Team Fortress 2/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** (to Scouts): '''Not really fast without your femur are yeh? Seriously, I think you were still running with out it.'''
** (to Snipers): '''Next time : TRY RUNNING!'''
** (to Heavys): '''I've eaten PIGS the size of you, you really think [[I Am a Humanitarian|humans are an exception?]]'''
** (to Spies): '''Work on your disguise next time!'''' or '''There goes the [[Ho Yay|charming]] french devil!'''
** (to Demomans): '''Get yer self a bloody second eye ya drunken pansy!'''
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=== A poison master. ===
* The only class who cannot be seen by the enemy team (but you can see the one on your team just fine, He still takes damage when hit and actually has the lowest health of any class.) When you are hit by him (a poison dart is fired from a tranquilizer gun he calls it "a happy pill from his smile gun"), you get an initial 10 point health boost, but then your health begins to drain at a steady pace three seconds later. The more "darts" he gets into you, the faster you lose health. The only way to stop the poison is for a medic to heal you.
* The character is a former hippie (With a totally radical accent) who discovered his devious streak when experimenting with various natural remedies. He still believes war is evil, so naturally he goes about killing off all "warmongers"... at least only the ones on the opposing team. He retains many hippie-like traits, such as an insistence on natural remedies and taunts relating to the opponent's horoscope, but actually appears as a rather clean-cut young man. May or may not smoke weed behind the barracks. All his weapons have euphemistical names such as "love bomb" (A mine he drops, you get damaged if you wander through its mist), "Smile gun", "soothing tea" which is actually acidic and also causes burns, or "Miss Caroline" (a spiky cactus melee weapon).
** Alternately, he mostly has techniques and items that help your teammates survive (like a [[Jack of All Trades]] between the Medic, Engineer, and Demoman) and hinder the other team's ability to attack. He has an alternate tea that restores a smaller amount of health than the sandvich but eliminates bleedout effects, and has the Peace Offering Tranquilizer that slows the target's run speed and causes a ([[Game Breaker|mild]]) [[Interface Screw]]/[[Screw]] (labelled P.O.T., with each letter pronounced to form a mispronounced, drawled-out "peyote"). One of his non-damaging taunts is threatening to chain himself to the front of a turret [[Genre Blind|so it can't be used]].
=== The Mann ===
* Redmond or Blutarch Mann, depending on which team you're on.
** Medium speed, moves around on a motorized desk/wheelchair combination, with a life support machine mounted on the back. His weapons are quite weak, for balancing reasons (see below).
** Main feature of the class is his ability to regenerate health at an incredibly fast rate, thanks to his life support machine. Is almost impossible to kill, though can be slowed down. If his health goes to zero, he will die temporarily, then return to life ten seconds later unless his life support machine is destroyed.
** The life support machine can also provide health for nearby teammates, similar to a dispenser.
** Personality will be totally insane, perhaps senile, with [[A God Am I|delusions of godhood]]. Will often talk about death, and that he knows what's coming to the people he kills.
** Will often reference the original mercenary team, perhaps believing the new team to be the originals.
** Other team members may refer to him as 'boss'.
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=== The Saboteur ===
* Character based on attacking strategic enemy choke points and disrupting their flow of battle.
* Is of [[Ragin Cajun|Creole]] descent, and used to lead a street racing ring in New Orleans. Took the job after his car was stolen. [[Nice Guy|A little more pleasant than his teammates, despite his gang-banging past,]] [[Cute and Psycho|but can get VERY eager to kill when the chips are down.]]
** Weapons would include various landmines which confuse, impede, and otherwise screw up enemies. Basic mines are proximity explosives, others would create a smokescreen, slow down enemy movement (perhaps some kind of sticky goo that sprays out of the mine?) or cause a mild [[Interface Screw]]. Melee weapon would be a combat knife shaped like the key to his long-lost car. Good friends with the Spy -- they both like to sneak around and mess with their enemies' heads.
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=== Pyro: ===
* [[Chainsaw Good|A chainsaw]]. Given that two of his three current melee weapons are axes, a chainsaw is a logical progression. Also, he just happens to be [[The Texas Chainsaw Massacre|a masked psychopathic manchild]].
* A [[Flaming Sword|sword that is on fire]].
** Confirmed! Sort of. It's a [[Flaming Sword|Flaming Axe]]. And it [[Captain Obvious|sets people on fire when you hit them with it.]]
* A flamethrower that buffs Pyro's speed and jump height, either in bursts as a secondary fire or passively. This would allow him to be far more proficient at ambushing. It will likely be called The After Burner.
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* Something which allows him to cover his enemies (or the floor) with gas and/or flammable oil, ''then'' light them on fire for MASSIVE DAMMAGE. Jarate/water will cause the fire to spread, like a real oil fire. The catch will be no compression blast (The oilshot will replace it), damage without first oiling is pitiful, and possibly some other problems. It will, of course, be called the Oil Spiller.
** The mod [[Game Mod|Advanced]] [ Weaponizer] includes a similiar weapon.
** Alternatively, have the oil be a secondary weapon, being able to be set off by whatever flamethrower, or the flaming axe weapon mentioned above, which would be useful in Degroot Keep.
* To combine several of these, the Bonkers BBQ weapon set! Primary weapon: “the Slow Burn”; a flamethrower with flame that that does 50% less damage but carries twice/three times the fuel. Secondary weapon: “the Propane Pyro/ the No-clip NOX”, a gas canister strapped to your back that he can use as a jetpack by setting it on fire. The jet pack should let him fly for up to six seconds and be activated by hitting "Jump" when already mid-air, rather than as a weapon (so you can still use a flame-thrower mid-air) and should A, drain his primary weapon fuel as it is used B, Explode and gib him if it gets hit by any weapon that can head-shot (In effect increases his head-shot hit-box)/ Melee weapon: “The Happy Fun Time Solid Fuel Preparation Device!” …a chainsaw. Secondary fire to rev-up to speed, no guarantee it will successfully rev first time, -90% damage done when not revved up +150% damage when revved up, drains primary weapon ammo as fast as a flame-thrower for every second it revs. Top that of with a chef’s hat (trim in the team colour) and a "Kill the cook" apron (or an apron with a woman's silhouette on it because for all we know, the pyro is a girl) and you've got yourself a nice little update.
* Not exactly a weapon set, but since it's the same person suggesting all three, I'll list them together. EDIT: Looking back, if these were a set, they could probably be called "The Increasing Improbability Set."
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*** Along the lines on that one, the undisguised model would be one of those Bang! flag guns, making it useless for combat at the price of a wonderful trick. It could also be able to do fake healing when disguised as a Medic, like when you are being fake healed your HUD shows you gettting healed or overhealed, but the moment you stop getting healed, it shows as if you back at your previous health, as if you weren't being healed at all, which is what was happening all along.
**** Or the HUD will still show your 'overhealedness', until you're attacked.
* A decoy grenade that produces loud, fake gunfire and randomly-sampled chatter to draw attention away from the Spy.
* The Soho Slasher weapon set: Turns the spy into Jack the Ripper (because lets face it, an invisible guy that likes his knives a little too much is great slasher-film material) Primary weapon: "the De-activated Duellist": "Although this fine pistol was rendered un-useable for live fire in 1805, it still looks the part..." basically the flag-gun mentioned above. Let’s you look as if you are firing a weapon when in disguise, but does no damage. Taunt-kill should make the spy raise the gun to the classic duellists pose, turn on his heal and fire the flag into the face of whoever is behind him. Spy watch: "Einstein’s Egg-timer" level twenty time-manipulation device. An Hourglass that when turned over, records your position and level of health at that moment in time, and returns you to it if you take damage in the next ten seconds that would otherwise have killed you. Does not make you invisible, long re-charge time. Basically allows you to do the Jason-style slasher-film thing of not being quite dead when you should be. If you go over the ten-second time limit your next back-stab will kill yourself, as you stab your disguised past-self in the back. Knife: "the Cultivated Cut-throat": Level ten straight-razor. On a hit inflicts a bleed that will not stop (even when healed) until the spy who inflicted it is dead. 20% chance of a back-stab attempt failing. Basically, You become Sweeny Todd. You slash throats ,which is more likely that a back-stab to fail, but you can run in ''Friday the thirteenth'' style and slash people up and rely on the Dead Ringer or the Egg-timer to make good your escape and leave them to die from the bleeding as they desperately try to hunt you down before it's too late. Has no reason for existing as an item, other than pure sadism. Hat "the Understated Underhand Undertakers." a solemn black Victorian top hat with an undertakers sash in the team colour tied around it, with a matching black opera-cloak with a silk lining in the team colour. Perfect for haunting the foggy allies of 1880's Whitechapel and getting together with the Scout's great great Grandmother!
