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* In ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', when fighting the [[Hercules (Disney film)|Hydra]], the heads being chopped off lead to leaking smoke instead of blood. In [[Hercules (Disney film)|the movie]] and the Japanese version of the game there's slime instead.
** [[Kingdom Hearts]] kind of seems to like using darkness as symbolic blood, actually. The {{spoiler|remade version of the Deep Dive scene}} in [[Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2|358/2 Days]] has a moment where the dark smoke from the Heartless he just slew flies in front of his face like he was in some kind of samurai movie. The best example, though, is when Terra {{spoiler|shot Braig in the face}} in ''Birth by Sleep'' - {{spoiler|the reddish smoke fountaining from his missing eye and dark splotch where his scar will be}} might not necessarily ''be'' blood, but they sure do look like it, and the game never really bothers to make sure you realize it isn't.
* [[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]: Raiden's [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|white cyborg blood]] on [[Depraved Bisexual|Vamp's]] [[Freud Was Right|crotch-knife]]. [[Squick|Do Not Want.]]
* The robot/cyborg characters from ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' would have their 'blood' coloured black as if it were oil being knocked out from the uppercut. Some other nonhumans ended up with green blood.
* In [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time]], after you defeat {{spoiler|Ganondorf's gerudo form}} he falls to the ground, with his red cape unfolding around him in a way that makes it look like blood is actually flowing out of him.