Stealth-Based Mission: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Perfect Dark]]'' has two missions, which, while not stealth entirely, rewards you with dual weapons for not being spotted by the guards.
* Several ''[[Rainbow Six]]'' missions have you infiltrate a house or building without being spotted, which means you can't kill anyone either. The two stealth missions in ''Rogue Spear'' are [[That One Level|especially infuriating]], and they [[Remixed Level|later become action levels]] that are no less difficult.
* One very annoying mission in ''[[Return to Castle Wolfenstein]]'' requires you to remain undetected ''in broad daylight, in an open field''; if you're seen even once and fail to snipe the guard in the split second before he hits the alarm, [[Game Over]]. And there's one guard you can't shoot or alert, if the latter happens and the alarm is already destroyed, the mission becomes [[Unwinnable]].
=== Hack and Slash ===
=== Interactive Fiction ===
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=== Real Time Strategy ===
* In ''[[Command & Conquer]]: Red Alert 3'', the first part of the seventh Soviet mission has you sneak into the Japanese Emperor's palace with a single conscript.
* This is essentially what it's like to play [[You Dirty Rat|Twitch the Plague Rat]] in [[League of Legends]]. He is amongst the frailest characters in the game but can do a lot of damage very quickly and does almost always have the element of surprise due to his ability to become invisible for up to 50 seconds at a time. Twitch's role on a team is to roam the map and pick off wounded and occupied targets without endangering himself in the process.
=== Rhythm Game ===
=== Roguelike ===
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* ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'' has a mission where you have to sneak your way through a forest without alerting any guards. If you're caught, you have to start the section over. However, if you're caught too many times, the game [[Anti-Frustration Features|allows you to fight your way through instead]].
* ''[[Tales of Phantasia]]'' has Cress and his buddies sneaking through Alvanista castle to check on the prince. Getting caught sends them back to the balcony, but avoiding guards is as easy as running through while they are outside the screen.
* The beginning of ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'''s "Arrival" [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] is one of these. Or, at least, supposed to be. There's no benefit to sneaking through the prison (there's an achievement for getting through it undetected, but that's it); all of the groups of enemies are so easy to kill that it doesn't particularly matter.
** Before the DLC was released, players speculated that the Infiltrator player class (whose special power is an [[Invisibility Cloak]]) would have an unfair advantage, but it doesn't for two reasons: first, the enemies are so easy to sneak past that there's no advantage to using Tactical Cloak anyway; second, even if you do try to sneak past enemies using it, if you enter the area in which enemies would detect you uncloaked, they will automatically attack Shepard once the cloak wears off, [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|even if there's no possible way for them to know you're there.]]
* In a similar vein, ''[[Dragon Age II]]'''s "Mark of the Assassin" [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] contains an extended stealth-based mission that involves sneaking through a mansion, but it's very merciful if you fail (only sending you back a short distance...with whatever goodies you swiped on your way!)
* ''[[Golden Sun]]'' has a portion where the party has to sneak through a thieves' base in order to rescue the mayor of a large city. The second game has a similar mission where the party must sneak past tribal guards.
* ''[[Vampire Bloodlines]]'' - the Prince orders you to investigate the submarine and the museum unseen and without casualties. Stealth is an option on other missions, but no more or less than brute force.
** Inversion when playing as a Nosferatu; stealth is required ''between'' missions, and the game justifiably penalizes you for letting your character be detected.
=== Shoot'Em Up ===
=== Simulation Game ===
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=== Tower Defense ===
=== Third-Person Shooter ===
* About half the missions in the ''[[Syphon Filter]]'' series. In Rhoemer's Base, unlike most, getting spotted doesn't cause an immediate [[Game Over]], but puts the base guards on full alert, making your task much harder. Another "stealth not explicitly required" mission is the Aljir Prison Escape level, if you alert the guards in the last part, Gregorov will most likely be killed, causing mission failure.
=== Turn-Based Strategy ===
* The PSP [[Turn-Based Strategy]] release ''[[Wild ARMs XF]]'' has obligatory stealth sequences. Fortunately, the game establishes the guards' logic instead of forcing you to trial-and-error it (I'm looking at you, ''[[The Legend of Zelda|Wind Waker]]''), graphically highlights whichever hex tiles the guards are currently observing (I'm looking at you, ''[[Fahrenheit (2005 video game)]]''), and ''knows'' you might have to fall back on trial-and-error, and makes that easy.
=== Visual Novel ===
=== Wide Open Sandbox ===
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** Also at one point you use a sniper rifle to take out a number of robots, when you've taken down larger robots with two hits.
** The original ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' also contains a short stealth sequence in Shinra HQ, but if you fail often enough you'll just go in guns blazing.
* The PSP [[Turn-Based Strategy]] release ''[[Wild ARMs XF]]'' has obligatory stealth sequences. Fortunately, the game establishes the guards' logic instead of forcing you to trial-and-error it (I'm looking at you, ''[[The Legend of Zelda|Wind Waker]]''), graphically highlights whichever hex tiles the guards are currently observing (I'm looking at you, ''[[Fahrenheit (2005 video game)]]''), and ''knows'' you might have to fall back on trial-and-error, and makes that easy.
* One early mission of ''[[Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings]]'' tasks you with getting from Point A to Point B with Vaan and Vaan alone. Short of obscene [[Level Grinding]], the only only way to survive is not to get noticed.
** Surprisingly and [[Guide Dang It|somewhat unintuitively]], it's possible to give Vaan boots that prevent him from being immobilized by the enemies' lightning-elemental attacks, use an ability that temporarily increases his movement speed that you should already have at that point and have him just run through the level with any enemies in tow either not being able to get close enough to hit him or not being able to do enough damage to kill him before he gets to the goal.
