• Crowning Moment of Awesome: The last [20 or 30 minutes or so of the movie, honestly.
    • Put first for chronological order, Luo Lang DESTROYING a fairly large group of bandits like he fighting a bunch of kindergartners. Yes, that's right. The OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE of this movie is a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Nanashi killed a dude with a SHEATHED SWORD.
    • The aforementioned Breaking the Bonds moment.
      • And cutting down a guy who just slaughtered three mooks onscreen without breaking stride.
    • What you mean Tobimaru ripping out a soldier's throat is not Awesome?
    • The final battle, obviously.
      • The final WAR, you mean. The duel is just the ultimate climax.
    • On that note, Luo Lang dispatching his superior to prevent the old man from shooting Nanashi.
  • "Ihojin no Yaiba" = Crowning Music of Awesome.