• Toby's attempt to at Bay's name sign, with excessive primping and hair tossing.

"That's your sign for Bay?"

    • From the same scene:

"This is 'gun.' This is 'sister.'"

  • Wilke running out of the car wash after betting Toby $20 he could go through.
  • "I feel used. I wish you'd use me more often."
  • Kathryn signing "make out" instead of "make coffee" to Daphne.
  • One of Bay's ditzy classmates misunderstanding what "switched at birth" means:

I just met Daphne. She is so cool! But I don't understand. Why doesn't she look like you?
You do know the difference between "separated at birth" and "switched at birth", right?

  • "If vampires can date humans, I really feel like Deaf people can date hearing. At least neither of us wants to suck the other's blood."
  • Bay signing "get circumcised" instead of "hang out" to Melody.
  • Emmett being asked if he speaks English
  • signed* "No, Japanese."