Star Wars: Republic Commando: Difference between revisions

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'''Sev:''' Where's it lead?
'''Scorch:''' Well, who cares? As long as it's not here! }}
* [[Alien Blood]]:
* [[And This Is For]]: A post-mortem version.
{{quote|'''Scorch:''' That was for Delta twenty-three! Or was that thirty-two?}}
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'''Scorch:''' Yeah, yeah. They searched me, but I, I hid the data pretty well.
'''Boss:''' Where exactly?
'''Scorch:''' [[You Do NOT Want to Know|Uh, you don't want to know.]]
'''Boss:''' Roger that. }}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]:
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* [[Clone Degeneration]]: Although there are no actual examples, Scorch occasionally alludes to this sort of thing if the [[What the Hell, Player?|player does something stupid]] to get his hit points knocked down to zero.
{{quote|'''Scorch:''' Maybe 38's a copy of a copy of a copy.}}
* [[Coconut Effect]]: Invoked in-universe by the Trandoshans, who use energy weapons designed to look, feel, and operate just like classic [[Shotguns Are Just Better|shotguns]].
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Sev. ''By the Force'', Sev.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: The commandos have painted armor so you can tell them apart: red for Sev, yellow for Scorch, green for Fixer. Orange is for Boss himself, though it's only seen in various artworks and promotional material.
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* [[Elite Mooks]]: Super Battle Droids, amongst others. They start out sporadic and vaguely challenging but once you get the anti-armor attachment for you DC-17, they're a cakewalk. That is, until you run out of its very limited supply of ammo, [[Demonic Spiders|then...]]
* [[Embarrassing Rescue]]: This appears to be how one of the standard clone troopers stationed aboard the "Prosecutor" felt about being rescued by the player.
{{quote|'''[[Ungrateful Bastard|Clone trooper:]]''' Ah, one of the deluxe models. Come to save us with your "superior training"?
'''Boss:''' This "deluxe model" is the only thing standing between you and a bloody death, so you'd best be showing some respect, trooper. }}
* [[Escort Mission]]: You end up escorting a fellow named Tarfful a few times. He isn't invincible, but since he is ''[[Authority Equals Asskicking|a Wookiee chieftain]]'', he has a considerable amount of hitpoints and can deal quite a bit of punishment, including one hit killing super battle droids by slamming them in the ground and ripping their arm off. The only problem may be that he only engages in melee combat, leading to him being killed by friendly fire from your squad mates, ''especially'' if you've assigned one of them to an anti-armor position. Thankfully, during big battles with Droid Dispensers he hides from enemies until it's time to advance.
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* [[Giant Mook]]: Super Battle Droids and Trandoshan Heavy Assault Mercenaries. Super Battle Droids are 8 feet tall, can withstand about 150 blaster bolts or 4 thermal detonators before falling, and are equipped with a combination blaster/ rocket launcher arm cannon. Heavy Trandos are ''even tougher'' than Super Battle Droids, and carry a very powerful minigun that can cut you down in less than a second. The anti-armor rifle mod kills them both very quickly, though.
* [[Go for the Eye]]: The suggested strategy in dealing with [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Advanced Dwarf Spider Droids]], as it's the droid's [[Attack Its Weak Point|only known weak point]].
{{quote|'''01/425:''' [[Made of Iron|Its durasteel plating is rated for starship hulls]], and is nearly invulnerable to small arms fire. Only its optical cluster, the red orb on its abdomen, is unshielded and vulnerable.
'''Scorch:''' In other words -- shoot the big red spot! }}
* [[The Goomba]]: Battle droids, of course. They die after only a few shots, have below average aim and a slow rate of fire, and while reasonably maneuverable they lack the ability to do things like sprint or dive away from grenades, as well as being unable to use grenades themselves. Trandoshan mercs prove to be much better fighters compared to battle droids when they show up later in the game.
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* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Sev, oh yes Sev.
{{quote|'''Sev:''' Come out, come out... so I can kill you all.}}
* [[IAdventure Can'tNarrator Use These Things TogetherSyndrome]]: Usually happens when the plot separates Boss from the rest of the squad.
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]:
** Quite literally, and possibly lampshaded during the opening sequences with practicing clone-troopers that shoot terribly, and your allies are not spectacular either.
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* [[Invisible Wall]]: One of these can be found at the beginning of the "Prosecutor" campaign and is presumably there to prevent you from exploring the darkness of space. A group of mynocks seems to have no problem passing through it, however. Perhaps the most blatant of these in this game was placed behind the start point of the level containing the wroshyr tree nursery.
* [[I Want My Mommy]]: Of all things, ''battle droids'' will occasionally exclaim "Mommy!" if a grenade is tossed into their midst.
* [[It's Quiet... Too Quiet]]: Played straight at one point during the Kashyyyk levels. Fixer says the first half, Boss says the second and upon passing the threshold into the next room the squad is subject to multiple ambushes by scav droids and Trandoshan mercenaries. Fixer also tends to say the first half of the line throughout the game if he and the rest of the squad haven't been given anything to kill for awhile.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Just prior to rescuing Sev aboard the "Prosecutor", when the player witnesses the Trandoshan slavers beating him in order to get him to divulge information, a pair of Trandoshans can be seen taking turns scaring the living bejeesus out of an R2 unit. After awhile, one of the pair decides to kill the droid for no discernible reason.
