Supernatural (TV series)/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

rewriting links: Councilof Angels=>Council of Angels
prefix>Import Bot
(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Supernatural.TropesAToD 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Supernatural.TropesAToD, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (rewriting links: Councilof Angels=>Council of Angels)
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* [[The Corruption]]: At the end of season four, Castiel tells Dean that {{spoiler|consuming enough demon blood to kill Lilith will permanently mutate Sam into a monster. Possibly, God cleaning it out of his system prevented this.}}
* [[Cosmopolitan Council]]: In [[Supernatural (Anime)/Recap/S05 E19 Hammer of the Gods|Hammer of the Gods]], the council composed of {{spoiler|ten gods, including [[Norse Mythology|Odin]], [[Classical Mythology|Mercury]] and [[Hindu Mythology|Kali]]}}.
* [[CouncilofCouncil of Angels]]: [[Heaven]] is apparently somewhat of a [[Celestial Bureaucracy|bureaucracy]], as {{spoiler|[[God]] has gone AWOL. In season six Heaven has descended into full scale civil war as Michael, its former leader (After God), has been trapped in Hell with Lucifer}}.
* [[Creator Provincialism]]: It the vast majority of the important events of the apocalypse take place in the continental United States. [[Hindu Mythology|Kali]] is actually rather upset over this fact, and laments that "Westerners" are trying to take away her rightful spot in her own Apocalypse.
** Possibly Justified. The Apocalypse is taking place in America because that's where Sam and Dean are. It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for Lucifer to be doing his thing in the Middle East or Europe or anywhere else when his {{spoiler|intended vessel}} lives in America. Now, the fact that Sam and Dean are American in the first place is all on the writers, but they can hardly be blamed for that.