Survival of the Fittest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes]]: Carol Burke, Allen Birkman, and Sierra Manning of all suffer from aquaphobia, while Liam "Brook" Brooks and Rena Peters suffer from hemophobia.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: It's very egregious this version: Violet Druce has purple hair, Maria [[All Drummers Are Animals|"Animal"]] Graham has blue streaks in her hair, her friend Cassidy Wakemore dyed her hair completely blue, as has Stacy Hart. Katelyn Wescott and Cisco Vasquez both have green hair, Violetta Lindsberg has red, yellow and brown streaks, Dawne Jiang has "christmas" hair, red green and white, and Fiona Sparki has red, green and the aformentioned blue.
== SOTF Mini ==
* [[Acrofatic]]: Ramona Shirley in ''Virtua''. Described as being pudgy, she is also a star basketballer.
* [[A Date With Rosie Palms]]: ''SOTF-TV's'' Mae St. Clair on the first night of the island. Cesar Perdomo also did it on the second day.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: Taken literally in the ''Second Chances'' mini with Carol Burke. In both incarnations it's mentioned that she has a habit of dying her hair various colors. While in her original v4 incarnation it was dyed black, in ''Second Chances'' she is described as having dyed [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|green hair]].
* [[A Glitch in The Matrix]]: In ''Virtua'', there's a locked drawer in the Sheriff's office filled with used sheets of paper. But the programmers forgot to put any writing on them.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: All of the Mini site games qualify to some extent, neither of them in the same continuity as the main site or each other. ''Second Chances'' takes it a step further, in that while the other Minis have original characters, it instead has characters from previous games returning in an alternate continuity.
* [[Angry Black Man]]: ''The Program's'' Bryant Carver.
* [[Anything That Moves]]: ''The Program's'' Matthew Payne. Virtua's Brian Larke.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: ''Virtua's'' Vivian Cathwell receives a Native American tomahawk as a weapon, in keeping with the Wild West theme. {{spoiler|She later throws it at Julia Wilson, with the tomahawk embedding itself in her neck and killing her.}}
* [[Ascended Fan]]: Katie Tanaka was a big fan of Western movies. Take three guesses as to what the background for ''Virtua'' is.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: While there are a fair portion of killers in ''SOTF-TV'', Harold Smythe is by ''far'' the most batshit out of the lot. To some extent, Simon Mattheson of ''Virtua'' could qualify.
* [[Backed By the Pentagon]]: An in universe example is present in ''SOTF-TV'', where it is a TV show backed by the Government to keep people entertained.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: According to her profile, ''Evolution'' character Ashlie Jackson was one of these before coming to the island. Also, from ''Virtua'', Simon Leroy is a male example.
* [[Body Horror]]: Many of the "powers" in ''Evolution'' fall into this. Some are pretty "standard" as powers go, such as [[The Power of the Sun|solar-powered]] [[Super Strength]] and invisibility, "memory absorption", [[Telepathy]], and [[Shock and Awe|control over electricity]], while others are pretty [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway|pathetic]]. Others, however, include things such as mold growing from the mouth and a character developing cat-like claws that are poisonous. The most notable one, though, goes to Johnny Marsh's "power", in which his ''skin'' is invisible, but the rest of him (muscles, organs, etc.) ''aren't''. This, of course, means that his muscles are completely visible like an anatomical model. This receives a [[Lampshade Hanging]] when the scientists puts a full-body scuba suit on him to avoid him scaring the other subjects and interfering with the research. And then there's Billy-Jay Clarke's death in which he suffers a power malfunction, causing his [[Eye Scream|eyes to catch fire and melt out of their sockets]]...
** {{spoiler|Not to mention what happens when Cavery is 'absorbed' by Dr. Botchi...}}
* [[Bring My Brown Pants]]: In ''SOTF-TV'', Bob Lazenby and Todd Hudson both engage in this after waking up on the island.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Brigadier General David Adams of ''The Program''. His antics include spontaneously breaking into the American national anthem during an announcement (when he's supposed to be reeling off who died), making bizarre jokes, contradicting himself midsentence and thinking out loud (both also in announcements). For all that, The Program was ''his'' idea, and given the setting, there's no possible way he can be an incompetent leader or tactician.