* The Silencer: A revolver which (in addition to being quieter than most of the Spy's guns) disables the victim's voice chat and character voice for a few seconds (longer on crits, killshots, and headshots, of course). The idea being that if your victim can't talk, they can't alert their teammates to your presence, or (if combined with Your Eternal Reward) warn them that you just replaced them.
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* JCPenneys
* Target
* Coca-Cola
* Home Depot
* Five Guys
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* In addition it also explains why in the Meet the Team videos the characters kick so much ass. You can't create clones without an original strip of DNA - those ones we see in the Meet the Team videos are the originals, and as such possess many times the ass kicking power.
* Additionally, the DNA was supplied to both RED and BLU by a third company, '''G'''enetic '''R'''esources '''N'''ational ('''GRN'''). This explains how both teams have the DNA.
* ''Alternately, only '''one''' team has cloning capability:
BLU.'' Unbeknownst to RED, Administrator has DNA samples of the entire RED team on file, and is testing beta clone versions of them-- Team BLU -- against RED. The BLUs are currently full of bugs, but Admin's ultimate goal is not merely to create weapons-- it's to perfect these prototypes, creating a team of genetic supersoldier templates available to TF Industries' highest bidder... rendering RED expendable. Her partner in crime is, of course, the only ''original'' member of BLU: Dell Conagher, world's greatest genetic engineer... and double-agent for the RED Team.
* ''Alternately'' : All the characters of the same class are twins/triplets/quads, etc.
* This would also explain Pyro's changing gender on the class picking screen- unlike with the other mercenaries, the cloning machine doesn't bother to specify the amount of X chromosomes each time because [[The Faceless|it doesn't matter.]]
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** Or the BLU Heavy could just be the RED Heavy acting as one, if the theory about the videos being RED's corporate propoganda is to be believed.
* The BLU spy seems to be aware of this: "if you managed to kill them I assure you they were not like me - and nothing, NOTHING like the man loose inside this building." Similarly, the RED Demo states that "If I were a BAD Demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here, discussin' it with ya, now would I?"
*** ''Confirmed.''Meet The Team ''is'' canon, as well as the comics, and it's not propaganda, although that is Miss Pauling's cover story, at first. The Administrator is spying on RED in case they decide to get uppity... and by the looks of things, they are starting to get there. The videos were directed by a pompous little fellow with grand ideas, who had a convienient "accident" courtesy of Miss Pauling. The Administrator, meanwhile, is looking for new directors...
** ''Related Theory'' The canon teams are on the startup screens. There are officially only 9 mercenaries hired. This splits the 9 between 2 teams. Red is Pyro, Medic, Heavy and Demo. Blue is Engineer, Soldier, Scout and Sniper. Spy is… [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent|complex…]]
*** ''Related Theory: The BLU Team is Screwed.'' In Meet the Spy, the BLU Spy is killed by friendly fire, and it's implied that the BLU Scout was killed offscreen. Based on their dialogue, it's possible that they were very nearly, if not equally, as skilled as their RED counterparts who star in the Meet the Team videos. I know that doesn't explain the BLU Scout, since {{spoiler|he's actually the RED Spy}}, but think about it: would he really jump into that sort of situation with no prior knowledge of his persona? Odds are, the BLU Scout really was competent enough to kill "dime-a-dozen backstabbing scumbags" with ease, lending credibility to his skills. And without him or the BLU Spy in play, that makes the odds 7:9 in RED's favor ''at best''. That's assuming the Medic and Pyro have representatives equally as awesome as those classes that have already been introduced.
**** ''Related Theory: All of the BLU Team members seen on the startup screen (and outside of the videos) will eventually defect to RED.'' We can see hints of this in Engie’s Comic and Meet the Team video. Dell is perfectly willing to go behind his employer’s back [[For Science!]] and [[More Dakka|More Gun]]… and did you ever wonder why a RED Engineer was sitting in front of a BLU pickup and drinking the other team’s beer? Here’s a hint: Dell didn’t die. [[Heel Face Turn|He just changed shirts.]] By extension, Scout, Sniper, and Soldier’s “Meet the” videos take place after the Spy uses his Dead Ringer to help fake Scout’s, Sniper’s, Jane’s, and Tavish’s (from the WAR update) death. The Administrator won’t notice because [[Lampshade Hanging|all mercenaries look alike to her]], Miss Pauling won’t dare to protest… and [[Fire-Forged Friends|the boys will eventually figure out that they’re being played for saps]]… and when that happens… God help TF Industries.
**** ''Related Theory: [[Fire-Forged Friends|The]] [[Twinmaker|Team]] [[From a Single Cell|will]] [[Immortal Life Is Cheap|eventually]] [[Immortal Assassin|become]] [[Living Forever Is Awesome|immortal.]]'' Let's face it, as it stands now, our heroes have little love for their bosses, nor do they have any reason to have any. For either of the Mann brothers to win the land-grab, some of the team will have to die. And it's recently been revealed to the members of [RED] that Admin ''will'' go after the people and things they love if they don't fall in line; she, of course, couldn't give a crap about their safety or that of their loved ones. That's quite a lot of trouble for their paychecks... but there is a way the team's little problem could be solved. They could enlist the help of Dell, Medic, and their new improved life-extender machine, guaranteed to make it's users not only immortal, but eternally youthful, and absolutely, positively inde-friggin'-structable. Or, if the hint in "Meet The Medic" about [[Send in the Clones|BLUs]] [[We Have Reserves|reserves]] is viable, the two men could secretly perfect [[Brain Uploading|So]][[Soul Jar|ul]] [[Body Surf|Transference]]. Having done so, the team could not only financially destroy the Manns, but the Admin as well, draining their bosses bank accounts as they demand increasingly higher salaries for their excellent, fantastically fun jobs... ensuring that they never stop playing the best game ever.
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{{quote|'''Blutarch Mann:''' Every day I'm dead a little longer, Mister {{spoiler|Conagher}}. I have ''seen'' the other side. [[The Nothing After Death|There is nothing there.]] '''''[[This Is Sparta|FIX. THIS. MACHINE.]]'''''}}
If Zepheniah Mann managed to will himself as an immortal ghost to haunt those who desecrate his grave, what if he ''also'' managed to will Blutarch and Redmond a curse that, when both of them die, they will be sent to [[The Nothing After Death]]? They "wasted their lives fighting over ''[[Ironic Echo|nothing]],'' so the only ''something'' they have, in this life or the next, is what Zepheniah Mann has willed to them ...
* Consider this... what if Zepheniah ''didn't'' purchase any land in America? Or his use of "new world" was a self-aware reference to a different sort of [[Ironic Hell|real estate]]?
== The mysterious man in the last will and testament is the founder of SpyTech. ==
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The machine directly lengthens life, and upon 'reviving', the 'victim' ends up with color-coded glowing eyes much like the official 'Ubercharged' Avatars from Valve.
== Helen The Administrator is… ==
''The granddaughter of Zephaniah Mann and Elizabeth, through her daughter Emily and either of the Mann brothers.'' Elizabeth and Zephaniah’s relationship may have been based on more than mere trust. Elizabeth’s presumed daughter [ Emily], [ seen here bribing Radigan with Australium] seems to have reaped the benefits of this alliance… in more ways than one. Though its canonicity is hotly debated, A rather… [ not safe for work portrait of Emily] can be found in Redmond Mann’s current residence, Mann Manor. Winning her attentions may have been another point of contention for the boys. A disturbing question remains… why would Emily want to damn the two men to an [[Ironic Hell]] through bribing Radigan to sabotage the machines? The boys may have toyed with her affections far too much… but there’s yet another disturbing question to answer. This theory has, until now, been built on the supposition that Emily was Elizabeth’s daughter from a previous relationship. But what if Emily had blood ties to the Mann fortune? If Emily was the [[Bastard Bastard|illegitimate daughter of Zephaniah by his maidservant]], she would have had no sure guarantee to his fortune, a burning desire to see two full-blooded but unsuitable heirs punished, [[Magnificent Bastard|and an utterly insane drive]] [[Incest Is Relative|to do whatever it took]] to utterly destroy the both of them. Judging by the looks of things, Emily infected her daughter with that thirst for vengeance as well.
