Stealth-Based Mission: Difference between revisions

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** Some hilarity can ensue if you deliberately get yourself caught by a non-Slytherin prefect while the potion's still working [[Take Your Time|(which, since it's a plot point, is pretty much indefinitely)]]. [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|The game will take points away from Slytherin instead of Gryffindor like they usually do.]]
* ''[[Crisis Core]]: Final Fantasy VII'' features a stealth sequence where Zack, a SOLDIER 1st Class who's been mowing through entire armies for the bulk of the game, has to sneak into a base controlled by the same [[Mooks]] he's been slaughtering the whole time. Getting caught sends you into a battle with a group of them, which Zack will win in under 30 seconds. One wonders why the stealth sequence was necessary.
* Variation: In ''[[BioShock (series)]]'', it is possible to get a Gene Tonic that makes you move stealthier when using the wrench, and deal more damage when you hit an enemy who is unaware of you. It is also possible to get a Tonic that, as long as you stand still, makes you invisible. This combination allows you to, if you wish, play as a Wrench Ninja.
** The sequel manages, [[Rule of Cool|implausibly]], to top that: While the same pair of tonics is available, you're playing a Big Daddy. Turning Delta into ''[[Mr. Driller]], [[Tenchu|Stealth Asassin]]'' dances between ''scary'' and ''friggin' sweet''.
** And a Warbear! Controlled by the allied AI unless you're playing with a friend.
* The escape from prison in ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' was intended as one of these, but the guards are easy enough to kill that it's easier to do just that.
** The unarmed escape from the Blackbird later in the game is a forced stealth mission, unless you happened to put [[Bare-Fisted Monk|bare-handed fighter]] Ayla in your active party before your capture.
* ''[[Boktai|Lunar Knights]]'' has an enemy known as a Spotter. It has no direct attack and simply hovers around your position while a spinning crosshair and a number float over your head. The number is a timer, and you have to get out of the Spotter's sights and hide somewhere safe until the countdown expires and the Spotters return to sentry duty. They also take inordinate amounts of punishment, and fighting one as an underleveled Lucian is suicidal. Also, every time the reacquire their target, the crosshair countdown ticks down faster. What happens when it runs out? [[Boom! Headshot!|Take a wild guess.]]
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'':
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days|Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2]]''. Following {{spoiler|Pete}}, you have to tail keep in in your cone of view, while avoiding his. Between the sometimes uncooperative camera angle and your teammate's general disinclination to move, it results in several restarts, and an urge to strangle the otherwise very popular character. Made more frustrating as your partner is able to easily ''teleport'' out of his line of sight while you are not so lucky.
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts coded]]'' also has some in Wonderland (depending on how many times you choose to enter certain rooms) where you must sneak past the Card Soldiers, though the only really thing you need to worry about are the Card Soldiers actually catching up to you which isn't all that hard to avoid (especially if you if have the ability Haste equipped).
=== Shoot'Em Up ===
=== Simulation Game ===
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** Surprisingly and [[Guide Dang It|somewhat unintuitively]], it's possible to give Vaan boots that prevent him from being immobilized by the enemies' lightning-elemental attacks, use an ability that temporarily increases his movement speed that you should already have at that point and have him just run through the level with any enemies in tow either not being able to get close enough to hit him or not being able to do enough damage to kill him before he gets to the goal.
* A mission in ''[[Dark Forces Saga|Jedi Outcast]]'' requires Kyle to sneak through enemy base. Of course, you can try provoke all enemies and kill them before they push alert button by being at the button and kill all enemies trying to push it.
* One very annoying mission in ''[[Return to Castle Wolfenstein]]'' requires you to remain undetected ''in broad daylight, in an open field''; if you're seen even once and fail to snipe the guard in the split second before he hits the alarm, [[Game Over]]. And there's one guard you can't shoot or alert, if the latter happens and the alarm is already destroyed, the mission becomes [[Unwinnable]].
* ''[[XIII]]'', which was based on a comic that was in turn inspired by ''[[The Bourne Identity]]'', has several missions that fail automatically if the alarms go off. A guard spotting you is not instant-fail as long as you stop him from getting to an alarm button in time, but then you'll have to remember to drag the body somewhere out of the way in case a patrol comes by later.
* Variation: In ''[[BioShock (series)]]'', it is possible to get a Gene Tonic that makes you move stealthier when using the wrench, and deal more damage when you hit an enemy who is unaware of you. It is also possible to get a Tonic that, as long as you stand still, makes you invisible. This combination allows you to, if you wish, play as a Wrench Ninja.
** The sequel manages, [[Rule of Cool|implausibly]], to top that: While the same pair of tonics is available, you're playing a Big Daddy. Turning Delta into ''[[Mr. Driller]], [[Tenchu|Stealth Asassin]]'' dances between ''scary'' and ''friggin' sweet''.
** And a Warbear! Controlled by the allied AI unless you're playing with a friend.
* The escape from prison in ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' was intended as one of these, but the guards are easy enough to kill that it's easier to do just that.
** The unarmed escape from the Blackbird later in the game is a forced stealth mission, unless you happened to put [[Bare-Fisted Monk|bare-handed fighter]] Ayla in your active party before your capture.
* Every time one plays the Spy class in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''.
** Or not at all, depending on whether the Spy in question is invisible or just disguised. If the later, he could waltz right in front of the entire opposing team unless they're all paranoid and Spy Check him ([[Properly Paranoid|which any half-way decent set of players would do out of habit]]).
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* In ''[[The Godfather (video game)|The Godfather]]: The Game'', there are some of these. Getting spotted usually doesn't instant-fail you, though, but instead forces you to kill the offending guard within a time limit. They are actually rather forgiving and fun.
* ''[[Boktai|Lunar Knights]]'' has an enemy known as a Spotter. It has no direct attack and simply hovers around your position while a spinning crosshair and a number float over your head. The number is a timer, and you have to get out of the Spotter's sights and hide somewhere safe until the countdown expires and the Spotters return to sentry duty. They also take inordinate amounts of punishment, and fighting one as an underleveled Lucian is suicidal. Also, every time the reacquire their target, the crosshair countdown ticks down faster. What happens when it runs out? [[Boom! Headshot!|Take a wild guess.]]
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'':
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days|Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2]]''. Following {{spoiler|Pete}}, you have to tail keep in in your cone of view, while avoiding his. Between the sometimes uncooperative camera angle and your teammate's general disinclination to move, it results in several restarts, and an urge to strangle the otherwise very popular character. Made more frustrating as your partner is able to easily ''teleport'' out of his line of sight while you are not so lucky.
** ''[[Kingdom Hearts coded]]'' also has some in Wonderland (depending on how many times you choose to enter certain rooms) where you must sneak past the Card Soldiers, though the only really thing you need to worry about are the Card Soldiers actually catching up to you which isn't all that hard to avoid (especially if you if have the ability Haste equipped).
* Several missions in ''[[True Crime]]: Streets of L.A.'' involves sneaking and knocking down guards you pass by. Being spotted for too long results a mission failure.
** [[Lampshaded]] by Nick Kang: "Gotta do style!" Stealth missions are fortunately brief enough to stay fun, and always end in alerting ''every'' Mook in the place, making a wild shootout necessary anyway...