* A mission in ''[[Dark Forces Saga|Jedi Outcast]]'' requires Kyle to sneak through enemy base. Of course, you can try provoke all enemies and kill them before they push alert button by being at the button and kill all enemies trying to push it.
* One very annoying mission in ''[[Return to Castle Wolfenstein]]'' requires you to remain undetected ''in broad daylight, in an open field''; if you're seen even once and fail to snipe the guard in the split second before he hits the alarm, [[Game Over]]. And there's one guard you can't shoot or alert, if the latter happens and the alarm is already destroyed, the mission becomes [[Unwinnable]].
* ''[[XIII]]'', which was based on a comic that was in turn inspired by ''[[The Bourne Identity]]'', has several missions that fail automatically if the alarms go off. A guard spotting you is not instant-fail as long as you stop him from getting to an alarm button in time, but then you'll have to remember to drag the body somewhere out of the way in case a patrol comes by later.
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* Retrieving the Green Hive in ''[[Overlord II]]'' requires the Overlord to possess a Green Minion and lead a group of them into an Empire base. He and his minions then have to sneak around and [[Back Stab]] the forces guarding the base, including the magic detecting Sentinels and the Eradicators, which are [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]. This section is pretty forgiving; the Overlord himself can't actually die here (the Minion does, but you can get more) and if you lose a few Minions there are jars with reinforcements scattered about the base. Plus, you get to sic [[Everything's Worse with Bears|Giant Pandas]] on the guards here. One of the more well thought out and entertaining examples of this trope. The mission where you have to rely on the Blue Minions in the sewers isn't so bad either thanks to their ''invisibility'' power. Being invisible makes a '''Stealth Based Mission''' ''much'' easier.
* ''[[Golden Sun]]'' has a portion where the party has to sneak through a thieves' base in order to rescue the mayor of a large city. The second game has a similar mission where the party must sneak past tribal guards.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' alternates between stealth and action, but a few missions are explicitly stealth-based, since Joker's got hostages and instructs his goons to kill them the second they see Batman, or even think Batman's around; the Joker helpfully informs them, [[Genre Savvy|if the goons start vanishing mysteriously, that means Batman is there]].
* In ''[[The Godfather (video game)|The Godfather]]: The Game'', there are some of these. Getting spotted usually doesn't instant-fail you, though, but instead forces you to kill the offending guard within a time limit. They are actually rather forgiving and fun.
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* A few missions in ''[[Water Warfare]]'' task you to slink, [[No-Gear Level|weaponless,]] past opponents to a point. In one, you just have to make it to the goal. In the second, however, you must take a treasure chest back to your base as well.
* ''[[Vampire Bloodlines]]'' - the Prince orders you to investigate the submarine and the museum unseen and without casualties. Stealth is an option on other missions, but no more or less than brute force.
** Inversion when playing as a Nosferatu; stealth is required ''between'' missions, and the game justifiably penalizes you for letting your character be detected.
* ''[[Dubloon]]'' has a short sequence where Riley and Ricky have to sneak past the lowliest mooks in Navy base. Getting caught sends player back to the start, but after a plot event, they can be fought for cheap experience.
* The Ultor HQ levels in ''[[Red Faction]]''.
* ''[[Soldier of Fortune]] II'' has at least three or four stealth levels. In the first one, being spotted results in an instant [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
* There are lots of stealth-based missions in ''[[Secret Agent Barbie]]''.
* About half the missions in the ''[[Syphon Filter]]'' series. In Rhoemer's Base, unlike most, getting spotted doesn't cause an immediate [[Game Over]], but puts the base guards on full alert, making your task much harder. Another "stealth not explicitly required" mission is the Aljir Prison Escape level, if you alert the guards in the last part, Gregorov will most likely be killed, causing mission failure.
* Several missions in the ''[[Driver]]'' series require you to follow a car without getting to close and alerting them.
* The beginning of ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'''s "Arrival" [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] is one of these. Or, at least, supposed to be. There's no benefit to sneaking through the prison (there's an achievement for getting through it undetected, but that's it); all of the groups of enemies are so easy to kill that it doesn't particularly matter.
** Before the DLC was released, players speculated that the Infiltrator player class (whose special power is an [[Invisibility Cloak]]) would have an unfair advantage, but it doesn't for two reasons: first, the enemies are so easy to sneak past that there's no advantage to using Tactical Cloak anyway; second, even if you do try to sneak past enemies using it, if you enter the area in which enemies would detect you uncloaked, they will automatically attack Shepard once the cloak wears off, [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|even if there's no possible way for them to know you're there.]]
* In a similar vein, ''[[Dragon Age II]]'''s "Mark of the Assassin" [[Downloadable Content|DLC]] contains an extended stealth-based mission that involves sneaking through a mansion, but it's very merciful if you fail (only sending you back a short distance...with whatever goodies you swiped on your way!)
* This is essentially what it's like to play [[You Dirty Rat|Twitch the Plague Rat]] in [[League of Legends]]. He is amongst the frailest characters in the game but can do a lot of damage very quickly and does almost always have the element of surprise due to his ability to become invisible for up to 50 seconds at a time. Twitch's role on a team is to roam the map and pick off wounded and occupied targets without endangering himself in the process.
* One of the early campaign missions in [[Achron]] requires you to sneak into an alien base while avoiding random patrols. Fortunately, due to time travel, you can see where the enemies will be and avoid them in the past.