* '' Alternately, Elizabeth is Helen’s Aunt'', thus removing ''some'' of the incestuous connotations of the above theory.
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* ''…related to [[Sinistar]].'' Heavy: "I am Heavy Weapons Guy" "I live" "run, cowards" "hide, cowards"… Sinistar: "I am Sinistar" "beware, I live" "run, coward" "beware, coward" Also, while he never explicitly says it, the Heavy does hunger.
* ''a sentimental man who names his guns after loved ones.'' He has a wife, Sascha, and a daughter, Natascha. (Note, however, that Sas(c)ha is also a ''male'' name in Eastern European countries.)
** All of Heavy's guns are named Sascha, so the voice clip doesn't need to be changed. Sascha can be short for Natascha, she just uses her "full name" because she's bigger.
* More affected by his past than he lets on. His dad was killed fighting the Communists in 1941, his mother and sisters were sent to a gulag, and it proceeded to burn down, all the soldiers dead. Let's say for argument's sake that [[Poker Night At the Inventory]] is canon. He was apparently hired by RED because he killed many soldiers. Heavy was the one who burned down the gulag, killed the soldiers, and because it was his first taste of trauma and death, was somewhat shaken by it. It'd explain why he won't talk about it with The Director and keeps changing the subject back to Sascha. It'd also explain his attachment to Medic. He's really afraid of death and is in denial about respawn.
* ''A member of the'' ''[[wikipedia:Orlov|Orlov]]'' ''family''. Because [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Orlov Sandvich.]]
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*** Perhaps the more manly his weapons are named, the tinier they are(and vice versa), like [[Harry Potter|Hagrid's]] pets.
== The Heavy suffers from Delusion Companion Syndrome ==
In which victims [[Companion Cube|believe inanimate objects to be sentient]]. The way he talks to and fawns over his gun isn't too strange; lots of gun owners take great pride in their weapons and [[I Call It Vera|give names to them]]. No, the companion here is the Sandvich. Not only does he talk to it, it seems to talk back to him ("What was that, sandvich? Kill them all? Good idea!"), or at least only he thinks so. He sings songs in its praise, warns others to "run from the sandvich", as if it were alive and malicious, and even says things like, "Sandvich and I are coming for you!". Note he put "sandvich" first, indicating that the sandvich is in control.
How did he get these delusions? Brain damage via food poisoning- a sandwich full of bologna and cheese, With all the sweat and filth of battle staining it, is more than likely to harbor nasty parasites.
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* ''Canadian/Born on a foreign army base.'' He couldn't get into any branch of the U.S. military because they wouldn't believe his fake ID, which was [[Blatant Lies|the image from a "We Card Under 18" sign with a wallet-size photo of himself glued on]]. He wanted to get into the U.S. military so he could be in a ''real'' [[Eagle Land|military]], and kept it up into the 1960s so he could actually fight instead of guard anything with the word "peace" in. He calls the Engineer "Canadian" either because he considers Engie [[Straw Civilian|no different from a draft dodger]] or [[Hypocritical Humor|because they actually hail from the same small town in Manitoba]]. He doesn’t know the Army accepts Canadians. Or he could be from China, given his obsession with Sun Tzu. All he knows about American is via second hand information, especially war movies.
* ''A woman/intersexed.'' She wasn't allowed in the army for medical reasons. That medical problem is being the wrong gender. She was always a fairly masculine child, and was extremely violent, and going to war seemed like something she would really enjoy. Nine years of heavy smoking, screaming at enemies, and inhaling gun powder have turned her voice gravelly and manish. To her, only civilians can be women, which is why she got so panicked and upset when apparently Demoman called her a civilian- she thought he'd figured it out and spilling her secret.
* '' Of German descent'' Soldier’s bio says he’s from the Midwest, which has a high population of German immigrants. He changed his name to avoid suspicions of treason, and because he honestly did want to fight for America.
* ''Gay/Bi'' Self explanatory. [[Bury Your Gays|Adds a level of sadness]] to the events of “WAR!’’
* ''Actually called Jane Doe'': At least the BLU Soldier. His parents were not only "clever" and decided to give their child a punny name but wanted a girl as well and were very disappointed when he wasn't. He doesn't have to assert his masculinity or anything by changing his name or using an alias, but he still wants people to know he's not a woman. That's why the sign on his apartment window says "''Mister'' Jane Doe".
* ''[[The Cuckoolander Was Right|Right about a surprising amount.]]'' Sniper's name is actually [[Embarrassing First Name|Barble Bapkins Mundy]], Engineer is Canadian, and the Pyro's name is in fact Joe(sephine?).
* ''[[Warrior Poet|A Poet]].'' Many soldiers wrote war poetry in [[WW 2]], but Soldier, noticing a [[War Is Hell|distinct lack]] of 'war is awesome' poetry, decided to fill that market himself. [[Painful Rhyme|He isn't]] [[Giftedly Bad|very good at it.]]
== The Soldier's description of Sun Tzu's achievements is completely accurate. ==
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== The Engineer is... ==
* ''...Radigan Conagher.'' In Meet The Engineer, he says that the sentry was "designed by me", but in Loose Canon, we can clearly see blueprints for the sentry in Radigan's workshop. Furthermore, we know that Radigan built a third Life Extender after building the first two (i.e. after working out the bugs in the original design), which he is presumably keeping to himself. He's pretending to be his own grandson to avoid suspicion from his employers. Also, the life extender explains how he managed to earn 11 PH Ds and work for 10 years in the oilfields.
** Which makes you [[Fridge Horror|wonder whose corpse]] was in the grave Blutarch dug up...
* ''compensating for childhood torment by playground bullies.'' Engie's favorite "toy" was the sandbox. He liked to build undefined sand structures, the larger the better, but the bullies were always there to destroy them. So he started building stuff that kills people. This is also why he reports every destroyed building: It brings back unhappy memories.
* ''...Dr. Horrible's father.'' Mad science obviously runs in the Conagher family, as illustrated in the Engineer update. Furthermore, while the events of Sing-along Blog happen in the late 2000s, TF2 takes place in the late 1960s. Billy (whose real last name is Conagher; he trained himself out of an accent so he could be taken seriously) took the plans for the freeze ray from Dell but modified the required element from australium to wonderflonium. However, he has strained relations with his dad for not only using, but ''improving'' sappers to use on vans. And moving on from this...
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== The Engineer's PhDs are in... ==
# Biological engineering.
# Biomedical engineering.
# Chemical engineering.
# Civil engineering.
# Computer engineering.
# Electrical engineering.
# Mechanical engineering.
Line 614:
* ''Definitely '''not''' The Spy's son.'' Confirmed by [[Word of God]].
** ''Relatedly: Every class, except Scout, is the father of one of Scout's brothers.'' Poor kid has no idea.
* ''...of mixed heritage.'' He was born in the Bronx, but his family moved to South Boston. Hence his accent. He had to develop his skills at running and fighting in order to survive in the face of discrimination, as the Scout is a Red Sox fan.
* ''...the grandfather of [[Left 4 Dead|Ellis]] .'' The Scout got to know Engineer's daughter and after finishing his job as a mercenary he settled down in Texas to be with her. His son moved to Georgia, where he met Ellis's mother. Besides, the family resemblance is pretty obvious.
** Alternatively, he could be Nick's father.
Line 640:
== The Sniper is... ==
* ''...part-british.'' This may explain why his accent's more cockney than Australian. Perhaps he's related to the infamous aging superspy, [[No One Lives Forever|Bruno]] [[The Danza|Lawrie]]... this may also be why he hates The Spy.
* ''...a Kiwi.'' He pretends to be from Australia rather than from New Zealand, because if he didn't, Saxton Hale would probably murder him.
* ''The Scout's father.'' He hates the Spy so much because his wife - the Scout's mother - left him for the Spy.
* ''He's [[The Rescuers (Disney film)|Cody's]] Father.'' Sniper is a neglectful (or divorced) dad. It idly and cleanly connects Team Fortress 2 to [[Disney Animated Canon|the Disney Animated Canon]].
