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Characters in a story usually begin their journey with little actual experience in the [[Real Life|real world]]. Somewhere along the way, they figure out how to manage. There is usually something either said or implied that being in a constant life or death situation has forced them to find some way to survive. By default, they usually become damn good at it.
When the time for action has come, the time for preparation has passed. Sometimes your [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] is not enough. Other times you have no training whatsoever. This is often how someone [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]. Some are so good at this that they are [[Awesome By Analysis]] and become an [[Instant Expert]]. Maybe, somewhere along the line, they learned [[I Know Mortal Kombat|Mortal Kombat.]]
This is a staple of [[MacGyvering]], the devices they make work because they ''have'' to. The [[Crazy Prepared]] person is either this way because of past experience, or because they want to avoid the bruises associated with it. And this is implied with a person who has [[Seen It All]]—they have experienced it personally.
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* Mugen from ''[[Samurai Champloo]]'' has a bizarre [[Dance Battler|fighting style]]. Jin (who is a classically trained samurai) even notes how his style is [[Awesome but Impractical|completely impractical]], yet is one of the few men Jin could not kill easily. Mugen made mention that he grew up in very violent conditions, (living in a prison colony and being a prisoner himself) which forced him to figure out that style on his own. It works for him.
** In the final two parter, the two two face off against Kariya. Mugan goes first and Kariya notes that while his movement make his swordplay unpredictable it leaves too many openings that a trained swordsman can easily get through. Adding that Mugan need to learn to adapt more in certain conditions. In the final battle he takes this to heart which allows him to off Umanosuke by using his scythe against him.
* A foundation of ''[[Dragonball Z]]''. Doing some [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] so that [[My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours]] often leads into a [[Determinator]] moment. As Goku once said to Gohan, "Power comes when there is a reason. Create your reason."
* ''[[Spirited Away]]'' uses this in the classic gentle [[Studio Ghibli]] way. Chihiro has to fend for herself. She has friends, but the story is about how she grows during the process.
* The first season of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' was a fairly ridiculous case: Nanoha became a mage when she was handed her [[Empathic Weapon]] and defeated the first [[Monster of the Week]]. She does this ''after school'', and without ''any'' training, she's stronger than another talented mage that had been training for his entire life ''within a week''. Then within a few weeks, she's an elite [[Rank Inflation|A rank]] mage firing a [[Wave Motion Gun]] from her staff. The manga actually provided a [[Hand Wave]] that she used said weapon to go through [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] at all hours of the day.
** Also, it helps that she's crazy talented. Specifically, she's naturally ''powerful'', which means that she can make up for her lack of skill via sheer brute force when she needs to, [[Heroic RROD|though she would pay for doing that too much in time]].
* In ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', Ash doesn't get ''anything'' right in the first story arc (Indigo league), often getting his badges after losing the first gym battle and having to help out the gym in some fashion later on. As the series progresses, he gradually gets sharper and more creative with his methods, both in training and battling his Pokémon ("Use [[Shock and Awe|Pikachu]]" and "If that doesn't work, use [[More Dakka|more Pikachu]]" won't solve [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|all]] [[Fragile Speedster|of]] [[Hot-Blooded|his]] [[Idiot Hero|problems]]).
** Ironic as he kept using Pikachu on Team Rocket, despite them using something that's shock proof (which they've done since, what, the fifth time he faced them? Out of [[Over Nine Thousand]]?) As Meowth pointed out in one episode, "You'd think he'd learn by now".
* ''Vagabond'' is about how [[Miyamoto Musashi]] goes from a naturally gifted [[Hot-Blooded|hothead]] to a true [[Badass]] ''after'' he gains experience, being humbled before overcoming the challenge; when he's going {{spoiler|to fight all of the remaining Yoshioka}}, he actually thanks them (silently and by himself with a silent prayer) for giving him the past year to learn, develop and grow.
* Generally, most of the cast in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' opt for [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] (with the occasional [[Awesome By Analysis]]). The former [[Private Military Contractors|private soldier]] Mana Tatsumiya, on the other hand, thanks to [[Child Soldier|a youth spent in combat]], can boast the skills and instincts above what the rest of the warrior-heavy class have managed, befitting a mercenary of her ability. Evangeline also counts, having learned to use magic and her vampiric abilities at age ten, then going from there.
{{quote|''"Surviving for hundreds of years ain't just for show, you know."''|Chachazero}}
** Don't forget Jack Rakan, who's pretty much invincible because he's fought for so long that there are only a handful of people who could pose a threat to him.
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** Carried into ''[[The Avengers (film)|The Avengers]]''. After the electrical discharges from Whiplash's weapons were able to disable his suit in ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]] II'', {{spoiler|Tony has upgraded his suit further to absorb excess electrical energy, which he can then channel into his repulsors. He uses this feature against Thor.}}
* Despite having "teaching machines" they could use, in ''[[Battlefield Earth]]'' the humans decided to just learn to fly jets through experience. And they do it well enough to actually pose a reasonable challenge to the Psyclos.
* ''[[The Elite Squad]]'' (aka ''Tropa de Elite'') combined this with [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: The latter half of a room-clearing obstacle course is actually a part of a real slum with real assault-rifle-toting criminals.
* ''[[Batman Begins]]'' uses this entirely as its main story. Bruce went through the training, and when he came to forming the mantle of "Batman", it was from picking up his mistakes. After getting a military combat suit, he found that he needed something to soften a fall, which leads to the glider-cape. After getting gased by the Scarecrow, even though he was now innoculated against the effects, he was fully aware of what Crane was going to do. As Alfred used as a [[Call Back]] quote from Bruce's father, "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
** ''The Dark Knight'' continues with this, as Bruce found the original Batman suit not holding up to the demands he was putting into it. He commissioned a new suit that addressed various limitations he found, such as a limited range of motion including the [[Mythology Gag|inability to turn his head.]]
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. This, along with a heaping helping of natural talent, is subliminally given as the reason why Willow went from a newbie in magic to becoming the worlds most powerful witch in the space of four years.
** Wesley from ''[[Angel]]'' defines his [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] from this trope. His first appearance on Buffy had him as an arrogant rookie from the "Watchers" academy (which wasn't too much different than what Giles was in the first season). By the third season of ''Angel'' he grew a permanent [[Perma-Stubble|five day beard]] and while not as strong as [[The Hero]], he was a fairly badass [[The Smart Guy|smart guy.]]
** Gunn, also from ''[[Angel]]'', learned this way before we even met him. He led an urban vampire hunting team made up entirely of local gangs. He had apparently been doing it for years and has had a relatively high life expectation compared to the better funded Watchers council and even the various Slayers.
*** Arguably, Buffy herself. She goes from having trouble with 2-3 vampires in Season 1, to killing 20 at once with a giant stake in Season 5.
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** And to all those non-culinary types out there, yes, there is a ''tangible'' difference between a cook and a chef.
** And, to be honest, the degree is just a tool to get one's foot in the door. If you've had the aforementioned experience and spent several of those years of experience being taught by a working chef, you can skip the degree.
* [[Myth BustersMythBusters|Adam Savage's]] mantra: "failure is always an option", which he explains as meaning that even a failure is data that we can learn from.
* Why every middle- or highly-placed job demands a certain number of years of experience in a relevant field.
* [[Quentin Tarantino]] never went to film school - everything he learned came from making a film with his friends when he worked at a film archive, as well as [[Taught by Television|watching the crap out of his favourite films.]]
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