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** There's also Lapis Lazuli. According to who you talk to, she's either a very sympathetic [[Anti-Villain]] who didn't mean to cause as much trouble as she did, or an incredibly selfish [[Jerkass]] for potentially endangering the world and attempting to drown two innocent children in her attempt to go home.
** People either love Onion for his creepy behavior and evil actions, while others loathe him for the same reasons. Depending on your point of view, his genuine desire to make friends with Steven may or may not offset his more selfish actions.
** Fans either loathe Lars for being a highly-unlikable [[Jerkass]], or love him for his rare moments of kindness and hints of [[Hidden Depths]] relating to his psyche. {{spoiler|After Seasons 4 and 5, with Lars receiving a great deal of [[Character Development]] and [[Took Aa Level Inin Badass]], he was [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]] ''big time'' for many of his detractors.}}
* [[Broken Base]]: Should male Gems be introduced to the show, or not? This is a question that has caused all sorts of fights among the fandom.
** Should Jasper be redeemed, or is she better as an evil psycho [[Blood Knight]]?
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** In ''Sworn to the Sword'', Pearl's over the top outburst of "WHY WON'T YOU JUST LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU, ROSE?!" tends to come off as forced and [[Wangst|wangsty]] for some, thanks to the line's rather unsubtle, ham-fisted delivery. What doesn't help is the fact that it's treated like some sort of [[Wham Line]] when past episodes have already explored Pearl's attachment issues with Rose in a far better manner.
* [[Overshadowed by Controversy]]: Thanks to the infamous incident where fans of the show bullied a fanartist to the point of a suicide attempt over "racist" and "fatphobic" fanart, lots of potential fans have been scared away from the show due to the incredibly toxic parts of the fandom unfortunately many people have began to harass or outright bully people just for being part of the fandom.
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Lars spent the first three seasons of the show as an unlikable asshole who never really developed as a character despite going through events that should've mellowed him out or cause ''some'' kind of [[Character Development]]. Then in Season 4 he showed his [[Hidden Depths]] and began acting friendlier towards Steven and Sadie, which was soon followed by a full redemption of his character and a surprising case of [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] in the Season 5 premiere, making Lars a favorite for many who'd previously disliked or felt indifferent towards him.
* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: Rose Quartz/{{spoiler|Pink Diamond}} gets as much of this treatment as she does [[Draco in Leather Pants]] due to having as many flaws and failings as she does positive qualities.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Even the most controversial characters in this show tend to have defenders and fans, yet there are still a few who are potent hate-magnets. One such character is Ronaldo Fryman, who is widely detested for being a one-dimensional caricature of a weird, conspiracy-believing nerd with an obnoxious and unlikable personality and little depth aside from being a loony conspiracy theorist whose antics are far more cringeworthy and annoying rather than amusing. It doesn't help that he's driven entirely by [[It's All About Me]] and never seems to get better in any of his major appearances, with some of his actions bordering on self-centered sociopathy such as chaining Steven (dressed as a snake person at the time) to the wall of his lighthouse and trying to "examine" him, being willing to sacrifice Lars' life to a corrupted Gem monster, attempting to make the Crystal Gems leave Beach City while making his documentary, his Jerkassery towards Steven when he was temporarily on the Crystal Gems' team as "Bloodstone", and showing no concern for Lars facing dangers in space, only outrage and jealousy that it isn't ''him'' up there facing those dangers.