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====== Main characters ======
=== Reid Hershel ===
The Main Protagonist of the game, Reid Hershel is a simple hunter, living in the town of Rasheans, before Meredy quite literally drops into his life. Initially apathetic and irresponsible, Reid develops over time and becomes a proper hero in his own right. {{spoiler|He wields the Divine Aurora, the power to counter Shizel's Dark Aurora.}} Though he starts with [[An Axe to Grind]], he can also wield [[Heroes Prefer Swords|swords]] or [[Blade on a Stick|spears]], and is the primary Melee fighter of the group.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Reid include:}}
Tropes associated with Reid:
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Reid can use an axe, which typically has good slashing abilities but isn't as good for thrusting.
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]]: Some of Reid's swords are specifically referred to as large swords due to their size. They tend to be about as big as Reid himself.
* [[Big Eater]] (This is one of his ''most famous traits''. He also gets [[Extreme Omnivore]] points for being willing to eat [[Lethal Chef|Arche and Raine]]'s cooking in the first Radiant Mythology game...)
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Reid can equip a spear, which sacrifices slashing abilities for better thrusting power.
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* [[Idiot Hero]] (To be fair, Reid is by no means a ''complete'' moron; he's just... a little slow.)
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]] (How does he manage to go out ''hunting wild animals'' in an outfit that is essentially a sports bra and pyjama pants?)
* [[Meaningful Name]] (The name "Reid" denotes a person with red hair, and can also refer to someone who lives in or near woods -- bothwoods—both of which fit him very well. His surname, "Hershel", is after astronomer William Herschel.)
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]] ("My name isn't Feebureel.")
* [[Power Glows]] (Does it ever...)
* [[Refusal of the Call]]
** [[The Call Knows Where You Live]] (Subverted: while Hyades ''does'' attack Reid's hometown, he does so to find Meredy rather than him, and it doesn't provide much motivation to Reid either way.)
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] ("Reid/Rid/Ridd", "Hershel"/"Herschel")
* [[Team Mom]] (He's pretty much the closest to one in the group. The man bra (fandom joke) he wears doesn't help much.)
* [[The Lancer]] (Arguably, Reid fills this role for a respectable portion of the game, being something of a calm voice of reason for the more energetic Farah.)
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] (After he leaves his apathy and laziness behind him and {{spoiler|undergoes the Trials of Seyfert}}...)
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]] (Omelettes!)
=== Farah Oersted ===
Reid's childhood friend and a farmer girl from Rasheans, she is intensely driven almost immediately to help Meredy, and drags Reid along for the ride. The reason for her drive to help others is eventually revealed to be guilt from her childhood. She's a Martial Artist, and also has some ability to heal others, making her something of a secondary Melee fighter.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Farah include:}}
Tropes associated with Farah:
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Pollyanna]]
* [[Power Fist]]
* [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses]]: Averted ''hard''. She wears a ''huge'' dress.
* [[Shorttank]] (In many ways, although she ''does'' wear a big, fluffy dress.)
* [[Stepford Smiler]] (Her outward cheeriness and impulsive actions hide an intense guilt over {{spoiler|her apparent role in the destruction of Rasheans and death of her father ten years ago}} and overall doubt about who she really is.)
* [[Tomboy]] (averted -- Farahaverted—Farah shows many stereotypically "boyish" traits and behaviours such as exuberance, [over]confidence, bluntly speaking her mind and willingness to play rough and fight without holding back... but she does not at all eschew typically "girly" activities either, as she also cares for and about her appearance, cooks and cleans, and favours cute, brightly-coloured clothing.)
* [[Victorious Childhood Friend]]
=== Meredy ===
A mysterious girl who [[Came From the Sky|drops from the sky]] aboard a Craymel Craft, Meredy warns Reid, Farah and Keele of the impending doom known as the "Grand Fall" and tries to get help in averting the crisis. {{spoiler|Eventually it's revealed that her own mother is the source behind the Grand Fall, and that Meredy has the latent ability to harness the Dark Aurora, the very power causing it.}} Meredy is also a Craymel Mage.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Meredy include:}}
Tropes associated with Meredy:
* [[Adult Child]]: For [[Dark and Troubled Past|extremely]] [[Nightmare Fuel|horrifying]] reasons.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: ... Wow. Meredy knows most of the major plot twists from the very beginning but doesn't tell anyone for a variety of reasons, mostly because she knows because she experienced the associated traumas first hand.
* [[Catch Phrase]] ("Haina!"/"You bet!". "Waiiru!"/"Hweel!" also shows up rather often.)
