Tales of Symphonia/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: especially dogs. In fact, there's a [[Collection Sidequest]] for her meeting every dog in the game.
* [[Glass Cannon]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]: She similes and thanks Lloyd for being there for her as she's about to lose her soul.}}
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heather Hogan]]
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* [[The Ingenue]]
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: It's not as apparent at some examples, but there are times when she comes out with this, such as seeing the Tethe'alla bridge being covered in exsphere and remarks that it's "kind of gross-looking".
* [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: {{spoiler|When Remiel adds insult to injury at the Tower of Salvation. She also performs a ''literal'' dog-kicking moment after losing her soul.}}
* [[The Klutz]]: It's even one of her titles!
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* [[Purity Sue]]: A very deliberate in-universe deconstruction. Colette is just about the sweetest and most selfless human being imaginable, not to mention she is [[The Messiah]] [[Messianic Archetype|in every sense of the word]]. Unfortunately, {{spoiler|Mithos doesn't care about any of that and selectively bred her so that he could have a new [[Soul Jar]] for his sister.}}
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Rings of Death]]
* [[Sidetracked By the Analogy]]: Probably the champion within the game. Often, her confusion will promptly confuse either Lloyd (in ToS) or Emil (in DotNW) as well, who don't suffer from it quite as much in skits without her.
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Lloyd's other childhood friend, Genis is a young elven boy who was raised by his sister. {{spoiler|The [[Fantastic Racism|ambient racism]] against [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-elves]] forced them to hide their half-elf nature and pretend to be pure-blooded elves}}. Genis is the first to break the law in order to help a human from a Desian human ranch, which resulted in Iselia being attacked and Lloyd and he being exiled as a punishment. He's [[Teen Genius|extremely clever]], making him often quite [[Bratty Half -Pint|sarcastic and arrogant]] toward Lloyd, and later Zelos, but he also starts out just as idealistic as his best friend.
{{spoiler|Of the party, Genis is the one who struggles the most with racism. Rejected and reviled by both humans and elves, he sympathizes the most with the [[Big Bad]]'s goal. However, he never crosses the line, and chooses to trust Lloyd with building a world where everyone will be treated equally.}}
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* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Black Mage]]
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Does this a little ''too'' often, for being such an intelligent character...
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Her fascination on old ruins and civilizations? {{spoiler|One skit after the reunion scene in Exire theorizes that she was trying to find the Otherworldly Gate, and by extension, her parents.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid]]}}
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: Less than Sheena, but Raine gets this attention at times, and had a fanclub in Iselia. Overlaps with [[Sexy Mentor]].
** She has a fanclub in Asgard too.
* [[Lethal Chef]]: [[Cordon Bleugh Chef|Because she always experiments by adding bizarre ingredients]]; [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in-game when she earns the "Passable Chef?" title for maxing out her cooking skill. Part of her problem is that she tries to invent new ways to cook or different dishes, such as chocolate-covered lemons.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]}}
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Arm -Fold]]: Does this in cutscenes quite often.
** [[Badass Baritone]]
* [[Biseinen]]
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* [[Action Girl]]: Starts out as a [[Dark Action Girl]], but then the party learns of her motives and she [[Heel Face Turn|loses the "Dark" part]].
* [[Badass]]: Oh, come on. You know she's a badass.
* [[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Her type of this varies, but she certainly doesn't appreciate Zelos' mentioning of them, and when Raine remarks in the hotsprings sidequest she's not as well-endowed as Sheena, she reacts with some embarrassment.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: At Kvar's ranch.
* [[Bokukko]]: In Japanese, her speech patterns are masculine. Basically, she talks like how a boy would.
* [[Canon Shadow]]: Averted. Taking the Hard Path and getting Sheena early on will result in extra scenes, dialogue and more foreshadowing.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: {{spoiler|Sheena to Lloyd, especially in her ending.}}
* [[Capulet Counterpart]]: True to form, [[Fan -Preferred Couple|she can fall in love with Lloyd]] depending on the [[Relationship Values]].
* [[Cute Clumsy Girl]]: Not as much as [[Dojikko|Colette]], though, or rather, she's not so much clumsy as it is there's a running gag of trap doors opening under her.
* [[Death Dealer]]
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* [[Happily Adopted]]: By the chief of Mizuho.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: [[Lampshaded]] mercilessly by Zelos.
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]
* [[Hot Amazon]]
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* [[Heartbroken Badass]]
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: The huge guy of his association with Presea.
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed]] {{spoiler|Or rather, I do not specialize in foot-based martial arts.}}
* [[Kamehame Hadoken]]: Used only in a cutscene (rightfully so! It looks like it would be a real [[Game Breaker]]). The in-universe explanation is that he used to specialize in fighting with his hands, to the point where they grew so powerful that, once augmented with an Exsphere, he could unleash their physical hitting-things power as a beam, but after that, his [[Freudian Excuse]] happened and he vowed never to use his hands for violence again. He makes an exception for the one scene where he uses it because he's not hurting anybody, unless it turns out those jail cells were sentient. Gotta hand it to the guy, at least he keeps his word.
* [[Lolicon]]: Got labelled as this thanks to the game not being clear on how old he and Alicia actually ''were'' when they fell in love... and the fact that certain fans like to ship with with Presea. Not helped by the fact that {{spoiler|she is technically in her twenties}}. One can even label Regal a [[Lolicon]] if you choose the right answer when asked about his tastes in women.
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* [[Out of Focus]]: Regal is the only party member (except for Zelos) the player can go the entire game without using and who has no Unison attacks until [[Updated Rerelease|the PS2 version]], makes nothing more then a few token lines after {{spoiler|visiting the rooftop grave}}.
* [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy]]: In regards to hair colors, with Presea.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Lampshaded and [[Played for Laughs]] with his "[[Testosterone Poisoning|Testosterone]]" title.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Can tear enemies apart using nothing but his FEET and is the team's best chef. Oh, and he wears a [[Bare Your Midriff|belly shirt]].
* [[Supreme Chef]] / [[Team Chef]]: Along with Genis.
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* [[Grand Theft Me]]: {{spoiler|Yggdrassil's primary goal is to use a suitable Chosen as a host body for his sister's mind.}}
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Oh great, [[Final Fantasy X|Tidus]] [[James Arnold Taylor|is back]] and here to complain about his family iss-- '''''[[Playing Against Type|did he just telekinetically slam]] [[The Hero]] [[Kick the Dog|into a wall and]] [[Kill'Em All|attempt to murder everybody so that he could]] {{spoiler|turn a sixteen year old girl into his sister's new body}}?!''''' Talk about [[Playing Against Type]]!
* [[Hideyuki Tanaka]]: {{spoiler|His voice as Yggdrassil}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: The first two times you meet him. The first ends after he virtually one-shots your party, the second ends after a certain amount of time}}