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'''For policing super heroes:'''
* C: [[To Catch Heroes Hire Villains|Recruit a group of evil, criminal-minded supervillains to police the heroes]]. The local [[Tailor-Made Prison]] filled with the heroes' [[Rogues Gallery]] should provide no shortage of potential [[Boxed Crook|Boxed Crooks]]s for your [[Badass Crew]]. Some of the [[Anti-Villain|less bloodthirsty and more sympathetic ones]] might pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] from the allure of [[Good Feels Good|working on the side of the angels]]; for the rest, it would be a smart idea to secure their loyalty with an [[Explosive Leash]] implanted in the base of their spinal columns.
* D: Create a [[Slave to PR|PR campaign]] and outreach program that emphasizes the perks of registration: [[Hero Insurance]] to repair collateral damage and protection against civil lawsuits, a possible government salary and [[Super-Hero School|training to develop your powers and people-saving skills]]. Works best to draft/enlist the top tier superheroes, so that second and third stringers that look up to them will be inspired to register. However, if any of the A-listers decide to go against it, the hero community could be embroiled in a ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' that makes both sides look bad.
* E: Don't make a big deal out of it; trying to force a large number of superhumans into doing something is a pre-emptive measure. Instead, wait until you have a suspect safely under the [[Power Nullifier|Power Nullifiers]]s, then ask if he has registered his powers. It works for the cops in [[Powers]].
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* Used as part of the setting of the anime/manga ''[[Zettai Karen Children]]''. Schools regularly scan students for psychic powers and give mandatory psychic power suppressing limiters to those who have them (which marks them as espers to the general populace, who often discriminate against them). For the people too powerful to be completely limited, it is illegal for them to attend school unless they're part of a military organization that guarantees that they're under control. Presumably this extends to adult society as well, although it's never shown. Unlike the other examples, registration is portrayed as a good thing, or at least as the best compromise that can be achieved when there's both humans and espers advocating genocide.
** Espers with future predicting powers have predicted that this will directly cause the downfall of humanity, by inciting a muggle vs esper civil war (which the espers will win, by destroying everything). A major ongoing plot is whether it can be averted via positive relationships between the main characters (the 3 strongest espers and their muggle "handler")
* The [[Super Registration Act]] has been implemented in the ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'' universe for at least several decades and generally works without a hitch. The Justice Bureau approves all heroes and allows them to sign up with a sponsor company and serve as private law enforcement/celebrities (technically, it's possible to be a free agent without a sponsor, but it's almost unheard of). While only NEXT have been shown to be active as heroes, presumably anyone without a criminal record has the opportunity to become one. Any hero under investigation for criminal behavior is suspended until they're cleared of all charges. Damages are handled either by the sponsor company or, if a judge rules that property damage was necessary in order for a hero to do their job properly, by the state.
** It appears more reasonable than others, but the execution is marred by {{spoiler|1=the very influential (the Mayor seems unwilling/unable to disagree with him) Maverick's collusion with Ouroborus to 'promote' NEXTs as superheroes, and the fact the [[Hanging Judge|lawyer]] associated with Hero TV - the company through which registered superheroes work - is himself secretly a vigilante and [[Serial Killer Killer|killer]].}}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Back during the "Acts of Vengeance" [[Crisis Crossover]], a [[Super Registration Act]] was proposed, though it was defeated by the political power of the [[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]] and [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|The Avengers]]; this was pointed out later as something that eventually led to...
* ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'': The big 2006 [[Crisis Crossover]] from [[Marvel Comics]], centered around the Super Human Registration Act and the superhero community's reactions to it ([[Let's You and Him Fight|an all-out slugfest]]). The X-Men stayed out of the whole conflict, perhaps so that attention wouldn't be drawn to the trope's overusedness. What's especially problematic here is that the meaning of the SHRA seems to [[Depending on the Writer|change from comic to comic]] -- sometimes—sometimes, it's just a matter of heroes registering their identities and powers with the government, but other books treat it as a sort of superhuman draft. This inconsistency and the political climate at the time (the whole thing had parallels to the freedom/security debate surrounding the Patriot Act) make the event's slogan, [[Concepts Are Cheap|"Which Side Are You On?"]], much more difficult to answer. Ultimately, the pro-reg side won out but [[Pyrrhic Victory|at the cost of the respect of the public]], leading to ''supervillains taking over SHIELD/HAMMER for a while''.
** Part of the reason for all this chaos in-story seems to be that the registration act itself is only part of the picture. At the same time, there's a general government push to co-opt the superhero community and rein in its rogue elements. So while the SHRA itself may not mean anything but "anyone with superpowers has to register with the government," you still have creepy black ops types drafting supersoldiers.
