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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Ogami Itto from ''[[Lone Wolf and Cub]]''.
* Shu from ''[[Now and Then Here Andand There|Now and Then, Here and There]]'' is a rare example of a static protagonist. He faces torture, the deaths of several beloved characters at the hands of his friends, and somehow manages to [[The Fettered|stick to his principles.]] That he managed to both survive and avoid compromising his core self shows just how [[Badass]] he is. Oh, and surviving ''oodles'' of torture.
* ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei-sensei]]'' is adamant about not giving any of its characters any [[Character Development]] whatsoever beyond their one "unique" trait.
** Sort of. Nozomu underwent a sort of reverse [[Flanderization]] as he tries to commit suicide less as time went by and has his [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|heart of gold]] emphasized more. In contrast, Chiri retained her OCD, but had it dialed past eleven and straight into [[Ax Crazy]] levels.
* ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'' has Ed and Ein, contrasting the more dynamic main trio. Jet is also arguably rather static as he goes through several instances of cleaning up his own past without it affecting his current outlook and lifestyle.
* ''[[Bleach]]'' has a tendency to do this to anyone who isn't important, making them into this, [[Flat Character|Flat Characters]], or monsters. However, it's subverted with some of the Arrancar {{spoiler|except the fact that they never get to do ''[[Heel Face Door Slam|anything]]'' with their character development.}}
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* [[Batman]] usually suffers from little [[Character Development]] except in some [[Alternative Continuity]] stories like ''[[The Dark Knight Returns]]''.
* Most comic book villains, at least after their tragic backstories. And that's part of what makes them villains; they don't change. [[The Joker]] will always be a [[Complete Monster|psychotic murdering clown]], and he shouldn't be anything else.
* [[Wolverine]] from the [[X -Men]] is a great character when he has little character development. In fact, it was one of the criticisms of ''[[X-Men (Filmfilm)|X-Men]]: Origins Wolverine'' ("[ Although it can take credit for clearing up some of the mysteries surround the title character's identity, those revelations serve to make Wolverine less compelling]").
* The entire cast of ''[[Peanuts]]'' haven't changed much throughout their extremely long run. Frankly, it would be fairly disturbing if they did.
* Many other daily cartoons behave this way.
* This is the trope driving Dream from ''[[Sandman]]'' to {{spoiler|his choice to commit suicide}}
* In [[All Fall Down (Comic Book)|All Fall Down]], we have {{spoiler|Paradigm}}. Of everyone who's suffered a loss, he is essentially the same person afterwards as before.
== [[Film]] ==
* A subversion of a subversion is played beautifully by Michelle Pfeiffer in ''[[Stardust (Filmfilm)|Stardust]]''. By the end, when the heroes have killed her two sisters, she breaks down and laments that the only people in the world who she loved are dead, and immortality without them (by stealing Ivayne's heart) would be intolerable, and so she says she'll let the heroes go. Then she telekinetically locks the doors, cackles, and starts exploding glass all around the heroes, ''thanking them'' for killing her sisters so that she doesn't have to ''share'' immortality.
* [[James Bond]]. Although 007 is portrayed differently by each actor (Connery and Brosnan are more suave, Lazenby is subdued, Moore is comical, Dalton and Craig are brutish), but not in a way it changes the character too much.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* The titular character of ''[[Monk]]'' went through almost the entire show without much of a change, despite a dizzying array of both traumatic and hopeful events. It was only at the end that he overcame many of his difficulties.
* From his first episode to his last, [[M*A*S*H (TV)|Major Frank Burns]] was a whiny, self-absorbed, power-mongering hypocrite who could barely perform surgery.
* ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]''. Ensign Harry Kim starts off as [[Ensign Newbie]] and '''seven years''' later is still portrayed the same way, despite being one of the main characters and thus subject to all the traumatic events that befall a [[Star Trek]] character (including dying enough times it became a fan joke).
* Joey from ''[[Friends]]'' is a prime example of this. When he was one out of six characters in an ensemble, and had little (to no) development, he was great. And when he received a [[Spin-Off]], ''[[Joey]]'', it didn't work at all.