* [[Character Blog]]: [ Survival of the Snarkiest], which is an in-universe [[Television Without Pity]] style blog for ''SOTF-TV''.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Nate Chauncey and April Stone from ''TV''.
* [[Companion Cube]]: An odd example pops up in ''SOTF-TV'', with Shawn Morrison and a ''dead'' snake. For bonus points? He also uses it as an [[Improvised Weapon]]. ''Virtua'' has Sycanus Appletin and Tobeyn, her teddy bear.
* [[Coup De Grace]]: In ''Virtua'', {{spoiler|Delilah Rivers}} performs one on {{spoiler|Patrick Reynolds}} by stabbing him in the heart after she sliced through his abdomen.
* [[Creepy Twins]]: ''The Program's'' Sophie and Stephanie Mason.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: ''The Program'' is perhaps one of the darkest and most serious reditions of SOTF, even surpassing v1 and v2 in its [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|bleakness and hopelessness.]]
* [[Deadly Game]]: ''Virtua's'' Brian Larke believes that he is on a game show, and that there is some sort of monetary prize at the end.
* [[Deliberate Values Dissonance]]: ''The Program'' is pretty much based entirely on this trope. It's set in a militaristic, extreme nationalist version of [[Eagle Land|America]] [[Twenty Minutes in The Future]]. So, there's a fair amount of this. Most notably, as a result of their nationalist upbringings, many characters are to some extent xenophobic and treat "foreign" looking people not too kindly, which is most prominently seen with Japanese-American [[The Woobie|Marilyn Williams]] and [[Angry Black Man]] Bryant Carver.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: SOTF-TV's Marvia Jones. See [[Kick the Dog]] for elaboration. [[Word of Gay|Her handler]] has confirmed her as such. Shortly after that incident, she teams-up with Harold Finston Smythe, [[Ax Crazy|by far one of the least stable characters on the island]].
* [[Does Not Like Men]]: ''The Program's'' Chanel Mortimer.
* [[Eagle Land]]: ''The Program'' is very much a Type 2, even though they'd say otherwise.
* [[Embarrassing Middle Name]]: Both from ''SOTF-TV'', Zachariah [[Star Fox (Video Game)|"Andross"]] Johnston, anyone? Not to mention Mae "Myfanwy" St. Clair.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Harold Smythe in ''SOTF-TV'' when plotting about "saving" the other players.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Jacob Langston of ''SOTF-TV'' ditched his girlfriend and his former hookup so that Zach Johnston could teach him how to kill...after discussing plans to escape with everyone only moments before.
* [[Famous Last Words]]: ''The Program'':
{{quote| {{spoiler|''Johan Luther:''}} "There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake."}}
** From the same, Logan Sorenson's last words, directed at the camera, "[[Abusive Parents|Dad]]... before I go, I just want you to know... [[Troll|I know where you buried those hookers.]]"
* [[Fan Service]]: Everyone on the ''SOTF-TV'' island received Fanservice costumes in their packs.
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Surprisingly ([[Fan Service|or not]]) this seems to be a fairly common tactic among female characters in SOTF-TV. Marvia Jones, Panya Bishara, Sidney Rice, and to some extent Odile Jones (no relation to Marvia) have all tried to use this sort of method, with varying degrees of success for each. According to [[Character Blog|Survival of the Snarkiest]], this has happened quite a bit in previous seasons as well.
* [[Five Man Band]]: All of the teams in ''SOTF-TV'' to an extent.
* [[Friends With Benefits]]: Sterling Odair and Amber Lyons from TV, along with (apparently) Kevin Fielding with Jeanette Buendia, David Myerez with Sidney Rice, and Jacob Langston with Mikaela Warner. In the latter's case, the "benefits" part of the arrangement ended when Jacob got in a more serious relationship with Madelyn Conner.
* [[Full Frontal Assault]]: Jay Harland pulled this off on Ashlie Jackson in ''Evolution'' as his practical solution to his nocturnal invisibility powers [[Invisible Streaker|not extending to his clothes]].
