Street Fighter/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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**** No, she may be forgotten, but by Capcom of Japan's word, she's still canon. The Street Fighter plot guide in Gamefaqs says that ignorance does not equal denial, so if Capcom of Japan says shes not canon, then she's not, but if they don't mention her that much, she's still canon.
***** That's impossible, Juri's father was a lawyer in charge of prosecuting organized crime operations (including Shadoloo). The whole family was kidnapped, both parents were killed, and Juri lost her eye.
* Why couldn't Bison levitate during [[SF 2]]?
** The merger with Rose's half of his soul put a serious damper on his powers. Since Rose was the good half of his soul, and Psycho Power works based on negative emotion, he was brought down to a lower level.
*** Actually, it has nothing to do with him ''having temporarily used'' Rose, between the two stories. He just clones his body a lot, but some end up being more powerful than others. SFA body > [[SF 4]] body >= [[SF 2]] body.
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***** Except that [[SF 4]]'s not a dream match. All of the returning characters, save for Gouken, have been given justifications for their returns and/or appearance - Bison cheated death and transfered his soul into another body again; Rose was simply possesed, not absorbed, by Bison at the end of Alpha 3 and suvived when he got his new body back; Sakura has moved on from high school and uses her old seifuku as a fighting uniform/gi; and considering how some people have resisted fatal diseases for years after their diagnosis, it's not a stretch to think an elderly martial arts master like Gen could've done so as well. The producer is an [[SF 2]] fanboy, yes, but that doesn't mean the game was designed to be outside of canon.
****** Oh and FYI, and of all the characters that return from the "dead" in SFIV, only Gouken was offically declared as dead in canon. Gen and Rose's endings in Alpha 3 were ambiguous and Capcom never bothered to actually say what their fates were post-A3 until they were added to the home version of ''SFIV''.
******* Actually, if you read up about Gouken and Gen in the Street Fighter plot guide on Gamefaqs, it's says that both of them ARE dead, for Gouken, he may have survived the Shun Goku Satsu when he fought Akuma/Gouki, but died of mysterious circumstances that Akuma/Gouki would only know, SIN may have physically resurrected him for BLECE experiments and possibly to lure Ryu, his adoptive son, into said experiments, but has an incomplete memory, for Gen, may have died fighting Akuma/Gouki at one point post-Alpha/Zero 3, or his disease and brought back to life physically for BLECE experimentations like Gouken, though Gouken in [[SF 4]] and [[SSF 4]]SSF4 may be another wink to the Sheng Long hoax.
***** Initially, Word of God was that Bison was dead post Street Fighter 2 via Shun Goku Satsu since Shadoloo is gone by the time Second Impact and Third Strike happen. It's more likely that they opted to retcon that when it was decided that [[SF 4]] would be [[SF 2]].5. It's likely that Gouken survived it in a way similar to Gen: By emptying his soul or embracing Nothingness. Gouki states that Gouken is tapping into the power of Mu in their endings (I forget which).
* Why does Gouken have a fighting style so dissimilar to Ryu and Ken's? I mean he WAS their master!
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* What was Balrog's ending in [[SF 4]] about? He just randomly steals a kid.
** My guess is that the kid will be a fighter in the next game where he will use PSYCHO BOXING!
** In [[SSF 4]]SSF4, he heavily implies that Bison plans to use the kid as a replacement body. It's also implied that the kid has special powers, and what looks vaguely like the Shadaloo logo briefly appears on his palm, so... yeah.
* What is the role of [ those two guys] fighting in front of a building and why are neither of them playable?
** I think those two are supposed to be Joe and Mike from the original Street Fighter.
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*** Akuma doesn't give two craps about innocents, actually. His beef with Bison is that Bison's artificially boosting his power with things like the Psycho Drive. He doesn't care about how you use your power, as long as that power was naturally gained - think of him as a one-man version of the Anti-Doping Agency.
**** He DOES have standards as there's artwork of him selling fruit to a kid and All About Capcom had an instance of him rescuing another.
* Will Ryu ever realize that there's more in life than just fighting, like making a family (Chun-Li is watching you!), passing on his skills to the new generation, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|staying in the kitchen]]?
** He has said in previous games, I believe [[MVC 1]], as a victory quote, that he thought of settling down and starting a family, but he can't because there is a lot of work left to do. (basically he's married to the job of training.)
** Maybe he won't. Ken did, however. Let him do what he likes!
** [[Shipping Goggles|I don't remember Chun-Li ever showing any romantic interest in Ryu]]. [[Chaste Hero|Or much of anyone for that matter.]]
*** Ryu x Chun-Li is one of the oldest examples of fandom shipping out there. It predates the internet!
*** Clearly you've not read the short-lived Malibu comics adaptation.
*** Not that anyone will hold that against anyone else.
*** There's heavy implications that Chun Li had feelings for Nash/Charlie during the Alpha storyline (they searched for Vega/Bison under the guise of being married), but, [[Heroic Sacrifice|you know...]]
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** An image of him from Capcom Design Works (page 67, I believe) is captioned with the characters "ri," small "yu," and "u." A small character truncates the vowel sound of the preceding character, so the pronunciation is therefore "Ryuu." If it was supposed to be pronounced "Rai-you," then the characters would be "ra," "i," and "yu."
*** Where does anyone get "Rai-you" out of "Ryu"? So, it's "R-you"? The movie does say "Ryuu", but I've seen other official works say "Roo".
* So.. What is everyone speaking? Their native language? What about when they talk to each other? English?
=== [[Street Fighter (animation)|The Western Animated Series]] ===