Stonekeep: Difference between revisions

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* [[Giant Spider]] - The game's most basic enemy.
* [[God of Evil]] - Khull-Khuum
* [[GodsGod's Hands Are Tied]] - The other gods are basically useless against Khull-Khuum and need some brat to save them.
* [[Gosh Hornet]] - Kill one hornet. Get the hive for free. (hint: don't kill one hornet)
* [[Healing Potion]] - Come in friendly blue and what-the-hell-does-this-potion-even-do green. (seriously, does it cure poison or something?)
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* [[Pulling Themselves Together]] - Skeletons do this. Picking up their bones so they no longer add up stops them.
* [[Preexisting Encounters]] - There are no [[Random Encounters]].
* [[Slippy -Slidey Ice World]] - The ice caverns. Have warmly dressed shargas and floaty ice spike balls.
* [[So Long and Thanks For All The Gear]] - Not all that bad since you'll generally save your unique gear for Drake, but lampshaded by Skuz when he leaves.
* [[Spark Fairy]] - They can actually switch between spark-mode and, well, [[Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism|it depends on the fairy's gender]].