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*** As it turns out, Rose {{spoiler|really ''was'' one of Homeworld's leaders - Pink Diamond, the very Diamond believed to have been shattered ''by'' Rose Quartz. Pink had actually grown fond of Earth and it's inhabitants and so fed up with Blue and Yellow ignoring her requests for Earth to be treated as more than just a colony, so she masqueraded as a Roze Quartz who led a rebellion against Homeworld's plans for Earth, which culminated in Pink faking her own shattering by having her Pearl, shapeshifted into the form of Rose Quartz, poof her while leaving false pink shards where Pink had been standing. Pink had hoped this would stop all of her and the Earth's troubles and she could finally be free of her responsiblities, free to live on Earth with humans as she pleased, but it ended up only creating bigger troubles in the future. Needless to say, this has only increased the amount of interpretation of Pink/Rose's motives and character for any given point in time she existed in.}}
** Peridot's age has also been called into question, with some painting her as being the Gem equivalent of a child thanks to her immature behavior, small size, and lack of awareness as to how her powers work. Others simply think she's as much of an "adult" as the rest of the cast and merely has childish, dorky mannerisms.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{spoiler|After getting a ton of hype and buildup due to how big of a threat it was, the Cluster's defeat was quite underwhelming for some: it was bubbled up by Steven, who convinced the millions of Gems the Cluster consisted of to get to know one another and in return, got them to help with the bubbling so they wouldn't take on a form and destroy Earth. This actually helps to turn it into an ''ally'' for a later, much more climactic fight against the Blue and Yellow Diamonds towards the end of Season 5.}}
* [[Base Breaker]]: Pearl has the fans split into two camps: there are those who love her for being a highly flawed, tragic individual who nevertheless is still a very funny and competent character, while others loathe her since she tends to go too far in her lowest moments and comes off as completely unsympathetic. Very rarely will you find anyone who's merely neutral about her.
** Speaking of Pearl, there's the matter of her attraction to Rose. Is she a sympathetic [[Woobie]] with an adorable crush on her hero, or is she an entitled creep who needs to get over Rose and move on?