** Perhaps [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshading]] how overblown the concept was in ''Civil War'', the spin-off series ''Omega Flight'' noted that the [[Marvel Universe]]'s Canada had had a [[Super Registration Act]] for years, but it was never a problem because it didn't involve forced outings, secret prisons, conscripting teenagers, or supervillain mercenaries.
** Another big problem with ''[[Civil War]]'' was the pro-reg side being led by people who actually had means to make normal law enforcement and military agencies less than near-helpless against metahuman criminals and de-facto private armies (never mind the diverse array of alien, extradimensional and time-travelling conquerors threatening the Earth), means not requiring dangerous experiments on people or production of notoriously difficult to control robots, [[Reed Richards Is Useless|but pointedly refused to do so]].
* In a neat bit of historical reference, The [[Bronze Age]] ''All-Star Comics'' series [[Retcon|revealed]] the reason the Justice Society had broken up in the '50s: they were called before a [[Captain Ersatz|thinly-disguised version]] of the House Un-American Activities Committee and asked to reveal their identities. Unwilling to do so but also unwilling to go against the law, they stopped operating for a time. (In a [[Post-Crisis]] [[Retcon]], this was changed to the actual HUAC.)
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* This is a central point in the comic series ''[[Powers]]''. The main characters are [[Buddy Cop Show|Buddy Cops]] who investigate crimes related to registered and unregistered superpowered heroes and villains. The registration is in effect from the start, and being caught unregistered has a lot of legal woes tied to it. In fact it's even illegal to own a COSTUME unless you're registered which must make fancy dress parties a nightmare in this world. {{spoiler|Things go further for awhile in some issues, when after the local version of Superman goes insane/senile and decides that he's God and tries to enforce morality on the world, the use of any powers becomes illegal}}.
** It then lampshades this as of course the ONLY people who follow a law as ridiculous as that are the HEROES. The psychotic supervillains still run riot, the only difference is that now only badly unerqualified humans are left to try (and fail) to stop them. In the end the heroes return, realizing that justice is a lot more important than "The Law".
* A ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'' comic where several superheroes led by a [[Fantastic Four|Mr. Fantastic]] [[Captain Ersatz]] arrived in St. Canard city and tried to enforce a [[Super Registration Act]]. Darkwing, of course, didn't like this. This comic [[Reverse Funny Aneurysm|became much funnier]] after ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' came out.
* In ''[[Astro City]]'''s "Confessions" arc, the government of the titular city starts a registration act. It does not go well. {{spoiler|It turns out the Mayor was an alien shape shifter who was trying to destroy Earth's best defenses. This was found out when The Confessor, a Catholic Superhero Vampire, shot him to death with a stake gun.}}
* This happened when reality got changed so that Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman never existed in the 2009 series ''Trinity''. The alternate [[The Flash|Flash]] delivers an epic [[What the Hell, Hero?]] when he orders the solders trying to arrest him (in the middle of a battle against supervillains!) to do something useful and actually ''be'' heroes.
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* The film ''[[The Incredibles]]'' inverts the situation: After a series of successful lawsuits against [[Superhero|Super Heroes]] leads to a wave of anti-hero sentiment, the government relocates them a la the Witness Protection Program and helps them lead normal lives. Note that the agency keeping track of the supers also existed in what seems to have been a regulatory/support role before these events, and none of the supers seemed to mind it.
** It's implied in the DVD extras that at least some members of the agency think the heroes have gotten a bad rap, and hope they can return to active service someday.
** It's not all positive -- superspositive—supers in the program are expected to refrain from heroics (hence the ski masks worn by Mr. Incredible and Frozone when they rescue people from a burning building), and those caught using their powers must relocate and assume a new civilian identity.
*** Again, like the Witness Protection Program, that requires them to keep the low profile.
** It also made it easier for the [[Big Bad]] to keep track of surviving heroes.
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* Telepaths in [[Katherine Kerr]]'s ''Polar City Blues'' and other books in the same universe are marked with a "P" tattoo on their jaw. No coercion or punishment is mentioned; however no telepath can go unnoticed by another for long, especially if they haven't been trained and the only place to get the training is at the school which does the branding...
* Subverted in the two ''[[Temps]]'' shared world anthologies, in which all British "paranorms" are required to register with the Department of Paranormal Resources and, in exchange for a monthly stipend and a cheap suit, can then be called up as government operatives and penalised for vigilantism. Mostly, the paranorms view this the way most people view government interference in their lives; annoying, but not worth making a fuss over.
* Imagers (basically mages) in [[LE Modesitt JR]]'s Imager Portfolio are required to join the Collegium. This organization is run by and filled with Imagers, and occupies a venerable but somewhat precarious place in the local power structure. It trains imagers, keeps them out of trouble, and acts as something of a special ops/intelligence/research agency for the governmental council--somethingcouncil—something like option H, but with an emphasis on avoiding publicity.