Line 651:
* 'Saxton Hale’s '''brother.''' ' Think about it for a second. Why would Saxton, a hunter himself, who has, in the past demonstrated a cheery, callous disregard for the life of animals, children and hippies… a man who has been in a romantic relationship with the most murderous, hateful woman in existence, who --''gleefully supplies her with deadly weapons for the sole, express purpose of killing human beings'' -- disapprove so heartily of Sniper’s career? They both deal in murder. If anything, their relationship smacks of sibling rivalry, [ someone ribbing his little brother for not having the guts to punch a Spy rather than shoot him, but helping him out just the same.] Saxton looks so much older because of all that Australium-induced testosterone. As for their parents, they ''disapprove'' of Saxton’s career, and had pinned all their hopes for their fading future on their seemingly more taciturn and compliant youngest son, hopes which were summarily dashed when he chose a similar career to his brother.
*** ''Relatedly: Sniper is the inventor of Jarate.'' Saxton’s too much of a fisticuffs kinda guy to have come up with this idea, but Sniper demonstrated it… on him… ''Saxton Hale : The events of this comic actually happened… [[From a Certain Point of View|to me!]]'' then sold him the rights in exchange for a 75% cut of the profits and an endorsement deal.
** ''Alternately, The Sniper '''is''' Saxton Hale.'' When “Saxton” says that the events of the Jarate comic actually happened to him, he’s telling the unvarnished truth. Sniper is, indeed, a descendant of Barnabas Hale and the CEO of MannCo, but he neither wanted the drudgery nor the direct responsibility of running such a company, when self-employment seemed far more adventurous and lucrative. Sniper, by nature reclusive, created the Saxton Hale persona ( [[Author Avatar|perhaps even writing the comics himself]] ), as a company figurehead and a sly commentary on his home country. Mister Reddy and Mister Bidwell are not his butlers, but rather, the acting CEOs of MannCo, though they defer any particularly pressing business to Sniper. Though the events of the comics in which Saxton Hale appears are largely fictional in-universe, the call from Miss Pauling was at least partially real, save that Miss Pauling and Helen are likely unaware that “Saxton” is actually Sniper… of course, given that [ a child bearing a striking resemblance to Miss Pauling appears on the cover of Girl’s Adventure], Pauling may be Sniper’s trusted [[The Mole|Mole]], his daughter, or both. This also means that the rumors “Saxton” spreads about Helen’s relationship with him are born out of either a raging crush on her, a desire to piss off his boss, [[Real Life Relative|a tiny grain of truth…]] or all three at once.
* ''A dhampir''. Just look at [[Cute Little Fangs|his teeth]] and his vampire hunting item set.
* ''A person with a passion for knitting''. In one of the christmas cards, he gives BLU Scout a handknitted jumper, and one of his game items is a sweater vest. Perhaps he knits in his spare time.
* ''Someone with more than a few issues''. His domination lines would indicate [[Hair-Trigger Temper|severe rage problems]].
Line 660:
* ''...[[Soylent Green|PEOPLE!]]'' That mysterious meat slice? [[Human Resources|IT'S NOT "JUST HAM".]]
** [[It Gets Worse]]. The [[I'm a Humanitarian|Heavy]] still [[Nightmare Fuel|talks to it.]] Perhaps that Sandvich [[Alone with the Psycho|WAS a loose cannon but a good cop.]] Hell, the proof has been on [[Memetic Mutation|Youtube]] for [ quite] [ some] [ time.]
*** Even more so when you consider that the description on Pyro's toque blanche(You're today's theme ingredient!) implies him to be a cannibal. Well, if one of the team does it...
* ''Made by the Medic for the Heavy.'' The "V" in "Sandvich" could be used to [[Funetik Aksent|represent the accent of either character]], and it's a healing item. This is a little bit more likely if the above WMG is true.
** Well, Medic made Heavy a giant Sandvich on one of the Christmas cards, so maybe you're on to something.
Line 671:
== The Spy is.... ==
* ''...“A [[Double Reverse Quadruple Agent]] …”'' [ In his old trading card bio], it says that the Spy “knows the byzantine details of who really runs things.” This may still hold true. He could be working as a double-agent for both RED and BLU while reporting to the Administrator… (he may have been the man who delivered her message to the soldier) but none of those could be where his true allegiance lies… so, just who is the Spy?
* ''A descendant of Silas Mann?''
* ''A descendant of the unseen man?''
Line 677:
* ''Working for any/all of the above?''
** ''Related: Miss Pauling is Spy’s daughter, and Scout’s half-sister.'' Spy took her in, taught her well, and relies on her skills as [[The Mole]] to be his eyes and ears at TF Industries.
*** [[Ascended Fangirl|Makani]] posted a drawing on her livejournal of Spy with dark hair- she's since been hired, so that similarity could well be canon.
* Suffering from [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]] - Oh so very check. He's a "double reverse quadruple agent," after all.
* ''Pyro's Twin'' Think about it. They have the same voice actor, and they happen to be the biggest counter/countered combo in the game. It's clear they hate each other from years of sibling rivalry. And if you want to explain the purse, maybe they both came from the same village [[Guilty Gear|Bridget]] was from, and Pyro was the designated girl.
Line 694:
* ''always crying in-front of rainbows.'' Rainbows make ''HIM'' cry, not Scout. HE used his deepest sorrow as a taunt for the scout.
* [[Fake Nationality|Not actually French]]. He's just faking it to [[Master of Disguise|hide his true identity further]], [[Everyone Looks Sexier If French|look cool, and pick up]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Scout's mother.]] In actuality, he has either a Bostonian, [[Hypocritical Humour|Texan]], or whatever Pyro has accent.
* ''Far less professional than he'd like to admit''. Listen to his [[Un Evil Laugh]] and his juvenile insults. His [[Tuxedo and Martini|classiness]] is well put on, but in the heat of battle it slips a bit.
* ''The proud owner of a classy moustache.'' Frenchmen are often seen as posessing thin oiled moustaches. Maybe Spy has a [[Badass Moustache]] under his balaclava.
* ''Of Arabian descent.'' His Saharan Spy set and ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' promotional items lend some credence here.
Line 702:
* That's why it takes so much less time to put on a disguise compared to in TFC.
* It's also why fire renders the spy's disguise completely useless; [[Captain Obvious|paper burns!]]
* The other team all see it as such, they just pretend otherwise because they don't want to hurt his feelings.
== That isn't what Spy really looks like ==
Line 714:
** Possibly supporting the Jewish theory: Listen to "Archimedes" and tell me there isn't a Klesmer/Yiddish vibe going on.
* A grown-up Klaus Baudelaire from [[A Series of Unfortunate Events]], which also factors in [[Break the Cutie]] and [[Ambiguously Jewish]]. He's short-tempered because of his bad childhood. Think about it. He became a doctor because he's used to protecting his two siblings, both are very intelligent, Klaus is a German name, and he looks a lot like a young Medic.
* Obligatory Time Lord suggestion: He's a doctor, but he has no known doctorates. He wears a long coat, and he always has Companions surrounding him.
** Probably Jossed in ''Meet The Medic''. He does have a doctorate degree, but his license to practice medicine was revoked.
* ''[[Left 4 Dead|Keith's]] [[Running Gag|grandfather]]''. How can he survive everything that happens to him? Hereditary healing factor, of course!
Line 742:
== The Pyro is… ==
* ''[[King of the Hill|Hank Hill.]]'' His flamethrower contains propane and is made out of propane accessories. Him and Engy get along so well because they're both hard-working Texans. I tell you what.
* ''[[South Park|Kenny]] all grown up.'' He speaks with muffled unintelligible dialogue which is often hilarious when heard, he gets killed constantly, and "setting people on fire" is totally a job Kenny is crazy enough to take. Also because someone had to say it.
* ''Abraham Lincoln.'' The Previous Pyro, a life –extender machine is known to have been in working order the day he died [ in a tragic rocket jumping accident], the sort of incident where, if one could survive it; they would still be terribly scarred and maimed from their burns. [ Radigan is documented as having been working on a machine to save his life.] Pyro’s feminine behavior is, as such, easily explained: Since Lincoln’s actual real-life death, rumors have swirled about his sexual orientation…
* ''[[Myth Busters|Adam and Jamie Hyneman]]'' Adam is already a Pyro. He required no convincing to sign up for the job, and approaches it with child-like glee and enthusiasm. However, he didn't anticipate that no one would ever be able to understand him, and he's been driven (more) insane from loneliness. Jaime required more convincing to accept the job, but he's quite good at it. He, unlike Adam, was naturally suited to being a Pyro, and he excels at it. He spends his time thinking and coming up with creative and painful ways to kill his opponents using their surroundings. W+ M1 are Adam, and more skilled Pyros are Jaime. Also, Kari is the Engineer's daughter. Compare [ Kari] and [ Engineer.]