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Eloquent in My Native Tongue]] (Meredy sounds perfectly coherent and mature in Melnics, but when her speech is translated through [[Applied Phlebotinum|the party's Orz Earrings]], it essentially comes out mostly as awkward and fractured-to-broken -- andbroken—and [[Tastes Like Diabetes|incredibly cute]] -- English—English/Japanese.)
* [[Fictionary]] (Meredy speaks Melnics, the [[Cipher Language]] spoken in her native Celestia.)
* [[Foreign Cuss Word]] ("Baiba!", which literally translates to "Wow!" -- she—she uses it to express emotions ranging from simple surprise to anger to confusion.)
* [[Genius Ditz]] (She piloted a prototype Craymel Craft to Inferia by herself, is apprentice to the greatest Craymel Engineer in ''all of Celestia'', and, judging by the scene in which she and Keele stay up all night together in the library in Imen, she evidently manages to impress even Keele with how knowledgeable she really is.)
* {{spoiler|[[Halfbreed]]}}: {{spoiler|Her father was an Inferian who traveled to Celestia via the Bridge of Light and her mother was a native of Celestia.}}
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* [[Mysterious Waif]]
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]] ([[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Quickie]], of course!)
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] (Possibly, although technically it is more like Obfuscating Childishness -- fansChildishness—fans have theorized that despite her actually being quite intelligent and brave, she {{spoiler|"refused to grow up" after she, at six years old, had to watch her father be brutally assassinated by people her parents had trusted, and her mother essentially go insane with grief and anger as a result.}})
* [[Omi Minami]]
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] ("Meredy"/"Melody")
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* [[Summon Magic]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]
=== Keele Zeibel ===
Childhood friends with Reid and Farah, Keele moved from Rasheans to Mintche to pursue a life as a scholar, and is thus incredibly knowledgeable on a number of subjects, but somewhat out of touch on the social side of things, rude, and also very out of shape. He eventually softens up, and comes to respect Meredy and Celestia more than even Reid and Farah do. Keele joins Meredy as a Craymel mage, and is somewhat better at the offensive side then she is.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Keele include:}}
Tropes associated with Keele:
* [[Badass]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcz4TAKOyv4 Just look at the Mystic Arte chain he performs in this video at 1:37, and just try saying he's not a Badass.]
* [[Bishonen]] (He... rather lacks the typical [[Bishonen]] personality, though.)
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* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* {{spoiler|[[Fake Betrayal]]}}
* [[Hollywood Nerd]] (Subverted. Not only {{spoiler|does Keele comprise one-half of Eternia's [[Official Couple]] near the end of the game}}, but people -- apeople—a flirtatious maid at Hotel Inferia, Primula from Tales of Fandom Vol. 1, [[Ambiguously Gay|possibly his friend Zank at Mintche University]] -- clearly—clearly <s>want to stalk</s> find his skinny, pasty countenance attractive. He can therefore also be considered a male example of [[Nerds Are Sexy]].)
* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[Jerkass Facade]] (Keele hides his deep insecurity regarding his physical weakness and awkward habits behind one of these.)
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] (Farah notes later in the game that Keele is "a lot kinder than I thought" after he tells Reid and Farah that despite their good intentions, talking to Meredy about what may have happened to her mother, right after {{spoiler|Meredy herself has been possessed briefly by Nereid}}, might only cause her more emotional harm.)
* [[Meaningful Name]] ("Keel" refers both to the similarly-named part of a boat -- Keeleboat—Keele is intensely interested in boats and ships, built models as a child, and even attempted to design and build a boat in the [[So Bad It's Good|anime]] -- and—and to his tendency, to, well, keel [over], making his first name a [[Punny Name]] in both of these respects as well. His surname, "Zeibel", is apparently after physicist Roy Zaibel.)
* [[Nerd]] (...Well, yes.)
* [[Non-Action Guy]]
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
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* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]] (His father, Gizro, apparently wanted a son who was strong and boisterous instead of sickly and shy; in a flashback, we see him explicitly ''telling'' Keele that he should act more like Reid. This is a mild example, however, since both of Keele's parents still obviously spoiled their son and told him that he was "going to be someone special".)
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
=== Chat ===
Descended from the great Pirate Aifread himself, Chat is a pirate girl who puts the party through a long series of tests shortly after they arrive in Celestia, and eventually views them as being worthy of joining her crew, though in reality, this amounts more to her loaning out her [[Cool Ship]], the ''Van Eltia'' to them. For the most part she prefers to remain on board, but she can be called to fight if necessary. Chat is a ranged fighter, throwing all manner of weapons at enemies from her [[Bag of Holding]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Chat include:}}
* [[Awesome but Impractical]] / [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: Eternal throw. Not worth using on trash mobs since you're just wasting TP and gels...but on bosses? As long as you keep feeding her gels she can keep on throwing hammers until the cows come home.
