Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amazing Technicolor Population]]: The Nasat, who are red, blue, green, yellow or brown.
* [[Ambadassador]]: Lantar, though that's to be expected for a Klingon diplomat.
* [[Ancient Artifact]]: The "Zapper", clearly the same device as the Mirror Universe Tantalus Field, from [[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]]. [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Rod Portlyn]] unearths it in one of the later stories.
* [[Angsty Surviving Twin]]: Em-Lin in ''The Cleanup''. She's a Miradorn. [[Angsty Surviving Twin]] is practically their [[Planet of Hats|hat]] at times.
* [[Ass in Ambassador]]: Gabriel Marshall, a recurring character who plays the classic role of "pushy Federation diplomat", as established in [[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]].
* [[Astral Projection]]: One story involves the planet Vrinda inventing a form of technology that allows this.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: The ''Dancing Star'', really. See [[Cool Ship]], below.
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* [[Binding Ancient Treaty]]: The [[Precursors|Preservers]] agreed to protect the Koas, and indeed fulfilled their "ancient promise" to save the Koa homeworld.
* [[Bizarrchitecture]]: Due to the natives' love of symmetry, houses on Bundinal have faux front doors at the back - not a back door, but a door identical to the one in front, and looking equally important, even though it isn't.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Nasat Quiets, whose special cross-species communication abilities render them outcasts among their own kind. They can communicate with [[Plant Aliens]] the Citoac, but the unique brain activity allowing this renders them unable to communicate normally with other Nasats.
* [[Booby Trap]]: There were quite a few in the city of Stratos on Ardana. Also, Bart Faulwell's sister was killed by one when he was a teenager. It was in a tomb; the family were essentially [[Adventurer Archaeologist|Adventurer Archaeologists]].
* [[Brain Food]]: The creators of the monster shii on Sarindar. A race which colonized the planet centuries ago, they fed on brain matter. The artificial constructs in the shape of shii beasts were built to collect the heads, decapitating victims in order to gather the brains.
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* [[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Possibly Lense's brother Jonathan}}.
* [[Cargo Cult]]: The tribe from ''The Light'', with a downed Borg cube serving as the centre of their religion.
* [[Chased Byby Angry Natives]]: Several times.
* [[Continuity Snarl]]: The fate of the ''Constitution''-class ''Defiant'' as depicted in this series was different from what was later shown on [[Star Trek: Enterprise]]. Reconciling the accounts is not unworkable, but it ''is'' going to require a lot of thought. The writers of the installment featuring the ''Defiant'' are reportedly working on a suitable reconciliation idea that will tie it all together.
* [[Cool Ship]]: Several, notably the Strata ringship (which is a giant spinning wheel in space), the ''Dancing Star'' (powered by actual flares of stellar matter and capable of diving into a sun), and the ''Minstrel's Whisper'' (an ancient vessel with, essentially, an [[Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy|improbability drive]]). Then there's the arc-ship on which the People are carried to their new home. They've been locked into a medieval culture in an internal artificial world they don't even realize is aboard a ship.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Rod Portlyn. How corrupt is he? He deliberately poisoned an entire colony world to induce crop failures, then came in to buy the increasingly useless land. He kept the farmers on as workers and thus earned their gratitude by "saving them" from bankruptcy. He turned another world in the same star system into a dumping ground for garbage, and he later tries to murder its population. All in the name of profit, obviously.
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{{quote| Though she knew she'd be checking out other facilities, Pattie had a good feeling about this one. One thing she'd learned from softs was to trust intuition. More times than she cared to recall, one of her crewmates had said something along the lines of "I have a bad feeling about this," and the feeling had proved to be an accurate barometer of the situation. As she walked down the corridor, she fingered the pouch containing the datachip. Yes, I definitely have a good feeling about this.}}
* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: Overseer Biron's sponsor.
* [[Human Outside, Alien Inside]]: The Ardanans, who were established in [[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]] as looking just like humans (as did many of the series' aliens). The SCE stories describe the Ardanan brain and demonstrate that its structure and chemistry is very different from that of humans.
* [[Humanity Is Infectious]]: Some of P8 Blue's belief systems are influenced by the humans she works with; she begins to find an interest in history, and even feels slightly maternal towards her larvae, being a little sad when she drops them off at the childcare centre, never to see them again.
* [[Hungry Jungle]]: The Nasat homeworld.
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* [[Oh My Gods]]: Ho'nig, among others.
