Stupid Jetpack Hitler/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': Nazi Germany is equipped with and fights with highly advanced technological weaponry and machinery.
* '''Straight''': Nazis have technology far beyond the level of 1940s - [[Death Ray|Death Rays]], [[Powered Armor]], [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|and yes, jetpacks]].
* '''Exaggerated''': Nazis can [[Reality Warper|warp the very fabric of reality]] and summon [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] with their superscience.
* '''Justified''': Nazi Germany did achieve various technological advances in real life, an example is the space rocket.
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* '''Inverted''': [[Nazis With Gnarly Weapons]] have nothing on [[Soviet Superscience]] and [[Raygun Gothic|American Advancements]].
* '''Subverted''': Nazi superscience visible on survelliance photos turns out to be fake.
* '''Double Subverted''': It was actually made by [[Ghostapo|Nazi occult masters]] [[Doing in Thethe Scientist]].
* '''Parodied''': Nazis' latest and greatest wunderwaffen is a Death Ray-equipped helicopter [[Refuge in Audacity|with swastikas for propellers]].
** [[Laser-Guided Karma|And it gets sabotaged in fifteen minutes by]] [[McNinja|Ninjews]].