Taboo Tattoo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Normal]]: Even before getting or activating his Spell Crest, Seigi was beating up thugs on the street and exchanging blows with Sheilds, though not very well in the latter.
* [[Bloody Murder]]: Invoked. {{spoiler|Tom and Lizze tell Seigi that blood is his activation key, hough this is a lie.}}
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: The unnamed president of the U.S. dares Arya to erase the White House after she says she can erase any location she wants. It gets him killed in five seconds.
* [[Cyborg]]: Izzie's left arm is a prostethic that works as well as an original that can get people fooled.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Syunya's answer to two guys wanting to have sex with her in Chapter 46 is to attempt to kill them.
* [[Grey and Grey Morality]]: No side seems to be good, though admittedly that's through lack of information.
* [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice]]: Seigi is discovered by Izzie to have been impaled with several spikes by the end of Chapter 41.
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** [[Super Speed]]
* [[Taking You With Me]]: Sanders' plan to get rid of the Princess is to blow up a nuke nearby, while all of his personnel and him are still around. The princess disarms the nuke when he finally presses the button in Chapter 43.
* [[Token Loli]]: Syunya is the smallest and the most flat-chested of her sisters. She calls pedophiles men who makes advances on her in Chapter 45 and Seigi says her way of acting reminds him of a small animal in Chapter 46.
* [[Tsundere]]: Lizzie simulates that behaviour in Chapter 42, saying Tom loves it.
* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: Lizzie gives to Seigi beads that belonged to Touko in a flashback in chapter 39.
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* [[Transformation Trinket]]: Spell Crest's need specific materials to activeate. The material needed seems to be unique to each Spell Crest.
* [[Wager Slave]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]: Izzie.
* [[Who Wears Short Shorts?]]: Syunya is seen wearing short shorts in Chapter 46.
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Sanders thinks he is on a [[Sci-Fi]] action Hollywood movie, ala [[Predator]]. Wiseman lampshades this when the Princess sabotages Sanders' nuke on CHapter 43, saying he "watched too many Hollywood movies".
* [[Utopia Justifies The Means]]: The Princess sees her actions in such manner, allowing her to control the keyless crest seal.