** The Pyro being Adam [[Nice Hat|explains the love for hats.]]
Line 755:
* ''an [[Energy Being]]'' He comes from an alternate dimension where everyone is a gaseous [[Energy Being]], and made the firesuit to prevent himself from dispersing. (Something in his home universe prevents him from dispersing there.) His species is highly flammable, and because he's insane, he's perfectly willing to use a weapon that could conceivably destroy himself. Because he's not ''quite'' '''that''' crazy, though, the suit is fireproof. Getting shot tears holes in the suit, causing small parts of his substance to disperse. The suit has internal repair systems that seal the gaps and stop him wafting out completely. The power sources for these systems are located in the [[Boom! Headshot!|head]] and [[Back Stab|back]], which explains why the instant kills work (the transmitted shock takes out the other power source).
* ''Actually deaf'' Taken from [ jpqfd]'s comment on [ this video]. "''Pyro is actually deaf so that's how he keeps his calm the whole time while burning people. He can't hear the flaming, the screams, or the bullets flying. It's all peaceful and in harmony''." Because when I heard that, it all made so much ''sense''. The laughter is actually him thinking he's won some game that the announcer invented for him, and the gas mask obscures everything he sees. He just knows he's supposed to "win".
* A [[Fourth Wall Observer]]. Pyro doesn't think it's a game because s/he's an [[Innocent Inaccurate]]; Pyro thinks it's a game ''[[Team Fortress 2|because it's a game]]''.
** He keeps everything about himself a secret in order to to screw with people, hide as another masked character in an entirely different fictional work if need be, and [[Magnificent Bastard|prevent anyone from]] ever creating completely accurate Rule 34 of him.
* ''incapable of feeling pain properly.'' This struck me while I was in an idle server. I noticed the Pyro's flinch when taking damage was far less noticable than most others, and simply a repositioning of the elbows. Then I realized the Pyro's grunts don't even play that often when under heavy fire. This is why most classes are afraid of it. It's a ground troop that defuses most Spy efforts, can decimate ambush forces, plow through most defenses, overall ruin an organized plan, and it won't even so much as wince when shot most of the time… ''and he’s probably covered in third degree burns''
** ''Alternately, he’s in '''constant''' pain.'' Same reasoning as above, but also gives an excuse for the "harmless friendly fire hurts opposing Spy" tactic: Pyro pyrizes indiscriminately because [[I Thought Everyone Could Do That!|s/he thought the flamethrower was below everyone's baseline of pain]] (see also the WMG that Pyro thinks it's all a game, under "the pyro is actually deaf" above), and his teammates are used to it by now which reinforces the idea. The Spy for your team is not used to it from being disguised as an opposing team member and needing to stay out of the fire to keep cover, and/or RED and BLU use different chemical propellants that each have additional damaging side effects (since opposing team members are still affected by your team's flamethrower and vice versa).
Line 771:
** ''Alternatively. Pyro is a Robot'' Pyro is a cyborg or robot created by the engineer (some of his eleven [[PH Ds]] could be in biological or robotic engineering), possibly as a prototype for the Manns, as transferring their brains into robot bodies would be an easy way to appease them while Dell could keep the life extender machine's blueprints for himself. The suit actually IS the Pyro's skin, and beneath the eyes of the gas mask are cameras, possibly in infrared. More evidence for this theory can be found in Meet The Spy: (One of the possible messages on the alert screen is ''The Pyro is/a Robot'',) True Meaning, (Dell lives with Pyro) and The Foundry map: There are photos in the RED team's room on Foundry, and a prominent bloodstain in BLUs. 1961 is the year the Unimate robot was first installed on an assembly line, while the neatly divided sectioned word fragments in the sign reading AU'''TO-BOR'''AX spell '''"ROBOT"''' backwards. While we're on the subject, guess who uses the ax?
*** Perhaps Pyro was a [[Frankenstein's Monster|joint collaboration]] between two [[Mad Scientist|friendly]] [[Mad Doctor|mad geniuses]].
*** It's an interesting theory, although why Dell would program a robot to have a habit of wearing women's clothing just raises further questions, unless he's still working out the kinks in the AI.
*** Maybe brain uploading played a role.
* ''A cisgendered woman.'' Hinted at by the in-game character bios plus the fact that no one could tell what is going on under that flame-retardant suit. What clinches it for this editor is the purse in Pyro's locker. Next time you spawn in the game, check it out. The lead developer of TF2 referred to the Pyro as "her" in [ this interview]. The Pyro's standing pose after losing a round seems very feminine, and one of the Spy's domination lines toward the Pyro says that the Pyro fights like a woman. As to her voice, everybody's voice sounds masculine when you're talking from behind a face mask and a air filter. Besides, you try inhaling asbestos and ash for X+ years, making explosives and not, and see what ''your'' voice sounds like. The helmets are "trophies" from soldiers said spy successfully backstabbed, much like how many soldiers collect mementos from their kills (Manfred "Baron" von Richthofen did this, for example) Obviously, the gasmask and muffled voice are all part of a [[Sweet Polly Oliver]] gambit. Maybe we have some case of [[Samus Is a Girl]] here? And The Pyro's new weapon? The Homewrecker...
Line 788:
* ''…an infected.'' Or a zombie, if you prefer. The muffled grunting, the shambling gait, the complete lack of any self-preservation? (S)he'd be gnawing on brains right now, if not for that pesky gas mask ([[Our Zombies Are Different|or not]]).
* ''a [[Bioshock|Splicer]].'' The Pyro managed to escape Rapture and get work as a mercenary. Though his physical deformities are covered by the suit and mask, her mental deformities brought on by constant splicing are still quite present. For instance, he's obviously quite brilliant with inventing things (both her flamethrower and the chemical thrower appear to be cobbled together from scrap metal and plumbing parts), but he is also sociopathic, having no remorse for burning others to death and even taking joy from it. It would also explain the Pyro's [[Kamehame Hadoken|"Hadoken"]] taunt- it's actually an Incinerate plasmid.
* ''a highly intelligent jerk.'' Listen to clips of his voice after reading the probable translations on <nowiki></nowiki>. You'll notice that he sounds extremely condescending all of the time, and everything he says that's directed at other people is basically * instruction* * insult* . And not like the Soldier's "GET ON THE POINT, NUMBNUTS". The Soldier sounds angry, but the Pyro just sounds like he's tired of having to explain everything to people.
* ''of Asian descent'' His voice clips seem to put emphasis on all the wrong words, kind of like a badly dubbed Japanese movie. Considering the horrible accents of the other foreign characters, this might not be too far-fetched. It might also explain why others refer to him as a "freak" - relationships with Asia weren't exactly nice at the time, what with Vietnam and Communist China and such, so people will go out of their way to make fun of/taunt/abuse the poor guy. That would explain the Spy's hatred for him (before turning communist Vietnam was a French colony)
** Fridge Brilliance- the characters of the Team Fortress 2 world are based on national stereotypes, like the [[Herr Doktor|German mad doctor]] and the [[Violent Glaswegian|angry Scotsman]]. The stereotype of the [[Inscrutable Oriental|inscrutable]] and silent Asian wo/man would fit nicely.
Line 816:
* ''A time-displaced Doctor Who fan.'' Easy enough to figure out- wanting to save the wiped episodes, a geeky Doctor Who fan built his own time machine to travel back and record the episodes before they were destroyed. However, his machine was faulty and he got transported back to the start of the sixties, three years before it even began. His machine broke, and now he's taken a job as a masked soldier of fortune to support himself and get the funds necessary to repair his time machine. All the pop references are because he's such a geek, and handily explains why he can reference Star Wars and Street Fighter before they were created. He occasionally acts like a woman because he has fun screwing with the rest of the team's heads. Oh, and he's also British. The Pyro's muffled voice clips sound like he occasionally calls teammates "mate," and we've already got an Australian, so...
* The Scout's older brother. He was enraged when he found out how his younger brother came about and, wanting to avenge his brother, became the perfect antithesis to the skill set and combat style of his father in-law, the spy.
** Bruddah also rhymes with Huddah. Food for thought...
* [[Doctor Who|Calling]] [[Family Relationship Switcheroo|for his]] [[Inverted Trope|Daddy]]. "Hudda" could be a muffled call for his parent. Yes, the Pyro is a [[Gas Mask Mooks|Gas Mask]] [[Our Zombies Are Different|Zombie]]. [[Fridge Brilliance|The suit is to prevent him from infecting his team]].
