of Planets. They believe democracy is a destructive ideology that must be opposed, and relate to it in a way similar to how the West viewed communism.
* [[Fantastic Caste System]]: They're divided into echelons determined through universal tests and genetics, with the individual best suited for a position being placed there. They object to outsiders calling it a "caste system," though.
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== The Zakdorn ==
Although not explored in any detail, these fussy and dour aliens are portrayed as commonly involved in the Federation beaurocracy, building on their characterization from [[Star Trek: The Next Generation]], which showed them to be both meticulous record keepers and master tacticians. The most notable Zakdorn character was Koll Azernal, the immoral Chief of Staff to the [[Star Trek: aA Time Toto...|Zife Administration]], but they show up in minor positions (usually beaurocratic ones) in many novels.
* [[Proud Scholar Race]] and [[Proud Warrior Race]]: An interesting example; the latter is an extension of the former. They're masterful armchair tacticians, though they're untested in actual conflict because their reputation for analytical brilliance means others are wary of attacking them (or, for races like the Klingons, unimpressed and not considering it worth the time to engage them).
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Allies of humans, although the human characters who have to spend time with them (like Quinn and Pennington in [[Star Trek: Vanguard]]) grimace at the thought. Zakdorn have a reputation for being difficult, complaining often.
== The Zaldans ==