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* [[Energy Weapons]]: Certain items of both the [[Laser Blade]] and [[Ray Gun]] variety.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: The witchdoctor [ Matlal] basically stole the show for the 2009 Omen Islands Plot with his all-caps posts and sexual innuendo.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Plushies]]: To unimaginable, physics-challenging extents (after all, they are pixel plushies). Also, beanbags. Plushie pets, plushie food, plushie ''torture implements...''
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Somehow or another, it manages to [ be] [ self-explanatory].
* [[Evil Weapon]]: There are a lot of them.
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* [[Gag Boobs]]: Poor Titania. All she wants is to be taken seriously as the best source for Subetan news, but her... unfortunate name has lead to plenty of teasing from the user base. Mature? No. Hilarious? Of course.
* [[Gone Horribly Wrong]]: The Experiment pets. Could be [[Gone Horribly Right]] instead if you actually wanted your pet to look like that.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy]]: Recently-introduced NPC [ Jules Yun] is a fairly-obvious [[Expy]] of [ Kit Stølen].
* [[Ho Yay]]: Plenty. Given that Keith Kurson is openly gay, and there's no objections against sexuality, it's natural.
** Where does he even admit to being gay? He seems to actively counter this idea, and never answers it if asked live. Troper would link to source?
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* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]: Maleria, sort of, as she can't really use her powers like she did in her glory times.
* [[Split Personality Takeover]]: Mori / Nori, ''every single day'', as soon as the sun rises or sets.
* [[Sorry, I'm Gay]]: Not only Jaxon Skelly, but Keith himself.
* [[Star Spangled Spandex]]: A clothing in the Sun/Moon themed Costume Trunk is ''literally'' this.
* [[Steampunk]]: The moon colony of Atebus runs entirely on Steampunk technology. {{spoiler|Technology strong enough to make an ''AI so real it passes for human''. Daaaamn, Vernon!}}
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[[Category:Other Sites]]