Tropes associated with Chat:
* [[Awesome but Impractical]] / [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: Eternal throw. Not worth using on trash mobs since you're just wasting TP and gels...but on bosses? As long as you keep feeding her gels she can keep on throwing hammers until the cows come home.
* [[Bag of Holding]] (Literally. She uses the things inside as weapons.)
* [[Bokukko]]
* [[Cool Ship]] (Chat is captain of the ''Van Eltia'' -- an—an ''extremely'' cool ship, indeed.)
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Insistent Terminology]] (Don't forget that she's the Captain.)
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: She has a tendency to call other party members' behavior childish. At one point she does this at the hotel in Tinnsia, referring to her roomates', Farah and Meredy, habit of randomly looking at the stuff in the room as childish and stated that she examined the room herself to look for ''a fire exit''.
* [[Junko Noda]]
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* [[Viewer Gender Confusion]] (Reid mistakes Chat for a boy upon first meeting her; later on, an employee at the Craymel Hot Springs does the same, to her great annoyance.)
* [[Wrench Wench]] (She built her house, the basement, and all the traps in it, by herself.)
=== Fog/Max ===
The boisterous head of [[La Résistance]], Shileska, the party agrees to work with Max's group in Celestia in order to defeat [[Evil Overlord|Balir]]. Max is a rather simple-minded man, and prefers to let his insane strength and durability solve his problems for him. Amusingly, he also wants to [[Take Over the World]]. He wields a [[Big Freaking Gun]] in combat, which he either uses as a bludgeoning weapon, or fires a variety of [[Frickin' Laser Beams|beam weapons]] from it.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Max include:}}
The boisterous head of [[La Résistance]], Shileska, the party agrees to work with Max's group in Celestia in order to defeat [[Evil Overlord|Balir]]. Max is a rather simple-minded man, and prefers to let his insane strength and durability solve his problems for him. Amusingly, he also wants to [[Take Over the World]]. He wields a [[BFG]] in combat, which he either uses as a bludgeoning weapon, or fires a variety of [[Frickin' Laser Beams|beam weapons]] from it.
Tropes associated with Max:
* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: Arguably [[Gameplay and Story Integration]] on this part since he's...not the brightest. He tends to bludgeon with his weapons, which isn't bad considering that this does essentially make him the third melee next to Reid and Farah. But his weapons have a long charge time and are ranged; so naturally unless you program him to keep his distance, he'll run in and get interrupted.
* [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]: His preferred type of weapon.
** [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] His mystic arte is even ''spammable''. (Granted though; this was actually the first games to have one of these)
* [[Big Damn Heroes]] (At {{spoiler|Balir Castle}}, Max and the rest of Shileska get such a moment.)
* [[Catch Phrase]] ("OH!"/"'''''YEAH!'''''")
* [[Evil Laugh]]: His "Bwa ha ha ha!" laugh when he's first met at the hideout, which he lets out after stating his goal. He also uses it at other points after that, usually when his goal is brought up again. Of course, considering his personality and lack of evilness, it's pretty much played for laughs.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Aqua Spiral.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]
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* [[La Résistance]] (Max is the leader of Shileska, an organization based in Tinnsia whose goal is to locate and defeat {{spoiler|Balir}}, and then [[Take Over the World]].)
* [[Take Over the World]] (And he's not subtle at all about it either. The party doesn't seem overly concerned.)
=== Rassius Luine Fomalhaut ===
A Merchant the party meets a ways into the game, Rassius agrees to help them find the Wind Craymel, Sylph. During the search, Rassius displays a number of talents that seem unusual for what appears to be a normal Merchant to possess. {{spoiler|This is because he's actually the Senior Knight of the Inferian Empire, and was spying on the party. He attempts to stop them crossing over into Celestia, but later learns the truth behind the nature of Celestia, and instead saves them from certain death at Shizel's hands, giving his life to do so. Like Reid, he can command the Divine Aurora, but he never manages to finish his training.}} He also uses a similar fighting style to Reid, though his style involves more Thrusts than Reid's (hence his preference for rapiers over wider swords), and is more refined and trained.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Ras include:}}
Tropes associated with Ras:
* [[Big Damn Heroes]] ({{spoiler|At Balir's Castle.}})
* [[Bishonen]] (Except that he ''does'' have the typical [[Bishonen]] personality!)