* Pre-op transgender. Pyro hides because s/he doesn't want his/her teammates to see him/her in a body that doesn't suit them. Alternately, an intersexed individual who wants to avoid confusion from their teammates.
Line 825:
** This is why they're so good at finding invisible assassins- [[Rule of Cool|they practiced on]] [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja|ninjas growing up.]]
* A Jewish survivor of the Holocaust. He was severely burned in one of the 'ovens' of the death camps, and wears the fireproof suit to protect himself and hide his deformation. He also hides a Star of David under the suit. (I like Respawn of the Dead, sue me.) This explains his "rivalry" with the Medic - the best counter for afterburn is the Medigun, after all.
* [[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Black Mage]]. In that case he would have [[Nightmare Face|a good reason]] to hide his face.
* A furry. (S)he knows all to well that if his/her true nature was discovered they'd be burned alive, because everyone on the internet hates furries. Fortunately, (s)he found a costume that covers up all the animal attributes.
* Either [[Generator Rex|Five from Generator Rex,]] or an earlier relative of hers.
Line 844:
* [ Engineer's retarded brother.] The fact that the head is so tiny is more than indicative of a serious mental disorder. Though he has the body of a man, he has the mind of a child, which explains his affinity for silly hats and why his battle cry seems to be "Hello!!!". When Engie was recruited, He begged them to hire his brother too. Fortunately, "Dolt" really enjoyed setting things on fire. So Dell built him some equipment and set him "Out to play".
* The Pyro is covered in severe burns, perhaps [[It Amused Me|cheerfully self-inflicted]]. If they destroyed his nerve endings this may overlap with the above 'Pyro feels less/no pain' theory above.
* Related to [[A Nightmare on Elm Street|Freddy Krueger]]. He wears the suit to avoid being set on fire like Freddy, and if Scout is any indication he also likes killing teenagers.
* A universe-displaced [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|firebender]], [[Ax Crazy|quite possibly]] [[Villainous Breakdown|Princess Azula.]]
* If Pyro could speak, most of his lines would be [[Incredibly Lame Pun|cooking puns]].
* Someone who hates sandviches [[Reality Subtext|for no reason]].
* Pyro is [[The Chessmaster|actually behind everything]], and [[Obfuscating Stupidity|pretends to be a ditz]] so [[Manipulative Bastard|no one suspects him.]]
* The Pyro's full name is 'The Pyrotechnician''. He doesn't use it because [[The Unintelligible|he can't pronounce it.]]
* Pyro has a supreme ego complex. Note- he's not 'The Pyrotechnician'. He's just The Pyro. [[I Am the Noun|He is fire itself.]]
* [[Watchmen (comics)|Rorschach]], who is masked and once used [[Improvised Weapon|a flamethrower]]. Dr. Manhattan teleported him to this universe at the end of ''Watchmen'', (feeling this time period would be most familiar to him), and he is acting far more feminine than is usual to compensate for his previous misogyny.
* ...from [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show|Transsexual, Transylvania]]. Admit it, this makes sense.
* Pyro is secretly [[In-Universe Camera|the cameraman]] for some of the more gore-splattered parts of the Meet the Team videos. This is why his video is coming last- they couldn't find anyone crazy enough to replace him when he announced he wouldn't be able to shoot ''Meet The Pyro'' [[Secret Identity|for some reason]].
* Someone from the [[Legacy Character|previous generation(s) of the team]] (possibly using the life extender, though not Lincoln)- either as [[Shaped Like Itself|his/her speciality, the Pyro]] or as a different class entirely. This explains why s/he's [[Heterosexual Life Partners|fond of Engineer]]- s/he was best friends with Dell's father, or [[Luke, I Am Your Father|maybe even]]...
* The Pyro is [[Quintessential British Gentleman|British]]. This explains his antagonism with [[French Jerk|the Spy]], and a few of his [[High-Class Glass|classier]] [[Distinguished Gentleman's Pipe|hats]]. Underneath his mask he [[I Am Very British|sounds amazingly]] [[Rule of Funny|sophisticated]]. Also explains why he doesn't [[Stiff Upper Lip|seem to have much of a reaction]] to pain (see above).
* The Pyro is [[Man Behind the Man|the woman who]] offered Australium to Radigan Conagher, using the third life-extender.
* President of, or at least a heavy influence, behind Spytech(see Loose Canon folder). [[The Chessmaster|She deliberately secured the company]] to supply her [[Serial Killer|favourite]] prey with inferior equipment.
* ...Of mixed nationality. This is why his hat collection is so varied in countries and his nationality isn't quite as in your face as the others.
* [[There Is Another|A Black Scottish Cyclops.]]
* ''The Firebat from [[Final Combat]]''. What better place to hide/spend your free time than as your own ripoff?
== .... A [[Time Lord]] ==
* Rogue Time Lords ''love'' taking on titles that begin with 'The', such as [[Doctor Who|the Doctor]], [[The Master]], The Rani, etc, and the Pyro just happens to have found a perfect place where no one will notice the odd habit, as everyone does it. As for the Pyro's sex/gender, its been changing constantly, along with [[The Nth Doctor|its overall appearence]], and we haven't noticed because of the clothes.
== The Pyro's real name will be revealed in a comic. ==
It will be [[Tomboyish Name|unisex]] or [[Line-of-Sight Name|obviously fake]], because Valve are trolls and want to keep us guessing.
== The Sun in a [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|A Form You're Comfortable With.]] == The Sun needed a host body to keep certain people heated. However, it had no idea about humanity and that explains all the weird actions. It wears a mask and thick body suit to protect those around it but that doesn't stop it from using other flame related abilities to defeat RED or BLU.
== The Pyro is a ''literal'' '[[Frankenstein's Monster|Frankenstein of a Man]]'. ==
Line 876:
Using the third life extending device. He uses a flamethrower to protect his grandson from spies, and puts on a flamboyant persona so Dell won't suspect who he is.
== [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Discord.]] == He escaped a second time, but [[Genre Savvy|knew the mane 6 would imprison him again]] if he spread chaos in Equestria. He crossed dimensions to our world and [[The Chessmaster|manipulated '''everything''',]] including the formation of RED and BLU. He now roams the battlefields he has brought into being, incinerating all in his path and reveling in the glorious, beautiful chaos he's creating.
* Or Pyro is Pinkie Pie off her meds.
* Alternately, a Discord-assisted [ Firecracker Burst]. Or Derpy!
Line 900:
* Pyro will find Spy via [[Spotting the Thread|awesome detective skills]], a cutscene version of spy-checking. BLU Spy ''is'' capable of being [[Boom! Headshot!|harmed by his own teammates]] in Meet the Spy, so maybe they’ll want to keep it consistent in-universe.
== The Pyro is [[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare|Makarov]]in disguise. ==
Yuri and Price didn't ''really'' kill Markarov, he ''faked'' his death. He's adopted a new persona--that of an effeminate/childish pyromaniac--as part of a revenge plot against Yuri, Price, and the Russian Loyalists. First, he must find and kill Saxton Hale...
== Pyro's appearance in [[Killing Floor]] was canon ==
Line 907:
== The Pyro's gender depends on the team S/He's on ==
The Red Pyro is the female Pyro and the Blu Pyro is the male Pyro.
== The Pyro is a man who [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|looks like a woman.]] ==
Line 914:
== The Pyro has a pink purse because he [[Real Men Wear Pink|CAN]] have one. ==
Who would be fireproof enough to question his taste?
* Corollary: Nobody is quite sure if their team's Pyro is a man or a woman, but since walking up to a [[The Dreaded|mouth breathing freak of nature]] and [[Too Dumb to Live|asking what gender they]] are [[Captain Obvious|has the potential to go badly]] they decide they are better off not knowing.
== Meet the Spy ==
Line 924:
Thankfully, the others thought it was the BLU Scout shocked and embarrassed about the pictures, so he managed to avoid blowing his cover.
== Wait a minute... Scout's Mom... ==
Let's think about this for a minute, the pictures of her in Meet the Spy show her as incredibly young and hot. And she's the mother of nine children? Of which Scout (maybe 16-18 years old, at the youngest. But probably more like 20) is the *youngest?* Either she started having babies at a really young age (like 15 or so), and reeeally went out of her way to stay in shape, or there is something going on here... anyone have any theories?