* [[Gentle Giant]]: While mocking him for it has been hinted to be a [[Berserk Button]] of sorts for him, for the most part Michael "Big Mike" Gibraltar in ''Virtua'' has been described this way. He's about 6'3, weighs 225 pounds, plays hockey... and is actually pretty friendly, with a [[Real Men Wear Pink|fondness for fashion and vampire romance stories]].
* [[Goth]]: Kiera McDonald from ''Evolution'' and Jaqueline "Cameo" Conroy from ''Virtua'', the former of the [[Perky Goth]] variety and the latter played straight to the stereotype.
* [[He Who Must Not Be Heard]]: Joel Deitrick of ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'': Evolution is notable for not speaking at all during his time on the island, his only lines of actual dialogue coming from flashbacks. Similar from ''Virtua'' is Simon Mattheson, who is also [[The Speechless]].
* [[I Call It Vera]]: ''The Program'' has Dom Brown's pipe wrench Janice, and Megan Jacobson's weapons - Helmut Von Slappenstien and Winston Choppington.
** ''SOTF-TV'' had Skyler Thsani's crossbow, named David [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Bowie.]]
{{quote| ''David? really?'' he scolded himself, ''Did you just name your crossbow? And what's more, did you name your crossbow David? As in [[Don't Explain the Joke|David]] [[David Bowie|Bow-ie?]] [[Lampshade Hanging|How the fuck did you come up with such a stupid pun on such short notice?'']]}}
** Having returned for ''Second Chances'', Megan named her stun gun [[Nicholas Sparks|Nikoletta Sparks]], or Nicky for short.
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: Kami Steele of ''The Program''. Boy howdy, Kami. She tries her hardest to play, and while she does have a small body count, most characters she runs into don't take her seriously.
* [[Infectious Insanity]]: Sycanus Appletin in ''Virtua''. Shortly after she had an encounter with Simon Mattheson, she too started to hear voices.
* [[Instrument of Murder]]: ''The Program'' had John Ferrara use, of all things, a banjo to beat Matthew Gourlay to a pulp.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Marvia Jones' first appearance in ''SOTF-TV'' was getting high, drugging another woman, having sex with her, and then beating her up before stealing her supplies.
** Jacqueline "Cameo" Conroy from ''Virtua'' was perhaps the only person who Simon Mattheson could trust in their time in the game. She's somewhat okay with the fact that he's murdered four of her classmates; however, once she finds out that he's doing it specifically for ''her'', she cruelly abandons him, causing him to have a mental breakdown.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: ''SOTF-TV'' is generally considered to be a lot more light-hearted in tone in comparison to the main games and the other Minis, especially when compared to its immediate predecessor ''The Program''. The [[Kill Em All|basic premise]] is the same, but a lot of elements (mostly relating to the reality TV aspect) allow more opportunities for humor. [[Your Mileage May Vary]] if this is good or bad.
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]: Cesar Perdomo loves Odile Jones, who loves both him and Amber Lyons, who in turn loves both her and Sterling Odair. For bonus points, the latter three are bisexual, while the former is biromantic.
* [[Love Triangle]]: The most prominant one in ''SOTF-TV'' is the triangle of Shawn Morrison, Zachariah Johnston, and Mae St. Clair
* [[Love Martyr]]: Zachariah Johnston.
* [[Mad Artist]]: ''The Program's'' Madeline Harris, who is killing people to fill the gallery in her mind. She is very [[Serial Killer|prolific]].
* [[Made of Iron]]: [[All There in the Manual|According to]] [ the lore], one of ''SOTF-TV'''s past winners was one Archibald "Archie" Stewart, who was this. Subverted slightly when he turned out to be wounded too badly to leave the arena (a shopping mall) under his own power, and nearly died in hospital.
* [[Man in A Kilt]]: Benny Lightfield from ''Virtua''. Definitely not of the fanservice flavor, though.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Odile Jones from ''SOTF-TV'' takes the cake.
* [[Male Gaze]]: In ''SOTF-TV'', Zach Johnson to Mae's butt and Bobby Goldman to Amber's breasts.
** There's also ''Virtua's'' Brian Larke. There's a scene where he's trying not to look at Renee Murphy's hindquarters while she's trotting out of a house.
