Starlit Heroics/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* Reversa. A [[Yandere]] of spectactular proportions, and her insanity is very... unsettling to say the least. She doesn't look bad, but trust me, with the things she does-- [[Nightmare Fetishist|slicing off people's arms and heads to decorate her garden]] and [[Break the Cutie|hounding after the man she loves to the point where she'd do anything to herself to gain his love]], you can just tell the girl's wrong in the head.
* Vampire Remuses. Just when you thought vampires were getting soft after [[Twilight]], these guys show up. Not only are these monsters turned into vampires, they're also hard to control even by the villains. The only person that can put them on a leash is Reversa. Let that sink in for just a second. Not only that, [[Oh Crap|they're not even the worst kind of monster in the story.]]
* [[Blood Knight|Hollischennacht.]] Quite easily one of the most frightening people in the story. Why? He was based off of both [[Darkstalkers (Video Game)|Jedah Dohma]] and [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|Alucard]] from [[Hellsing]]. ''And shows it.''
* {{spoiler|Being an Abyss Knight and realizing that Nachzehrer are your fellow knights, except distorted beyond all recognition and corrupted by the dark powers of the Emptiness Shard. Doubles as [[Tear Jerker]], since, you know, these might be your best friends you're hacking down, too.}}
** {{spoiler|Same goes for you turning into one of them. [[Soul Jar|Valiant Crystals]] made by Yami are actually Emptiness Shards in disguise, except they have a safety on them that makes them usable. However, if you overflow, lose control or [[Despair Event Horizon|go over the edge]], the safety breaks and you lose all pretense of logic or emotion, turning into either a mindless monster or a former shadow of yourself, living in your own shattered world surrounded by the creatures you've crafted for yourself, all alone...}}
* Just living in the [[Crap Saccharine World|planet of Xephixir in general.]] Sure, it's awesome and all with all the magic and the people in charge, but think about it. People die a ''lot'', monsters roam the roads outside of the kingdoms or even a city, and worst of all, there's an evil organization plotting to either use you as a resource or as a tool, or just disposing you altogether. In fact, it's amazing the heroes are still trying their best to save everyone...
* Linoura. Like Reversa (who is coincidentally her best friend), she's insane, but not [[Mad Scientist|in the love-crazed way.]] In fact, that makes it worse, as even a quirky a character as she is, Linoura is a definite psychopath, usually making monsters out of the sewed-together limbs of anything she and her lackey scavange up. To top it off, she was based off of [[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Kefka.]]
* Yami. Despite his cute cat-like appearance (excluding those [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|ominous black-and-red eyes]]), the guy is a lunatic. First of all, [[Cain and Abel|he grew jealous of his brother Hikari]] and got angry at everyone else. It didn't take long [[Break the Cutie|before he snapped and tried to murder Hikari]], only to have his body destroyed and his spirit sealed away into the Grandmaster Anthodia Stone. [[Determinator|Even in his broken state, he looked for his brother]] and [[Demonic Possession|possessed his body, completely overwriting it and taking it for himself.]] [[Oh Crap|DAMN.]] Not only that, {{spoiler|he is the person where the [[The Corruption|Nachzehrer and the Emptiness Shards]] originated from, which eventually cursed the Abyss Knights he leads over...}}
* The Deathmoon Family in general. They live on a [[Eldritch Location|living, crimson-red moon]] which is also where their headquarters is, and pretty much plan to destroy everyone and everything because the leaders, Puritus Bane and his wife Suprema, are so bat-shit crazy (as opposed to how they were before all this happened) that everything they do is pretty much to curse the heroes. It makes you feel sorry for them because of how low they've dropped, since you know, they were good guys like the Lunardream Family.