Suddenly Sexuality: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''A.D.A. Serena Southerlyn:''' "Is this [being fired] because I'm a lesbian?"<br />
'''D.A. Arthur Branch:''' "...[[Audience Surrogate|no?]]"|'''Alternate line reading''' from Elisabeth Rohm's final ''[[Law and Order]]'' episode}}
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** The last episode one-ups it by revealing that {{spoiler|''Jackie'' was gay, not Bev}}. Doesn't get more [[Suddenly Sexuality|sudden]] than that. And they managed that by explaining that {{spoiler|all or most of the series was [[All Just a Dream|a book Roseanne was writing]], with gay Jackie/straight Bev being how it was in the "real" world}}. This had in fact been hinted at, but went over most people's heads. {{spoiler|At one point, a character describes what they view as a stereotypical lesbian. Jackie in the background laughs, then realizes they were describing her.}}
* Todd from ''[[Scrubs]]'' might qualify for this in a quite different way: before he came out as bisexual he was the most stereotypically "straight" characters on the show (i.e. constantly making lewd comments at whatever females crossed his path). After he came out, however, he acted [[Anything That Moves|exactly the same, except now he directs lewd comments at guys too]]. In his own words:
{{quote| '''Janitor''': What the hell are you?<br />
'''The Todd''': I'm The Todd! }}
** Although Todd's possible homosexuality had been foreshadowed before. He had been accused of being gay ("Then how come I work out so much?") and joined the female nurses in their protest of Turk and JD kicking out Colin Farrell's character.
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* [[The Smurfs]] are supposed to be an [[One-Gender Race]] or genderless. Yet, right after Smurfette's transformation into being a real Smurf, they are like [[Hello, Nurse!]].
* Mr./Ms. Garrison on ''[[South Park]]'' is the embodiment of this trope, starting out as a [[Transparent Closet|closeted homosexual]], [[Flamboyant Gay|token homosexual]], heterosexual woman (after her [[Gender Bender|sex change]]), a lesbian, and finally a man again (though his current sexuality hasn't been confirmed yet). This is even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] when she tells her class about her sudden change to lesbianism, after she comes right out and says she's gay, and Stan asks, "Again?" Chef probably put it best a long time ago: "There's a huge difference between gay people, and Mr. Garrison" since he's also had sex with animals and tried to rape children.
{{quote| [[Oh, Cisco|That's our Garrison!]] ([["Everybody Laughs" Ending|laugh track]])}}
** Jimbo was similarly outed as a homosexual during a discussion about [[N-Word Privileges|f-word privileges]]. Garrison's use of the term was uncensored, and everyone else got bleeped. Then Jimbo said it. [[Hilarity Ensues]].