* [[Personality Powers]]: Despite the fact that the powers are completely randomized, some of the mutations in ''Evolution'' ended up coincidentally fitting the characters' personalities. The most notable example would be Cristo Ruiz, a drug addict, having hallucinogenic venom secreting from under his fingernails. Lampshade hung in his profile's conclusion:
{{quote| '''Conclusion''': So the drug addict now secretes a hallucinogen. Hm.}}
* [[Playing With Syringes]]: What The Organisation does in ''Evolution'' to induce the superpowers in the students. The [[Super Serum]] is a success, although the powers created have varying values of 'super'.
* [[Product Placement]]: ''SOTF-TV'' gets a lot of endorsements [[In Universe]], due to it being a reality show. It reaches the point where one of the mentors has a habit of asking contestants to throw in a line to advertise Verizon.
* [[Rape By Proxy]]: [[Attempted Rape|Attempted]] ([[Squick|thank god]]) in a notable scene in ''SOTF-TV''. There's a scene where Sterling Odair and Amber Lyons start to "get intimate", only for [[Moment Killer|their mentor to interrupt humorously]]. It results in [[Mood Whiplash]] when Lou Becker, having seen everything, breaks in and tries to force them to continue. {{spoiler|Only to get a hatchet to the face as a result.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: As of the first announcement, Katie Tanaka has been planning this in regards to Simon Mattheson, and implicitly other major players.
* [[Romantic Two Girl Friendship]]: ''Evolution's'' Kate Black and Taryn Gregory, to a tee.
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: Ramona Shirley in ''Virtua''.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: ''The Program's'' Bryant Carver.
* [[Scholarship Student]]: Mikaela Warner in ''SOTF-TV''.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: The ending of ''Evolution'' is that {{spoiler|there is no winner. Kate and Taryn make it to the end as the last two standing and both die from blood loss and dehydration.}}
* [[Sorry Billy but You Just Don't Have Legs]] / [[I Coulda Been a Contender]]: ''Virtua'' character Clarisse Huntingdon was gearing up to become a model in her backstory. However, in the same car accident that killed her friends she broke her nose, rendering her incapable of modelling.
* [[The Speechless]]: Simon Mattheson in ''Virtua''. He has a severe social phobia, rendering him incapable of speech {{spoiler|until he bludgeons another character to death}}.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: David Myerez of SOTF-TV is heavily implied to be a Type A example.
* [[Stout Strength]]: The same winner as in ''SOTF-TV'''s [[Made of Iron]] example was a very large man, a bit on the pudgy side but still very strong and a highly skilled wrestler. He ended up losing a good bit of the extra weight during his recovery.
** [[Kevlard]]: the official explanation why he was [[Made of Iron]].
* [[Super Serum]]: Every single character in ''Evolution'' that takes part in the game gets their power via an injection of chemicals. Some of the powers are... questionably useful, though.
* [[Take That Kiss]]: [[Anything That Moves|Matthew Payne]] from ''The Program'' delivers one to {{spoiler|Luke Mendoza, after the latter fatally wounds him.}}
* [[Troll]]: In-universe examples would be Logan Sorenson of ''The Program'' and Sidney Rice of ''SOTF-TV'', who have both been described this way IC and OOC.
* [[Troubled Fetal Position]]: In ''The Program'', Marilyn Williams does this in reaction to being thrown into the compound, under a bed, no less.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: [[Ax Crazy|Harold Finston Smythe]] in ''SOTF-TV'' tends to describe the act of killing someone as [[Deadly Euphemism|"saving"]] them. Similarly, in Virtua [[Genki Girl|Katie Tanaka]] quickly developed the habit of calling players "bandits".
* [[Useless Superpowers]]: Most of the Evo powers.
* [[Voice With an Internet Connection]]: The mentors in ''SOTF-TV'', who occasionally give advice to the players. In terms of usefulness they range from actually pretty helpful to making [[Captain Obvious]] statements to not really all that helpful advice at all to ''suggesting the players advertise their product''.
* [[Wild West]]: The setting for Virtua.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: In ''The Program'', Durriken Lovel, as the youngest child of a Gypsy family is [[Gypsy Curse|cursed]] to have terrible luck. Of course, he's put in the Program.
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