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* [[Momma's Boy]] (He idolizes his deceased mother, and wears the flowers on his hat in her memory.)
* [[Nice Hat]]
=== Shizel ===
The wife of Balir, {{spoiler|who is [[Dead All Along]], and is thus actually not}} the ruler of Celestia, {{spoiler|and Meredy's mother. Balir's death drives Shizel over the edge, allowing her to become possessed by the evil god Nereid, who uses her to begin the Grand Fall. Like Meredy, she can wield the Dark Aurora.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Shizel include:}}
Tropes associated with Shizel:
* [[A Taste of Power]] (It's pretty late in, but Shizel's got pretty wicked stats and spells for the brief time you're allowed to control her.)
* [[Abusive Parent]] ({{spoiler|Doesn't get much worse than trying to destroy the world and then sending your poor child's uncle to kill her when she tries to stop it. And that's just the start.}})
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* [[Squishy Wizard]] (She's pretty slow on her feet while you're using her.)
== Greater Craymels ==
====== Greater Craymels ======
=== Undine ===
[[File:Undine 4526.jpg|thumb|250px]]
One of the Primary Craymels of Inferia, and the spirit of Water. Opposed to Volt, the spirit of Lightning. Undine is the first spirit encountered by the party, and she fights them to test their strength. After being defeated, she agrees to help the group in their quest. Undine is particularly critical, as all the healing spells Keele or Meredy can learn are learned through her.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Undine include:}}
Tropes associated with Undine:
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]] (In-game at least)
* [[Full-Frontal Assault]] (She wears armor on her legs and arms, but otherwise she's totally nude.)
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* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]
* [[That One Boss]]
=== Sylph ===
[[File:329px-Sylph ToE PSX 1895.jpg|thumb|250px]]
One of the Primary Craymels of Inferia, and the spirit of Wind. Opposed to Gnome, the spirit of Earth. Sylph is encountered by the party not long after Undine, and, just as she does, battles the party to test their abilities. Sylph has few abilities for direct attacks on his own, and instead is best used to link with other Craymels to boost their own attacks, or learn supportive spells.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Sylph include:}}
One of the Primary Craymels of Inferia, and the spirit of Wind. Opposed to Gnome, the spirit of Earth. Sylph is encountered by the party not long after Undine, and, just as she does, battles the party to test their abilities. Sylph has few abilities for direct attacks on his own, and instead is best used to link with other Craymels to boost their own attacks, or learn supportive spells.
Tropes associated with Sylph:
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]
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* [[Winged Humanoid]]
* [[Razor Wind]]
=== Efreet ===
[[File:307px-Efreet ToE PSX 7023.jpg|thumb|250px]]
One of the Primary Craymels of Inferia, and the spirit of Fire. Opposed to Celsius, the spirit of Ice. Efreet reacts violently upon encountering the party, not even giving them time to plead their case to save the world. After defeating him, Undine more or less forces him to help. Befitting his nature, Efreet teaches a number of powerful offensive skills, and his summon is the first that is all about raw damage, with no tricks added in.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Efreet include:}}
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]] and [[Incredible Shrinking Man]] (Efreet's size tends to change based on his mood; when he's angry he grows and when he's
Tropes associated with Efreet:
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]] and [[Incredible Shrinking Man]] (Efreet's size tends to change based on his mood; when he's angry he grows and when he's
* [[Conflict Ball]] (He more or less attacks you for no reason when you first meet him)
* [[Gentle Giant]] (He calms down a ''lot'' after you beat him and reveals himself to be fairly well-natured despite his appearence)
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* [[Power Fist]]
* [[Unskilled but Strong]] (Efreet's melee attacks in his boss fight mostly revolve around him smashing you with his fists.)
=== Rem ===
[[File:329px-Rem 8569.jpg|thumb|250px]]
The Governing Craymel of Inferia, and the spirit of Light. Opposed to Shadow, the spirit of Darkness. After gathering the three Primary Craymels of Inferia, Undine, Sylph and Efreet, they come together to summon Rem, who informs the party of how to reach Celestia. She appears from time to time to offer the party guidance, and ultimately tests their talents at the Regulus Knole, after which, she joins their cause.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Rem include:}}
Tropes associated with Rem:
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Healing Hands]] (To a lesser extent than Undine, as she teaches no healing spells directly. Her summoning spell's only effect is to heal the party.)
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
* [[Winged Humanoid]]
[[Category:Video Games/Characters]]
[[Category:Tales of Eternia]]