Stargate Universe/WMG: Difference between revisions

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Apparently, it doesn't want to kill the people on board. Destiny's computer has far more control over the ship than Atlantis', and while the ship was originally designed to be manned, it was sent on an extremely long mission. On this mission, it might have to (and probably, had to) face with unpredictable situations requiring intelligence and even creativity. The Ancients probably over-proofed the mission as much as they could. Also, the possibility of a "digitally ascended" captain shouldn't be ruled out.
* As a corollary to this, the reason why Rush can't access the systems is because after a few million years, the ship is bored and thus purposefully blocking his attempts for its own amusement. It's not going to harm the crew, but that's no reason not to have a little fun at their expense.
** I don't really see the show using [[Instant AI, Just Add Water]] by making an AI 'quirky'. Though it would be a possibility to have some sort of AI. That said though I could see it being an interesting twist in that the AI is just as Insufferable as Rush - it's not letting him do things because it believes it knows better.
*** Well, Rush went into a little more detail in "Earth". Seems they're just lacking a master code to unlock the main systems. If the ship does have an advanced AI behind the scenes, it's probably not actively messing with them yet.
* This theory is given a boost by "Time"--what are the odds of them winding up near a planet with antibiotic-biting snakes if the ship hasn't recognized that they need them? Note that the cast didn't figure out they needed any kind of antibiotics until after the jump, so the ship must have somehow realized this on its own...
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== The 'bugs' are actually proto-replicators. ==
Well, they certainly replicate as fast as them, and the original idea had to come from somewhere.
* Except for the fact that we already know exactly where the replicators come from. A [[Ridiculously Human Robot|scared, lonely robot girl]] who [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|wiped out all life on her home planet]].
** Except that they're also in Pegasus. There's no reason for them ''not'' to be in Stargate: Universe too.
*** Those were different Replicators invented by the Ancients. There's no one out here (that we know of) to create yet another version of the bugs.
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* Lucian Alliance: Would certainly provide answers regarding the LA's plans for ''Destiny''. For added amusement, the Tau'ri might have launched an attack of their own.
* Ba'al: Come on, Rush matching wits with Ba'al would be epic.
** And it will be crewed entirely by [[MesMe's a Crowd|other Ba'als]].
*** That would be a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|ba'alsy episode]]... ''aaand'' [[I'm Going to Hell For This|I'm going to hell for that one]], aren't I?
* Ori: From a timeline where the Ori crusade succeeded, or at least captured Icarus.
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== The Langaran Stargate going to be a Chekhov's Gun before the series was canceled. ==
The producers were going to have Earth's negotiations with Langara bear fruit before the full three years of the Destiny's current trip around the outside of the drone-filled galaxy was complete and dial Destiny with another solution, or at least a way to get to the next galaxy more quickly. And a supply line, as well. Think about it- there's no way that was intended to be a one-off plot point. It was going to come up again in the third season (and, I'm pretty sure, probably right at the beginning of the third season, too). But sadly, there will be no third season...
* Alternatively, it was set up to be an [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]] to change the nature of the show in season 3. Three Years is more than enough time to work a treaty with the Langarans and deal with the Lucian Alliance. Come season 3, and a supply line, and we're set for radically changing the tone.
** You're probly right about the treaty with the Langarans. However, it's entirely possible that the Lucian Alliance thing wouldn't be solved in that time. if anything, it might've gotten worse in the intervening time...
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== The Drones were created by the Novans, as a way of defending themselves against the Drones. D'oh ==
With Destiny's records the Novans knew that the drones would eventually be a problem. Because no one on Destiny has major experience with the Replicators there's no warning in the Destiny archive about how much of a bad idea that sort of tech is. Therefore the Novans invented a self improving automated system and sent it off Von-Numan style to protect them from the Drones, which the system eventually upgraded itself into. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]
== The Origin symbol is really more of an Orientation symbol ==