* She could have had Multiples on one or more occasions. It's a lot easier to reach eight kids if you pop out three in one go. Maybe Scout was the only one of her Children who DIDN'T have a twin.
* Of course he has a twin, there ARE two scouts aren't there? The third one is an intellectual in college, since his brothers picked on him in their youth since he was more interested in reading than baseball.
* The picture could be from before the Scout and his brothers were born.
** And Red Spy is actually Blu Scout's father. The images could possibly be Scout's conception.
Line 1,037:
* The Soldier: The [[Stop Having Fun Guy]] who treats [[Capture the Flag]] as [[Serious Business]]. Acts like the game is a real war. Only user of weaponry that could actually be found in military hands (everyone else's looks like they made it themselves). Most of his vocal lines sound like they come from [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]].
* The Pyro: the guy (or gal) who never talks and uses the weird weapons, but is somehow incredibly dangerous. An enigma: no one knows anything about him, but everyone runs in terror (or runs for [[Hit Points|health packs or the medic]]) when he comes through.
* The Demoman: the grenade spammer, who still uses the same tactics that dominated [[Team Fortress Classic|the previous game]]. Also the guy that prefers [[Guns Are Worthless|blades to guns]].
* The Heavy: [[Mighty Glacier|the guy]] who gets the [[BFG]] he can find and then mows everyone down with it. The guy who has little care for tactics beyond "Shoot It Until It Dies."
* The Engineer: representative of the [[Gadgeteer Genius|mod community]]. [[The Engineer|Builds things]] that augment the game and alter the course of battle.
* The Medic: [[The Medic|the most straightforward example]]: the player who does everything he can to be a team player and help other players survive. The guy who actually cares about winning.
* The Sniper: the camper who [[Glass Cannon|sits back and shoots people from long distances, because if he gets in close he's screwed]]. That guy who only uses the gun with the incredibly long recharge rate but [[Boom! Headshot!|kills in a single hit]].
* The Spy: the [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|team-killer]]. The stealthy evil asshole [[Knife Nut|who uses the knife almost exclusively]]. That guy on your team [[Magnificent Bastard|you can't trust]] because you know he's going to [[Heel Face Turn|eventually turn on you]], even if it's just [[For the Evulz|for the lulz]]...but you keep him around anyway because [[Recruiting the Criminal|you need him]].
Also notice that there are no female playable characters, a jab at the "no girls on the internet" joke. There is the obviously female announcer, but she's the one running the show; why should she kill people when she can make a dozen idiots do it for her?
== The game is a prequel to [[Killer 7]] ==
Line 1,092:
I'm ashamed I haven't thought of that earlier; we have people only named after their Classes (Medic, Spy, Sniper, etc.), we have them fighting for the Intelligence (the Grail) and territorial control is obviously used to get a sacred ground to summon the Grail.
== [[Team Fortress 2]] takes place in the same universe an [[Command and& Conquer]]: Red Alert ==
RED and BLU are secretly controlled by the Soviets and Allies respectively. [[Word of God]] states that The Medic was never a Nazi. That's because, in this world, the Nazis never came to power (but they still existed, enabling The Soldier to kill them) explaining The Heavy's willingness to work with The Medic. Also, Spies. In both universes they have the ability to disguise themselves as an enemy unit though some kind of holographic technology. (Not sure where the Empire of the Rising Sun fits in...)
* [ This video] will explain a lot. The Empire of the Rising Sun will be the new Orange Team.
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Soldier: 1960s, the most recent arrival, he used to fire on hippie protesters. He never expected one of them to fire back
Scout: 1920s, was a rumrunner for a bootleg gang (alongside his ma, who was dating the boss) killed in police shootout.
Demoman: Dark ages. He and his parents were sent to Scotland from the exotic land of Egypt to teach the king how to use explosives.
Pyro: thrown from the TARDIS in an unidentifiable place in the time stream.
Spy: French Revolution. A bastard son of the king, he used his wits and cunning to keep his head... until that barfight at least.
Line 1,140:
== Team Fortress 2 takes place in a [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]] style [[Groundhog Day Loop]]. ==
It seems as if it's always June 1968. And those who are killed are always resurrected.
== This game takes place in the same universe as [[Super Smash Bros.]] ==
Capture the flag, Soldier only, no items! Somewhat suggested by [ this].
Line 1,153:
== ''Team Fortress 2'' takes place in the same universe as ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four|1984]]''. ==
After the nuclear wars of the '50s, Oceania and Eurasia began to establish themselves as megastates, but this theory speculates that the 24/7 surveillance of everyone everywhere, brainwashing and revision of history took longer to establish. So while Oceania and Eurasia began waging their perpetual wars to consume resources, they also decided they could use these wars to kill (or at least keep away from the general population) a few [[Axe Crazy|axe crazies]] with....unique, personalities, and strong senses of national identity (even though their countries no longer exist). The battles keep the mercenaries away from the impressionable civilians likely undergoing preliminary conditioning, and use up resources (which is the whole point of the war). $400,000 for 12 seconds of minigun fire sounds like a good investment to me. Oceania is BLU, Eurasia is RED, and Eastasia was formed after the other two, and was not organized enough to contend in the battles covered by the game. And obviously, the Administrator is behind the whole thing with {{spoiler|O'Brian}} as a lieutenant and trusted advisor.
== Each class is designed as a counterpart to different races and/or factions of [[Warhammer 40000]] ==
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* The Soldier is a [[Space Marine]]. He fill in the role of the [[Jack of All Stats|well balanced fighter]], his primary weapon fires RPGs (though, being in Warhammer 40k's ancient past, it's much more primitive than a Bolter), and he also has the crazy [[Blood Knight]] attitude. His weapons show a distinct lack of chainsaws, but if there's any weapon in TF2 that would fit in Warhammer 40k, it's a pick-axe that does more damage the more injured it's user is.
* The Pyro is Chaos. This makes quite a bit of sense, given his ambiguous gender (like a certain [[Memetic Molester]]), fire based and brutal weaponry (matching the hellish tone of the Warp), and his general terrifyingness.
* The Demo is... a Chaos Space Marine, I guess. Like the Soldier, he has powerful weaponry, but thanks to his sword, is also adept at close range. Said sword is also haunted, and fills him with rage and a thirst for destruction.
* The Heavy is the Ork. Nuff said.
* The Engineer is the Adeptus Mechanicus. Technologically oriented, and does his best work outside of direct combat. He doesn't worship machines but, just as the Adeptus Mechanicus's prayers have a weird tendency to work, his [[Percussive Maintenance]] has an improbable success rate. He didn't always fit well, but recently, he's started using technology designed way before his time, and even replacing his limbs with machinery.
Line 1,183:
* Demoman ('Ah'm a black, Scottish cyclops!') represents the Third World, particularly African and Middle Eastern immigration to the West; a good Demoman is an asset to the team, but is nevertheless hated by everybody else for mostly invalid reasons. Demoman-Engineer antagonism represents the War on Terror.
== Medieval mode takes place in... ==
Soldier didn't just insult a magician, he insulted the one known as [[Zero no Tsukaima|"Zero"]].
** Thanks for the idea... To the Fanfic-Mobile!
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== Again, it's the world of [[Half-Life (series)|Half-Life]]/[[Portal (series)|Portal]], but not the past. TF2 is in the future. ==
While Chell was in stasis, Gordon Freeman and company crowbarred the Combine off the planet. With everything wrecked, first by the invaders and then by the war against them, civilisation had to be rebuilt, resulting in ''TF2'''s [[Schizo-Tech]]. Strange effects from the invasion also manifested in Australia, creating Australium. ''[[Portal 2]]'' is concurrent with ''TF2''; Chell will emerge to find things at a sort-of '50's-'60 level, hopefully encountering RED first. (Orange being closer to red than blue.) If she tells them about the Enrichment Center, RED and BLU will soon be fighting to posess it.
** And Wheately is going to get knocked down from space around the same time, get picked up by BLU (for obvious reasons) and lead them to Aperture.
== [[Team Fortress 2]] and [[Fallout]] take place in the same universe ==
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== The fight is still going... as TF2 ==
* Everything in what we think of as the TF2 Universe is actually real, except for the fights. Originally, the fights were ALL like Arena mode, as there were no respawns - you were dead. Increasing costs of repeatedly getting new mercenaries, and the advent of online gaming allowed TF industries to create what we treat as just a game, but is infact the same battles as were previously being fought by real people.
