Stargate Universe/WMG: Difference between revisions

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**** What Ori in other areas ? There was no mention of any other Ori out there. Just the Ori in the Ori Galaxy. Hence Adria declaring her the last one left. Not the second to last one next to the others that have never been mentioned till now.
**** The Ori seemed pretty content with their setup. The only reason they went after the Milky Way was because A) they'd had the Ancient's location rubbed in their faces and B) it was full of (potential) converts to Origin. Between the Ancients' code that prevented interference and the power source represented by the natives, it surely seemed a slam dunk to the Ori.
***** Where is it ever said Adria had to catch a ride? From the look of things, she was running the show for a while before [[SG -1]] showed up to get rid of her.
****** Doesn't she say it? It's been a while since I've watched Continuum, so I might not be recalling it. I thought that the whole 'long distance' thing was also one of the underlying facts of being an Ancient. Hence why the Ori themselves couldn't easily arrive in either the Milky way or, more specifically, Pegasus, as implied by Chaya.
****** As memory serves, Adria was on the vessel that delivered the Sangraal. It went off, killed the Ori, and left not-quite-ascended Adria alone. She then ascended and took the mantle of the Ori, including their genocidal plans for the Ancients.
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The seed ships each (there are implications that several of them exist) have their own nine chevron gate address that can be dialed, albeit with the same potential issues (ie incredibly high power requirements) as dialing Destiny presented. Thus, there is in fact more than one nine chevron address. Makes sense, if one thinks about it.
== Discovery of the structure in the Cosmic Background Radiation is what caused the Alteran/Ori split seen in Stargate [[SG -1]] ==
We're told that the Stargate on Destiny is the first one (Really need a citation for this). If the first Stargate is on Destiny it can be inferred that the Stargate was invented as a way of reaching Destiny. We've seen that the Alterans who split had plans for a Stargate (Arc of Truth) and thus assuming my previous conclusion is correct, we can assume that the Alterans and the Ori were aware of the structure in the cosmic background radiation at the time of the split.