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* In the original ''[[Squadron Supreme]]'' limited series, Nuke has a meltdown which ends up {{spoiler|killing him, as he burns up all the oxygen inside the force field that's keeping him from incinerating the countryside.}}
* In the [[Marvel Universe]], some powers have had serious meltdowns. Captain Mar-Vell was given the Nega-bands, but it should be noted that they were turned into an apocalyptic Nuclear Option in Operation: Galactic Storm and used to ''blow up the Kree Galaxy'' and effectively mutate what little life made it through. (It was just as rough of the life in the Negative Zone, as it turns out). Also, such matters as Nova Flares from [[The Fantastic Four|Johnny Storm]] (one destroyed the NYU campus, I believe) have long been staple in Marvel.
** The Nega-bomb is ironic in that it [[Lampshade Hanging|hangs a lampshade]] on the best-played example of [[Superpower Meltdown]] ever, and the least over-the-top, one ironically also caused by Nitro. Captain Mar-Vell actually died of cancer caused by Nitro blasting a toxic storage and leaving Mar-Vell to suffer catastrophic radiation poisoning, but by the time his own powers let it be detected, they were all that was keeping him alive, AND prevented anyone trying to operate or magic-spell out the carcinoma. That death remains the best Permanent Exit in comics history.
** Another [[Marvel Universe]] example: this was the means by which the Legacy Virus (usually) killed mutant victims. The degree of damage produced depended on exactly what the powers of the mutant in question did.
* The original (?) Quasar got his [[Green Lantern Ring|Power Bands]] because the previous two users incinerated themselves by trying too hard to control them, while Wendell Vaughn's more laid back go-with-the-flow attitude allowed him to "calm them down", so to speak.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* One of the crises of the first season of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' was the fear that Ted would use his literal nuclear powers to level New York. In the end, {{spoiler|it wasn't Ted they had to worry about.}}
** Ted did have a [[Superpower Meltdown]] earlier in the series. It just wasn't as big as they thought. Instead of blowing up New York City, he burned down a house in Odessa, Texas. Still caused quite a bit of damage, and made quite a crispy Claire. It probably would have been as big as they thought, but fortunately Claire was on hand with a tranquilizer gun.
** In Season 3, {{spoiler|Future Sylar loses control and vaporizes Costa Verde after his son is killed.}}
** ( {{spoiler|Also Elle went all electric explosiony when Sylar starts to skullcap her, [[Cardboard Prison|shorting out the circuits of Level 5 releasing it's inmates.]] }})
** In the volume 3 finale, Meredith, the pyrokinetic, is injected with a syringe full of adrenaline by Sylar. She goes into [[Superpower Meltdown]] mode, which {{spoiler|sadly ends quite tragically for her and anyone else who might not have escaped the Company building}}
* In ''<nowiki>[[H20: Just Add Water]]</nowiki>'', the girls who are mermaids lose complete control of their powers ''every time'' it's a full moon, and in one such instance, Cleo ''became a siren''.
* {{spoiler|Tess}} in [[Roswell]] does this, deliberately, to {{spoiler|take out a military base and protect her baby and the other alien teenagers}}. She doesn't survive.
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* ''[[Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis]]'' ends with {{spoiler|the Nazi scientist being tricked into getting into a god-making machine and putting far too much fuel in it, transforming him into a glowing, horned [[Energy Beings|Energy Being]]. [[Explosive Overclocking|Then he explodes.]]}}
* Rion Steiner in ''Galerians'' if he uses the drugs that fuel his power too much can suffer from shorting which is instant death to all nonbosses within the radius but does damage to him overtime. It can be stopped by using a specific drug. Notably there's another drug which can trigger this instantly.
* Inverted in ''[[Mega Man Zero]] 4''. The [[Big Bad]] Dr. Weil tries to crash his [[Kill Sat]] into Earth, destroying the only naturally habitable place left on the planet. When Zero tries to stop him, he merges with the [[Kill Sat]]'s computer core for the final boss fight. {{spoiler|This trope forms the ''premise'' of the last stage of the fight (the boss's second form); if Zero destroys him, the resulting [[Superpower Meltdown]] will destroy the [[Kill Sat]], averting the crisis.}} The fact that {{spoiler|Zero would (and does) also get blown to smithereens in the process}} is a mere trifling technicality.
* At the end of Heavens Feel route in [[Fate/stay night]] {{spoiler|Sakura}} loses the ability to control the Grail's energy, resulting in a potentially world destroying... thingy... requiring first the use of Rule Breaker to separate {{spoiler|Sakura}} from the Grail and then {{spoiler|either Shirou or Ilya's [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to keep from getting worse.}}
* A plot point in ''[[Metroid Prime]] 3: Corruption''. After getting infected with Phazon, Samus has the ability to go into Hyper Mode and use Phazon powered attacks, which is powerful, but causes the Corruption to spread, and if the PED Suit malfunctions, the process can be irreversible, leading to devastating consequences to those around them, {{spoiler|as seen with other hunters like Ghor, whose own corruption devastated Elysia}}.
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== Webcomics ==
* Near the end of ''[[Bob and George]]'', Bob attempts to detonate himself to kill the Author once and for all. He makes a [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[Heroes]]'' as he does so.
* In ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', the supervillain Damien triggers his own [[Superpower Meltdown]] when his [ failure to defeat] [ Fallen Grace] makes him realize that he may not [[A God Am I|be a god]] after all.
* In [[Kid Radd]], this is why {{spoiler|Radd}} is the [[Game Breaker|most powerful being in cyberspace]]. Given a long enough charge time, {{spoiler|he could wipe out every computer connected to the internet}}. Best of all, {{spoiler|[[Good Bad Bugs|it's all the result of a very minor bug in his programing]]}}.