* Valve was created specifically for the release of TF2. The original mod had unwittingly stumbled upon thier mode of fight, so they bought the rights for it so they could make what was released as TF2. The previous games (Half Life, ''[[Counter-Strike]]'' etc) were created to establish a fanbase and a name for themselves, to ensure a huge volume of people would buy it, allowing for the maximum number of disputes to be solved.
* The characters are modelled on the greatest examples of the mercenaries that used to fight, including their actual backstories. That's why they all die so easily - not because they're just imitations of the real thing, but because the best are being pitted against the best, something that almost never actually happened.
* To hide their existance, RED and BLU collaborated to create the history we're taught. Due to fans wanting more depth to the characters, they started to release details of the real history (to ensure nobody started trying find out on their own), and recordings of the characters the game was based around - the Meet The Team videos (with modern software creating the "cartoony" style to help hide the actual identities).
* The videos create the apparent gamplay/story segregation because they were facing regular mercenaries, who simply were nowhere near as good as them, though in the game, they're facing other pros, so naturally don't seem as good. The fights are actually incredibly impressive, but as they're what we're used to, they just seem normal.
* Australia WAS the leader in technology, but have since used up all the Australium. As it's been redistributed around the rest of the world, the global IQ has increased, allowing other countries to create just as, and even more, advanced technology.
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* All the revealed backstories are not only true, but partly reveal how they became the best:
** Engies grandfather built the lifemachines, but came before the war truly started, so his grandson, who was eventually hired, had all his plans, and modifications of his own to add and make them even better.
** The RED spy was sleeping with a scouts mother (maybe even one of the Scouts brothers), and was so good he even managed to get her to keep the secret, until the BLU spy (his just as brilliant twin) discovered it. He murdered the heavy and soldier so brutally (he only really needed to stab them once each, but there's a lot more than that) because, despite being rivals, they were still brothers, and he was enraged by his death.
** The Soldier and Demoman actually met, and their friendship arose from their equal skills - while others were dying left right and centre, they regularly met on the battlefield, and struck up a friendship as a result.
** The Heavy and Medic also met, but before the war started - specfically, in the Gulag the Heavy broke out of:
*** The Medic WASN'T a Nazi, but joined the war as a field medic, as he wanted to save as many lives as he could. After being captured by the russians, and sent to the Gulag, he eventually went crazy as a result of seeing the horrors of war and the gulags. The reason why all the soldiers in the Gulag were tortured to death was due to the crazed medic - he was so enraged by the atrocities that had been commited, he wanted all of them to pay.
*** Eventually the friend he met in the Gulag, the Heavy, calmed him down as they escaped, forming an unbreakable friendship. As the Heavy grew up in the war, he had grown used to the guns only stopping when shelling was about to start, so became terrified of a lack of bullets flying, and forming his attachement to guns, especially ones that fired lots of bullets.
** The Scout, as a result of growing up with so many brothers, needed to be quick AND decent in a fight. Some of his brothers were so much older than him that the only way to not get beaten up was to be able to run away, and the ones only slightly older than him had had the same experience, so he needed to be able to hold his own. If you grew up where he grew up, you WOULD be dead, as you weren't trained from when you were young to fight (or flee) for survival. His mum was kind of a slut (and one or more of his brothers may be courtesy of the Spy (possibly even the Scout), explaining why he never met the Spy; the Spy had passed on/retired by the time Scout joined the fight), which is why there's so much fighting between the siblings - they all have different fathers, and want to prove that theirs is the best.
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== The world of [[Team Fortress 2]] represents the balance of life being upset ==
Seeing as we have a conflict between '''B'''uilders '''L'''eague '''U'''nited (creators) and '''R'''eliable '''E'''xcavation '''D'''emolition (destroyers), there seems to be some sort of Yin Yang relationship going on between the two teams; when one defeats the other, the aspects of life get thrown off balance.
== The respawn system is set with [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E5 The Rebel Flesh|The Flesh]]. ==
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== The Medigun can stay Ubered for as long as the Medic wants. ==
It just breaks if he uses it for too long, which explains the 12 second Uber in Meet the Medic, so the Quick-Fix can't invuln, and the regular Medigun can only Uber for 8 seconds because the Medic doesn't want to risk breaking it again.
== The Medic really does care about healing, and it's not (as his bio states) a wholly unintended side effect. ==
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== Medic has no idea what gender Pyro is ==
Despite cutting open his/her chest. By that point in the day, his [[Blind Without'Em|glasses]] were so covered in blood he was trying to shove the heart somewhere around Pyro's eye socket.
* That or he cut open Pyro's suit instead of having him/her taking it off and just let the healing ray fix the [[Clothing Damage]], as he did with Heavy.
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== Pyro supplies Medic with the bases for the mediguns ==
They look like modified firehoze nozzles. Maybe Pyro picks them up for him when s/he goes out to troll the Teufort fire department.
== Assorted Tinfoil Hat Ramblings ==
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== The battles are entertainment in-universe ==
Of the gladiatorial variety. The whole "two corporations secretly ruling the world" thing is just a storyline cooked up by the fight organizers. Seriously, it's pretty hard to keep a pitched gunfight secret, not to mention the mercenaries themselves--no sensible person would hire people that crazy.
* Well, a number of the maps are in far-off, abandoned locations, and the official description for one actually mentions people going out to watch the teams fight. As for the mercenaries themselves... well, do the brothers Mann really seem like ''sensible'' people to you?
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== The Foundry map holds the key to the identity of The Pyro. ==
The Pyro is not a he, or a she. Pyro is a robot, created by Engineer; (some of his eleven [[PH Ds]] could be in biological or robotic engineering), possibly as a prototype for the Manns, as transferring their brains into robot bodies would be an easy way to appease them while Dell could keep the life extender machine's blueprints for himself. The suit actually IS the Pyro's skin, and beneath the eyes of the gas mask are cameras, possibly in infrared. More evidence for this theory can be found in Meet The Spy: (One of the possible messages on the alert screen is ''The Pyro is/a Robot'',) True Meaning, (Dell lives with Pyro) and The Foundry map: There are photos in the RED team's room on Foundry, and a prominent bloodstain in BLUs. 1961 is the year the Unimate robot was first installed on an assembly line, while the neatly divided sectioned word fragments in the sign reading AU'''TO-BOR'''AX spell '''"ROBOT"''' backwards. While we're on the subject, guess who uses the ax? As for when Meet the Pyro comes out... maybe '''AU'''GUST of 2012? Alternatively,
an Australium Ax could be the Pyro's next weapon...
** In the Engineer update video, [ you can see two] robot heads in the background, and in the Engineer Update you can see [ a robot prototype] on the wall.
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== The teams were a package deal ==
At some point in time, some or all of the Red(and separately the Blu) team members met, either all at once or [[Everyone Meets Everyone|gradually inducting]] people into the group, and decided to team up to collectively bulldoze the competition, maximize profits and make them the world's [[Badass Crew|most badass mercenary team]].
== Everyone is related to/somehow associated with [[Team Fortress Classic|the previous generation]] ==
Either as descendants or proteges of the original. Well, we already know Dell's father was their Engineer...
== All the strange stuff in game can be explained using Australium ==
Basically, most of the things that are brought up in both this section and the Headscrater's one can be explained through the use of the wonder metal Australium.
Though it's only been mentioned once (in the Loose Cannon comic), and it's barely explained there, what little we know of it points it to be psyco-mimetic; meaning, basically, whatever you want it to do, it will do. It also is apparently slightly radioactive, and this radiation causes physical changes in those who are exposed (most prominently the growing of impressive moustaches, huge muscles, and a patch of hair on their chest that's shaped like their homeland, as shown by Saxton Hale).
Basically, my theory is this; everything in the merc's world (weapons, tool, the landscape, even the merc's themselves) either have Australium as part of their construction or have been exposed to a low level of Australium radiation.
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The Sniper's rifle "Charge" (Basically, as the Sniper stays zoomed in, the rifle slowly feeds radiation to the round in the chamber, increasing the reactiveness of the gunpowder inside it. This results in a faster round, which does more damage)
Respawn (Upon death, the Australium content of the deceased merc is forcefully removed from the corpse by the machines inside each spawn point, and refromed according to (again) a "set".)
== Abraham Lincoln being the original Pyro and the current Pyro's [[Mysterious Past|ambiguity]] are an in-universe coincidence ==