* [[Kick Them While They Are Down]]: Sev, Scorch and Fixer will oftentimes verify that enemies are not [[Playing Possum]] by shooting them at point blank range.
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** Then once again when Delta Squad boards the "Prosecutor" separately, with rather adverse results, but they once again team up and complete their mission.
** On Kashyyyk, at the very end of the game, the squad gradually splits up to man individual gun turrets, in order to destroy a Separatist vessel.
* [[Life Meter]]: Your [[Life Meter]] is shown to be part of your helmet's [[HUD]]. Once your shields are beaten down, it goes from green to yellow to orange (during which the interior of your helmet takes on a pulsing orange hue and a flashing text message helpfully informs you "HEALTH CRITICAL").
* [[Logo Joke]]: The Lucasarts logo is rendered in monochrome and distorted with static, as radio transmissions can be heard in the background.
* [[Man On Fire]]: Tends to happen to anyone unfortunate enough to be near an [[Exploding Barrel]] or thermal detonator when it [[Stuff Blowing Up|explodes]].
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** Subverted when Delta Squad {{spoiler|complies with the order to leave Sev behind on Kashyyyk, over Scorch's protests}}.
* [[Nonuniform Uniform]]: Each member of Delta Squad essentially wears the same type of armor but with differing accessories and paint jobs. This stemmed from a suggestion by George Lucas that the designers have some means of visually differentiating one member of Delta Squad from the other.
* [[No Sidepaths, No Exploration, No Freedom]]: Save for two minor instances, the player will find his or herself following a tightly plotted course most of the time.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: Most songs, especially the title track [ "Vode An"], contain Ominous Mandalorian Chanting.
* [[Opening Scroll]]: A notable aversion for a ''[[Star Wars]]'' game. This is jettisoned in favor of an [[Opening Monologue]] by a Kaminoan scientist, underlying a [[Training Montage]] from your character's perspective, followed by your squad's deployment from Kamino. After this, a series of expository title cards are displayed while a variation of the "Emperor's Theme" is played just before you make the drop to Geonosis.
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* [[Read the Freaking Manual]]: In an in-universe example, upon Delta Squad's first encounter with a [[Mook Maker|droid dispenser]], [[The Watson|Sev asks what it is]]. Fixer subsequently criticizes him for not reading the mission briefing.
* [[Recurring Riff]]: The melody from the chorus of "Vode An" reappears in a number of the game's other songs.
* [[Redshirt Army]]: Just about everyone besides you and your teammates is cannon-fodder, though admittedly you don't run into any other Republic Commandos, let alone ARC troopers or Jedi. On Geonosis, there are two squads of troopers that you can rescue, and on the Prosecuter, there's one squad, plus a lone soldier in close vicinity to the squad, and you can only save them if you're either very good at the game or you blow up all of the defense turrets before they're hacked.
** Or alternatively not let the turrets get hacked in the first place.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: The Trandoshan slavers.
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{{quote|'''Scorch''': [[Austin Powers|Watch out for the frikkin' laser beams]]!}}
{{quote|'''Scorch:''' [[Farscape|Get off of me, you frelling bag of bolts!]]}}
* [[Sibling Team]]: Delta Squad, other Commando squads, and the Clone Army in general. Scorch even calls Sev his pod brother.
* [[The Siege]]: The roaring final battle aboard the ''Prosecutor'' against the Separatist forces about to steal it qualifies.
{{quote|'''Scorch:''' We'll make 'em regret the day they blew up Delta Squad!}}
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{{quote|'''Scorch:''' Almost, keep your space pants on...}}
* [[Stanley Steamer Spaceship]]: The "Prosecutor".
* [[Stealth -Based Mission]]: One short segment aboard the droid control ship on Geonosis just barely qualifies as one of these. Being detected ([[No Sidepaths, No Exploration, No Freedom|which inevitably happens]]) doesn't end the game, but accidentally activating and becoming the target of too many Super Battle Droids at one time is certainly one way to turn Boss's day upside down.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Lots and lots.
{{quote|'''Scorch:''' Debris blocking our path here, Boss. We need to detonate the rocks to get through. And I'm not just saying that because I love to blow stuff up.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]:
{{quote|'''Fixer:''' Hold up, squad... I'm getting a read on something big headed this way.
'''Scorch:''' Hope it's not a [[Boss in Mook Clothing|spider droid]].
'''Sev:''' [[This Is Gonna Suck|Guess what? It's a spider droid.]] }}
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: Scorch seems to live by this trope, often wondering if he used enough explosives right after flattening something with a demolitions charge or quipping "Ahh, so that's how it opens" after blowing a door open and deeming the DC-17's anti-armor attachment "a real weapon".
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{{quote|'''01/425:''' Locate turret controls and commence disabling maneuvers.
'''Sev:''' "Disabling maneuvers?"
'''Scorch:''' Uh, [[Stuff Blowing Up|blowing things up]].
'''Sev:''' Oh, I knew that. }}
* [[Van Helsing Hate Crime]]: Members of Delta Squad really have it in for Trandoshans. Most notably, Sev and Scorch make declarations that "the only good lizard is a dead lizard" and threaten to [[Human Resources|make boots out of them]].
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[[Category:Star Wars: Republic Commando]]
[[Category:Star Wars Expanded Universe]]