Super Mario (franchise)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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At this point, Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. have had enough, and locate the nearest giant pipe, taking them to the Mushroom World, more specifically, what will become known as Donkey Kong island, and the surrounding islands, going unnoticed by the hustle and bustle of the Mushroom Kingdom, too preoccupied with its own affairs. They change their names to Cranky Kong and Donkey Kong, hoping to never find Mario again, except when they're kart racing, etc.
==The Mushroom World is Mario's home planet==
The Mushroom World/Mushroom Planet is an alternate reality Earth. There is no separate "Real World" Earth to travel to or go back to. The "Real World" was an idea introduced in the cartoons, books, and movie, but does not apply to the games. ''[[Yoshi%27s_Island|Yoshi's Island]]'' establishes Mario and Luigi were dropped off at their parents' house, who more closely resemble Mushroom people living in a Mushroom house, given what there is to view of their feet and the surroundings. The Stork does not travel to another dimension or another world. The actual continents and geography do not have to resemble our own, such as in ''Mario is Missing!'', ''Mario's Time Machine'', and ''Mario's Early Years!'', which can be safely ignored.
What can not be ignored is the ''[[Wario Ware]]'' series, which depicts Earth-like culture and technology, in a setting that is supposed to be the same as Mario's. This should mean all the elements present in ''[[Wario Ware]]'' are present in Mario's world. The characters in ''[[Wario Ware]]'' do not have to travel to another dimension to do what they do. Likewise, Mario could find a location on the Mushroom Planet that has technology like video games and cars.
This may even extend back to the original games, with ''Mario Bros'', ''Wrecking Crew'', and ''Donkey Kong'' still taking place on the same planet, but with ''Super Mario Bros'', Mario travels, not to another planet or dimension, but to another location on the same planet. The Mushroom Kingdom is just another location, along with Yoshi's Island, etc. They can all be reached by boat, such that one could sail far enough from the Mushroom Kingdom to land at the original sites of the early Mario games, including ''Donkey Kong''.
Why don't we see so many cars and electronic technology in the Mushroom Kingdom? We do, counting ''Mario Kart'', and the Lakitus holding cameras, and some other stuff that would indicate this is more of a [[Schizo-Tech]] reality, like video game systems being in ''[[Super Mario RPG]]'', with that technology not being in focus during much of the main Mario games. Which means you could have just found a car and driven it to begin with.