** The Koas worship the Architect of Time.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Subverted with Winn Mara, a minor supporting character and a Bajoran. She shares one of her names with Kai Winn Adami from [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]], but there's no evidence they're related. [[Word of God]] has more or less confirmed the name "Winn" was chosen to deliberately subvert the [[One Steve Limit]] rule.
* [[Parent Ex Machina]]: The creatures in the story set on [[Pleasure Planet|Risa]].
* [[Penal Colony]]: The Resaurians in the two-part story ''The Demon'' have a penal colony inside a black hole, of all places.
* [[Pig Man]]: The Tellarites, of course. Fabian Stevens insists he finds racist jokes about the Tellarite-pig resemblance tasteless, yet he seems to have an awfully large collection of them stored away in his mind. He would never accuse Tellarite team-member Tev of [[Incredibly Lame Pun|"hogging]] the glory", oh no...
* [[Place Beyond Time]]: The Delta Triangle.
* [[Planet of Copyhats]]: The character M3 Green, from [[Star Trek: theThe Animated Series]], was an overly cautious coward. His race features in the Corps of Engineers (having been named the Nasat), and their hat is indeed "being overly cautious". However, the lead Nasat character, P8 Blue, is a straight-forward case of [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]], as she loves shaking things up and taking risks.
* [[Plant Aliens]]: The Citoac. They share a planet with [[Insectoid Aliens]] the Nasat.
* [[Precursors]]: The Preservers.
* [[Prequel]]: The ''What's Past'' mini-series, which is also a case of [[A Day in Thethe Limelight]] for several characters, including a couple of less prominent ones.
* [[Pride]]: Tev points out that Tellarites value this trait most highly.
* [[The Quest]]: Among the race known only as the People, young males frequently undertake a quest as a coming-of-age ritual.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: Captain Gold has this instinctive reaction, but he tries not to let it affect him in dealings with snake-aliens the Resaurians (who are on the whole reasonably friendly, and therefore avert the trope)
* [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]: {{spoiler|Rod Portlyn}}.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified]]: Usually averted. Rebel movements are often very ambiguous and/or complex. The Silgov, though clearly victimized, are presented as questionable in some regards themselves, willing to victimize Koa in turn in order to get what they want. Likewise, the X'Mari Resistance are sympathetic, but clearly no saints. The Nachri rebels are questionable in conduct, too, although their grievances may well be legitimate.
* [[Ridiculous Future Sequelisation]]: We're not too far from it already, but two stories make mention of ''Rocky VIII: The Clone Factor!''
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* [[Servant Race]]: The Bynars were originally this to a race of now-departed AIs, though they now have their own civilization.
** The unnamed race who once colonized Sarindar created artificial creatures to gather food for them; two of these remained intact up until 2376 and took the form of crystal creatures known as shii, contributing to the legend of the monster shii.
* [[Silicon -Based Life]]: The Strata.
* [[Skewed Priorities]]: Played with in ''Age of Unreason''; a character trying to violate his world's laws and contact the Federation for help is chased down, and the police plead with him to surrender so they don't have to shoot - which might damage the building he's in. The character actually feels pride and hope that they consider the building's health more important than his, reflecting that "perhaps there's hope for my people after all".
* [[Snake People]]: The Resaurians. Unusually, most of them are friendly.
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* [[Spinoff Sendoff]]: Captain Picard and the crew of ''Enterprise'' feature heavily in the fist novella; Geordi La Forge hangs around for a few stories more, until the new characters are established enough to carry the series.
* [[Starfish Language]]: The Citoac communicate by using sounds of a pitch that stimulates the brain of another being, directly influencing their neurology.
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: The Nalori have a similar ideology, and resent having a female performing administrative work at their facility on Sarindar.
* [[Stop Being Stereotypical]]: P8 Blue to many of her fellow Nasats; she hangs a lampshade on it in a discussion with a non-Nasat friend.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Rabbi Rachel Gilman.
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* [[Terminally Dependent Society]]: Eerlik, which is run by [[Master Computer]], and nearly falls apart when it breaks.
* [[Terraform]]: A two-part installment features the ''da Vinci'' called to Venus, to participate in the terraforming project there. The Bynars are providing the humans with assistance.
* [[Time Travel for Fun Andand Profit]]: One story involves a Ferengi finding a time machine and using it to manipulate the stock market in his favour. He becomes a success story "overnight", but his meddling is soon dealt with by the Corps of Engineers, who stumble across his base. After a short chase through planet Ferenginar's recent past, he's apprehended and his time machine destroyed.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Tev does like his apple ranchers.
* [[Tree-Top Town]]: The Nasat homeworld. The Nasat civilization originated on the forest floor, but now resides in the trees.