Tabletop Games/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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* This troper plays [[Anti-Hero|an amoral coldhearted bastard]] of [[The Spymaster|a spymaster]] in an [[Exalted]] game. She creeps her circle out for how sociopathic she can get, ranging from [[Eye Scream|willing to shove needles into someone's eyes]] to [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] to get answers. However, even as monstrous as she gets, there are moments when she has been showing a softer side, mostly around her [[Morality Pet|girlfriend]]. The best example comes from her learning her girlfriend was about to be kidnapped, and gets there in time to stop it. She sneaked in, coldcocked the kidnapper, and then untied her unconscious girlfriend, tucked her back into bed, and pecked her cheek before taking the kidnapper in for questioning.
** Same character, while torturing the kidnapper. This dialogue happens:
{{quote|'''Character:''' You actually have made me angry. You just made it [[It's Personal|personal]].<br />
'''Spy:''' For what? Hurting your little toy? You're the one who'll get hurt... eventually. It never was personal, Mali, you just want it to be, to know someone hates you enough to hurt those you choose to love but you don't love her. You just want to think you love someone.<br />
'''Character:''' Perhaps you are right, but is there truly any difference to it, made or not? Of course I'll get hurt, that's what caring is all about! I have no regrets, even if she breaks my heart. I'm happy to have known her either way. }}
** In a recent Exalted game my self-obsessed, lecherous , nihilistic Dragon Blooded travelled for a year with his group. The moment when I realised that I had, quite naturally, morphed said character into someone who geneuinely cared about his new friends, the first people who he'd really related to, was rediculously statifying.
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'''Our Group''': [[Manly Tears|Sniff...]] <br />
'''Scion of Amaterasu''' What happened? <br />
'''Storyteller''': A sense of heartwarming coursed through the blood of Japanese people everywhere. Old men in Kyoto, children in Osaka, Japanese-American teenagers in New York, all felt a stirring of pride warm their hearts. The enchanted melancholy lifted and they spoke the words that their freed hearts commanded them to say. On the High Plain of Heaven, two words were heard by every god and goddess. The shadows that clung to the mountains and castles dispelled in the light of the rising sun. And in the gloom of her cave, Amaterasu lifted her heavy head in tearful, joyous disbelief as millions of her children called out to her with two simple words...two words she hadn't heard in a very long time. <br />
'''[[Japanese Honorifics|"Okaa-sama!"]]''' }}
** Hands down, the best example of stunting I've ever been witness to.