* All the main (and most of the supporting) characters from ''[[Seinfeld]]'', being the [[Sadist Show]] that it was. While the status quo did change, it mostly had to do with how much the characters could get away with rather than any actual [[Character Development]]. Kramer, being [[The Fool]], usually managed to [[Karma Houdini|avoid the consequences of his actions]] and, therefore, develop the least.
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** Mr. Collins is a static character too. Frankly, he wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if he wasn't.
* [[Sherlock Holmes]] is basically the same in ''every single book''.
* [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|J.R.R. Tolkien]] [[Word of God|claimed]] that in heroic sagas like those of the Vikings or the Ancient Greeks, characters do not develop; instead, different aspects of their fixed, essential nature are revealed by new circumstances.
** He put this theory into practice in ''[[The Hobbit]]'' and ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'': the modern, [[Classical Antihero|anti-heroic]] characters (the hobbits) are [[Dynamic Character|dynamic]] and get [[Character Development]], while the archaic, heroic characters like Thorin and Aragorn are static.
** For example, at the end of ''The Lord of the Rings'' we know a lot more about Aragorn (and he knows more about himself) than when we met him in Bree, but who he is hasn't changed. Ditto for Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, on the other hand, have changed a lot. Note that [[Peter Jackson]] changed this in [[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|his films]], making Aragorn a dynamic character, and even Legolas and Gimli have a few shades of further development now.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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** Members of Ikari and Art of Fighting teams are '''also''' these, except you couldn't expect Robert and Leona changing outfits all of a sudden.
* Franziska Von Karma from ''[[Phoenix Wright]] [[Ace Attorney]]:Justice for All'' is pretty much the same through the series as of ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations]]'', the most development she gets are the revelations of some [[Hidden Depths]] regarding her rivalry with Edgeworth.
* Although Mao of ''[[Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice]]'' goes through several character revelations, by the following scene he returns to acting to his old stuck-up friendship-hating violent ill-tempered rude demon self.
* While most character in ''[[Tales of Rebirth]]'' end up developing their characters in one way or another, [[Panthera Awesome|Eugene Gallardo]] remains the sensible [[Team Dad]] and [[Cool Old Guy]]. This is even lampshaded in a skit.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* The overwhelming majority of over-the-top comedic characters, from [[Bugs Bunny]] to [[Donald Duck]], to [[Animaniacs (Animation)|Yakko/Wakko/Dot]] to [[Johnny Bravo]] to [[Fairly Oddparents]] to [[Phineas and Ferb]]. Most likely, because of the [[Rule of Funny]].
* Many of the secondary characters from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' — Suki, Ty Lee and Iroh in particular — precisely ''because'' they're secondary characters. However, Toph doesn't particularly evolve either, able to get through the entire series on her existing personality (except for becoming a bit softer and more willing to work with others).
** Iroh is justified as he had already gone through a life-changing experience before the series started. His job was to help others, primarily his nephew Zuko, develop.
* Skeletor, from pretty much any incarnation of ''[[He -Man and Thethe Masters of Thethe Universe]]'' and related series. Despite his undeniable iconic status, he's one of the most one-dimensional characters in the entire franchise. Why is he evil? Because he wants to conquer Eternia. [[Generic Doomsday Villain|Why does he want to conquer Eternia? Because he's ''evil'']]. And not one of the fascinating kinds of evil. (According to [[Paul Dini]], writers on the [[Filmation]] series were actually told by Mattel to ''not'' do anything interesting with Skeletor. He was to be the boss of the bad guys. Period.)
* Most of the characters on ''[[Phineas and Ferb]],'' though Phineas has a bit of [[Characterization Marches On]] from his first appearance.
* Gizmo from ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]''. He didn't really get any [[Character Development]]. He just stayed Gizmo.
* Soundwave of ''[[Transformers]]'' fame, especially in the show ''[[Transformers Prime]]'', where his status as [[The Voiceless]] (not to mention [[The Faceless]]) and well nigh [[The Stoic|emotionless]] listener adds a lot to his creepy factor. Although [[Word of God]] states this might be subject to change.
* There is very little character development in [[Code Lyoko]] to begin with aside from Aelita, Jeremy and (surprisingly) Sissi, but Odd is a particularly [[Egregious]] example. He [[Big Eater|eats a lot]], he dates a lot, and he [[So Unfunny It's Funny|makes bad jokes]]. And that never changes.