Star Trek Online: Difference between revisions

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* [[Technology Porn]]: Your very own customizable starship. The graphics are optimized to make her look as sexy as possible.
* [[Ten Minute Retirement]]: Executive Producer Dan Stahl, who left in late 2011 to work for [[Farmville|Zynga]], and later returned to Cryptic to work with the Foundry, before finally resuming his post as Executive Producer in mid February 2012.
* [[Theme Naming]]: [[{{spoiler:|The Undine, formerly Species 8472, who are now named [[<!-- 28mythology29%28mythology%29 after the water elemental of German myth]]. Their ships follow a similar naming convention, such as [[ Tethys]] and [[ Dahut]].]] -->}}
** [[Meaningful Rename]]: Sort of. {{spoiler|While they didn't "choose" to rename themselves, the proper name for the Undine makes sense [[Captain Obvious|given that they come from "fluidic" space]], and nearly all references to "8472" in-game are replaced with the new name.}}
* [[To Hell and Back]]: One of the [[Player Versus Environment|PVE]] Klingon missions involves your captain storming the gates of Gre'thor and killing Molor and his [[Legions of Hell]].
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