Sudden Name Change: Difference between revisions

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* In ''Dragonflight'', the first ''[[Dragonriders of Pern]]'' novel, the leader of the "old-timers" is T'ton, and Weyrwoman Kylora is Pridith's rider. In subsequent books, the names are T'ron, Kylara and Prideth.
* Towards the end of the "Wyrmberg" segment of ''[[Discworld/The Colour of Magic|The Colour of Magic]]'', Liessa suddenly becomes Lianna. Given the Pernese influence of the Wyrmberg, it was suggested that this might be an intentional parody of the above, but [[Terry Pratchett]] says no, it's a mistake at the printers.
* In ''[[Swallows and Amazons]]'', the little sister of the Walkers is known as "Vicky" the entire first book. The sequels promptly change her name to "Bridget". The explanation given in-story is that baby Bridget looked like "Queen Victoria in old age" and was jokingly nicknamed "Vicky", but the resemblance and the nickname ceased when she grew older. (In real life, author Arthur Ransome was basing several of the characters on real children, and Bridget was the name of their younger sister--whensister—when she got old enough to comment on the first book, she disliked the fact that her name had been changed, and Ransome fixed things up for her.)
* In the Project Gutenberg text of ''The Haunted Hotel'' by [[Wilkie Collins]], Lord Montbarry's eldest daughter's name changes from Lucy to Marian between chapters. The same slip is present in the French edition.
* Brother Bear from ''[[The Berenstain Bears]]'' actually used to be known as "Small Bear" before his younger sister, Sister was born.
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** The fictional band The Subsonics was changed to The Subdigitals when it turned out there was a ''real'' band called The Subsonics.
** Kankrelats were called "Roachsters" in the first season. They were latter given their original French name.
* A strange example: The earlier ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' cartoons featured a character called Egghead, occasionally portrayed as a recreational hunter. In one cartoon, his name, for no reason at all, was changed to "Elmer Fudd". Through the years, the character changed ''radically'', becoming the stuttering, bald, bumbling hunter we recognize today, known ''exclusively'' as Elmer Fudd--oneFudd—one character become another by way of an altered name.
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', Flying Bison are later referred to as Sky Bison. It could be possible that both terms are correct, though, since many animals have multiple common names.
** Considering they are also referred to as Wind Buffalo by a Fire Nation tourist, that seems likely.