* The Ministry of Magic in the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' universe, which regulates the wizarding world in the UK, forces Animagi (wizards with the rare skill of being able to transform into a specific animal) to register with the government or face prison time.
* This is one of the core elements of ''[[Shadow Ops]]''. If you're a Latent (magic-using human) in the United States, you've got three basic options. the first: a fairly comfortable (or uncomfortable, if you force the military to come after you) imprisonment while having your abilities fully suppressed for the rest of your life. The second: join the military. Again, for life. Third: Bullets, lethal injection, or the electric chair, depending on area. [[Double Standard|Unless you're rich, related to a senator, or a famous celebrity.]] And if you're unlucky enough to manifest powers in one of the "prohibited" schools (necromancy, sentient elemental conjuration, gate magic, negramancy) or use a "legal" school in an illegal way (a physiomancer ripping apart human flesh, or a terramancer controlling animals) then you've only got the former two options. The ethics and morals of this system are debated extensively over the course of the book, with security versus freedom being a core theme. Ultimately, the protagonist decides he can't support a government that effectively imprisons and enslaves its own citizens for something they have no control over, and effects an escape.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* The ''[[Champions]] 5th Edition'' [[Tabletop Games]] has a Superhuman Registration Act in its game universe [[Backstory]]. It uses it in an uncommonly sensible fashion -- widespreadfashion—widespread public protests were unable to get it formally repealed, but it's now a law that the government virtually never tries to enforce, let alone use as an excuse for metahuman conscription. Several of the most prominent superhero teams of the Champions Universe have officially registered and sanctioned themselves, but many superheroes have chosen not to, with little official interference in their lives. It still remains on the books, but it's normally used only as the legal authority to demand (and record, and distribute) the true identity of any metahuman already being arrested on another criminal charge. However, the lives of registered metahumans are made easier in several ways as compared to unregistered ones -- theyones—they can testify in court without having to reveal their secret identities publically (as those identities have already been revealed to the government and are thus available to the court, if not the public), they are offered opportunities for basic law enforcement training and certification as deputies, etc. They do need to follow certain guidelines - not killing opponens unless completely unavoidable, trying to avoid colateral damage and such, however.
** Technically, those that are not registered are considered to be vigilanties and, as such, criminals. This is rarely enforced except in extreme cases; Vigilantes who kill opponents are considered criminals and are hunted by the law.
** Supervillains get no such option; those that are cpatured have their identity, powers and abilities recorded by the government, with that information being, in turn, sent to law enforcement agencies and registered superhero groups to help them. This is compliant with real-world law in that people being booked for an arrest have no expectation of privacy re: their fingerprints, vital statistics, and other identifying measures.
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* In ''[[Paranoia]]'', being an unregistered mutant is punishable by death. Since just about ''every'' player character and NPC is a mutant of some sort or another, and very few are registered, things can get interesting very quickly.
* In ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'', the Imperium of Man makes a point to hunt down psykers, humans with psychic powers. The majority are killed, while the remnants are 'sanctioned' after much conditioning to serve the Imperium in various fashions, or used to [[Powered by a Forsaken Child|power their giant space beacon]]. ([[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that untrained psykers minds are open to the Warp, which [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|can make them dangerous]]).
** By "dangerous", he means that rogue psykers tend to unwittingly summon or even create monstrous [[Cosmic Horror|Cosmic Horrors]]s known as daemons wherever they go, as well as [[Superpower Meltdown|other]] [[Negative Space Wedgie|horrible]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|things]]. A single rogue psyker can cause soul-eating daemons to overrun an ''entire planet'', forcing the Inquisition to come and deliver an [[Earthshattering Kaboom]] to the unfortunate world.
** And if the beacon were allowed to go out, the Imperium would collapse and humanity would be eaten by [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s.
* The Moore Act in the "[[Dark Age|Iron Age]]" setting of ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' made superheroes illegal in Freedom City. Named after Mayor Franklin Moore (who, in turn, was named after [[Alan Moore]], creator of the Keene Act in ''[[Watchmen]]'').
* White Wolf's ''Aberrant'' had a rather underhanded variety. While there is no official law requiring Novas to register, their powers tend to be hard to control without specialized training and medical care. Both are available only from Project Utopia, so most of them end up there, policing their "unenlightened" brethren. In the process they're also {{spoiler|'''''unknowingly sterilized'''''. It should be no surprise that the setting concludes with every Nova on Earth discovering this fact and going on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] that pretty much [[The End of the World as We Know It|wrecks the entire world]] - after which the authorities destroy all records of their crimes and claim that [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|all Novas inevitably go insane]], and systematically kill them from that point on.}}
