Stock Aesops: Difference between revisions

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[['''Stock Aesops]]''' are the morals that the writers and [[Executive Meddling|producers]] of TV most often love to explore. They sometimes contradict each other, but it's a clumsy writer indeed who sticks [[Mind Screw|two contradictory Aesops into the same script]]. [[Broken Aesop|It happens, though.]]
Many are [[Older Than Feudalism]]. And some, indeed, come straight from the original [[Aesop's Fables]].
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** [[Because Destiny Says So]] - Accept Your Destiny
** [[Screw Destiny]] - Shape Your Own Destiny
** [[There Are No Coincidences]] -- Nothing—Nothing Happens By Chance; Everything Is Destined
* On Differences
** [[Silly Reason for War|Your differences are minuscule]], get along already!
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** First Impressions Are Misleading - You'd Better Second-Guess Yourself
* On Justice:
** [[Freudian Excuse]]: Cut your arch enemy some slack -- heslack—he had a rough childhood.
** [[Justice Will Prevail]]
* On Kinship:
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[[Category:An Aesop]]
[[Category:Index Index]]
[[Category:Stock Aesops]]
