Stealth-Based Mission: Difference between revisions

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* At least three instances in ''[[RuneScape]]'', all during quests. During Mad Eadgar's Ruse the player must sneak through a heavily guarded storeroom that has the last (until the next quest in the series) supply of the trolls' favourite seasoning herb, getting sent back to the storeroom entrance if caught. In {{spoiler|Branches of Darkmeyer}} the player has to {{spoiler|sneak through the lowest part of the vampyre town in order to find the pieces of clothing they need to disguise themselves as a vampyre, without being caught by the residents or guards who will teleport them back to the entrance.}} And, finally, during {{spoiler|Ritual of the Mahjarrat, the player has to sneak around the plateau where the titular ritual will take place, planting the beacons and heart needed to give their side the edge in the oncoming fight, while avoiding the sniffer beasts that will summon an unavoidable mage who will teleport players to an easily escaped cell.}}
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' features some stealth-based quests, specifically for the Rogue class, as they are required to combat special monsters that can only be defeated via attacks from stealth. Being in stealth is also required for Rogues to disarm traps, something that comes in very handy in certain dungeons. Similarly, while not precisely a mission, stealth allows Rogues and Druids to sneak past many encounters, allowing solo or duo completion of many quests that would otherwise require a larger group. For these reasons, learning to use stealth properly is greatly advised for any Rogue who wants to be taken seriously in the game.
=== Maze Game ===
=== Party Game ===
=== Platform Game ===
* ''[[The Hobbit]]'', an otherwise surprisingly decent platformer, featured lots of these - and they were the "do it right or it's back to the beginning of the level" sort.
* ''[[Spyro the Dragon|Spyro 2]]'' features one that involves hiding behind trees while following a NPC.
=== Puzzle Game ===
=== Racing Game ===
=== Real Time Strategy ===
* In ''[[Command & Conquer]]: Red Alert 3'', the first part of the seventh Soviet mission has you sneak into the Japanese Emperor's palace with a single conscript.